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go pure blood or successor ?

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so i've got a dilemma at hand


i love the BA no doubt about it,

but a DIYC sounds good to


if i go successor it would be this: 


founding chapter :   blood angels

chapter:                   Ordinem Sanguine

chapter master:    Lord Tra'hn

founding:             27th founding

homeworld:          cha'tgran

colors :                 ruby green with one red/white checs shoulderpad 

                            or  wine red with ruby green (like the flesh tearers but ruby green instead of black)

symbol :               a cross made from blood drops

strenght:              700

specialty:              (drop) Assault

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Im a huge fan of successor chapters - I have a "home brew" successor.  


I feel you can get more out of your models and the hobby with a successor - you can double them up as counts as anything with a bit of background and a good colour scheme.  This allows you the freedom to work other allies into your lists with minimal probs.

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Im a huge fan of successor chapters - I have a "home brew" successor.

I feel you can get more out of your models and the hobby with a successor - you can double them up as counts as anything with a bit of background and a good colour scheme. This allows you the freedom to work other allies into your lists with minimal probs.

Also - there's nothing like the satisfaction of knowing that the background, the colour scheme...everything about the Chapter is yours. It can be hard work, but like everything in life - you get out what you put in happy.png
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Have you put in a vow for the ETL? if you're lookin got start the painting in a few days it would be a good chance to give yourself a bit of encouragement to get on with it, and a great way to help the BA forum to reclaim our reputation for being the top dogs when the paint meets the plastic...

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no bad talk about our beloved BA or i'll put my chainfist up your armored ass you heretic :p

they are not boring, and the successor chapter will count as blood angels so BUH :p

i would pledge it but i am afraid i'm not going to make it, i'm still dragging boxes around and

my models are in a box, one of the 150 i have stacked here hehe so i just pledge it to myself to make

the chapter ;)

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Successor chapters, especially DIY are so cool. I love making up background and their own fluff for fun but i also make my own fluff for the blood angels. Like the sanguinor being a physical manifestation of sanguinius own spirit since he is in the process of reincarnation due to secret sanguinary priests from each chapter and the emperors own will, as well as the blood angels numbering in the thousands but keeping it a big secret from the rest of the imperium.


For tabletop reasons I prefer using standard blood angel color scheme with all of my army being very decorated, each marine unique with plenty of livery (blood angels take great pride aesthetics) and although I will always play blood angels as my main army incase I sell models to help pay for new units its easier to sell models that look like blood angels whereas a unique paint scheme may look great to you but not to many others.

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A small pledge is fine - even a single combat squad or a Sang Priest/Chaplain/Captain is better than not doing anything and you've got 3 months to do it in as long as the vow goes up before the 15th June.


ah ok and where can i enter? if the box with the models in it pops out i'll make a selection and pledge in :)

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Successor all the way.  The best reason that I have is that they allow you to take inspiration from, not only your parent Chapter, but everything else... YOU decide the heraldry, the panoply, the traditions and the style; you don't have someone else's ideas force-fed to you.  Plus a successor allows you to deviate in an infinite number of ways to emphasize what YOU think is important about your Chapter.

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A small pledge is fine - even a single combat squad or a Sang Priest/Chaplain/Captain is better than not doing anything and you've got 3 months to do it in as long as the vow goes up before the 15th June.

ah ok and where can i enter? if the box with the models in it pops out i'll make a selection and pledge in smile.png


(sorry - failing miserably at the fancy linky thing at the moment)

Enjoy - all you need to know is in there, and I hope we can convince you to add in a few more bits and pieces over the next few weeks!)

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The only thing I dislike about starting a chapter is how terrible the standard HQ upgrades are for BA's. So you can't build some badass Chapter Master/ Librarian that would function as a special character. Otherwise, I agree, it's much more fun.

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I use Mephiston with a heavily altered background and name.  Working on his conversion model, but it goes to show there is no reason why you have to do without badass characters simply because you're a successor.


And while its not so badass, the Sanguinor by pure fluff should be in every single BA successor chapter.  He's part of the bloodline/psychic power of Sanguinus.  And Astorath the Grim is apparently roaming between chapters, so at any point he may show up in your Successor to take care of Death Company matters.

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I like the successor route.  Especially a home made of a successor with little official fluff to not interfere with your own personal ideas (of course my chapter The Angels Vermillion have almost no official fluff and what they put in the 5th ed codex went against my homebrewed ideas!)


Also its fun to create homemade fluff for the characters.  Back in 5th when I used Astorath a lot he was my chapter master with the increased Red Thirst odds representing a chapter losing control.

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