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Next Blood Angels Codex

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So I know a new codex for us is far, far away but that doesn't mean we can't speculate as to what new toys we will be getting. Hell, I know I have been!


Since the storm raven is now usable by other space marine forces and the only true blood angels specific units are the death company and Baal variant predator, I think we could definitely use some more specific units just for us.


What do you guys think we will get/ want to see us get? In curious what others would like to see in our next codex

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how about a sanguinary priest as an HQ

a furioso libby dread as an HQ ( ancient warrior librarian )

a redemtion marine squad ( as in the novels, they fight twice as hard to earn back the honor they once had ) with RED FURY special rule  so +2 attacks and +1 initiative on the charge ?

a DC terminator squad

option artificer armor to buy for our HQ choices

make the cost like our brother marines out there, less points and more models/items

power lances and honor guard to be taken as regular choices

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I'd like to see army-wide Furious Charge as standard, or even better, a new rule that gives +1 I and +1 S on the Charge, like we used to have. :) Other army books like the Wolves and the Dark Angels have their USRs as standard with no rolling or ICs needed. To balance this, maybe a rule that forces us to charge if there is an enemy within a certain distance.

I'd also like to see Death Company Terminators, with a new plastic kit to boot. Since my other Chapter the DAs have a specialized Deathwing in the form of Knights, I think DC Terminators would be awesome.

Bring back Moriar the Chosen! And give him a proper blood-drinking rule. And while we are at it, give the same rule to Mephiston. devil.gif

Remove the Sanguinor and Astorath the Grim, or revamp their background if they need to stay.

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I'd like death company to have higher initiative and either cheaper or with a little more oomfff instead of a whole new cc oriented marine squad. Something to set our vanguard vets apart from our marine brod. A furioso librarian hq is an awesome idea I'd love to see, however we already do have a sanguinaty priest hq; name is corbulo and he's one hell of a tank with a 3+ save and personal 2+ fnp.


Something to make out captains more desirable like lower cost for war gear would be nice. Our own blood angel codex warlord traits. Last but not least off the top of my head I'd love for us to get some type of AA defense like flak missle launchers or flak options for our whirlwinds maybe.


Basically I want to see changes more so then new units that really set us apart as the kings of assault in the space marine codices.

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Now here's a thought - Do Codex marines now have more unique units than the non-codex chapters?


We have:

Baal Predators

Sang Guard (unless you equal them to Honour Guard)

Death Company

Sang Priests as IC's (different from apothecaries/sang initiates in command squads)

Blood Talons on Dreadnoughts (since a Furioso is approx equivalent to an Ironclad)

ASM as troops


They have:

Chapter Masters

Master of the Forge

Storm Talons


Landspeeder Storms

Artificier Armour

Bikes as Troops


What else am I missing?

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I'll take a crack at backseat codex making


Warlord Traits:

1) Visions of Sanguinius: add +1 to FNP rolls for all friendly models within 12" of the warlord

2) Black Rage: Warlord and his unit have Hammer of Wrath special rule.

3) Strike from the Skies: Your warlord and his unit add 3" to charge distance when using jump packs. Re-roll if your warlord has no jump pack.

4) Swift Strike: Within 3" of an objective, warlord and his unit have +1 Initiative

5) For Sanguinius!: One use only. Declare at the start of your assault phase. All friendly models have Rage and counter attack until the beginning of your next turn.

6) Masters of the Sky: When your warlord and his unit arrive using the Descent of Angels rule from Reserve and Ongoing Reserves, They can not be targeted by interceptor. Re-roll if warlord has no jump pack


Yay for pulling things out of thin air.

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How about changing red thirst ( which is pretty much useless) and give it a chance to play a part In the battle.


So instead of hoping to hit a 1 at start of the game, every time a codex ba unit charges an enemy model, they roll a die, on 4 or 5+ they can re roll any failed charge roll dice (1 or both)

It's supposed to be a spur of the moment thing,with assault units more susceptible, so I think that'd make it play better.


Astorath can add +1 to the result :-)

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You know...that Black Rage rule is actually really cool, fluffy and not at all overpowered. I really like it for BA.  All units charging get hammer of wrath? Really, really neat idea.

Totally agree.


I'm not sure on GW's intention but I like the idea of BA units needing to take Ld tests to restrain themselves in shooting (I.e. holding back) but get a big boost when changing. It's not popular I know, but the difference between BA and Codex is less structure and more genetic, and I don't like the points cost needed to cover pure bonuses and no potential drawbacks.

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You know...that Black Rage rule is actually really cool, fluffy and not at all overpowered. I really like it for BA.  All units charging get hammer of wrath? Really, really neat idea.

Totally agree.


I'm not sure on GW's intention but I like the idea of BA units needing to take Ld tests to restrain themselves in shooting (I.e. holding back) but get a big boost when changing. It's not popular I know, but the difference between BA and Codex is less structure and more genetic, and I don't like the points cost needed to cover pure bonuses and no potential drawbacks.

As someone who plays WH Fantasy, and has played the Orc Army book. Noooooooooooooooooo. I would rather me play my army, not the other way around. You are asking BA be the only rulebook that actively tries to hurt itself (besides daemons I suppose) when other books do not.

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Soups: Or you could run your army in a way that plays to that tendency anyway.


-Sanguinary High Priests

-Revamped special rules that actually make BA good in close combat again.  Let's face it, assault marines aren't very good in close combat without buffs, and the nerf to furious charge basically killed much of our close combat competence.  I don't actually care what these are per se, so long as they're functional.

-If we must roll for something, let us roll for RAGE (Astorath would suddenly become amazing)

-Give Dante an AP2 weapon he can use at initiative :cuss

-A real wargear section so we can customize our HQ choices and not feel compelled to play special characters.  (Also, give us characters with point costs that are competitive with other armies)

-Let us disembark vehicles if they move more than 6".  Seriously, its part of our fluff.  What good is a fast rhino if you can't get out?

-Make our veteran assault troops more distinctive than regular SM veteran assault troops


And hey, i'd be all for having to roll Ld to shoot heavy/rapidfire or be compelled to charge.  Or even get a free move during the shooting phase that doesn't stop us from charging (but does stop shooting).  Devastators never felt fluffy to me anyway.  Fast and agile, not stand in one place and fire.  You want fire support, that's what tanks are for.

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Soups: Or you could run your army in a way that plays to that tendency anyway.


-Sanguinary High Priests

-Revamped special rules that actually make BA good in close combat again.  Let's face it, assault marines aren't very good in close combat without buffs, and the nerf to furious charge basically killed much of our close combat competence.  I don't actually care what these are per se, so long as they're functional.

-If we must roll for something, let us roll for RAGE (Astorath would suddenly become amazing)

-Give Dante an AP2 weapon he can use at initiative :cuss

-A real wargear section so we can customize our HQ choices and not feel compelled to play special characters.  (Also, give us characters with point costs that are competitive with other armies)

-Let us disembark vehicles if they move more than 6".  Seriously, its part of our fluff.  What good is a fast rhino if you can't get out?

-Make our veteran assault troops more distinctive than regular SM veteran assault troops


And hey, i'd be all for having to roll Ld to shoot heavy/rapidfire or be compelled to charge.  Or even get a free move during the shooting phase that doesn't stop us from charging (but does stop shooting).  Devastators never felt fluffy to me anyway.  Fast and agile, not stand in one place and fire.  You want fire support, that's what tanks are for.

Not even Cruddace was that mean to Nids. The only units that has to feed that shoots is Raveners, Doom, and Pyrovores. Raveners have bad shooting, Pyrovores ignore it effectively.


Bolter DC, Tacticals, devestators, sternguard, and scouts. That alot of units to ask to stop working. Special weapons would have to be pretty darn free at that point. if I can't use my melta guns on that demon prince, and have to wack it with my chain swords? I love my assault squads, bit they have never done anything that...brave.

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As above, it's not just devastators, a lot of other units you want to be able to shoot with as mentioned.

Sternguard are not wanting to be in combat If they are wounding on 2+ on a ht, or wraithlord...


And id pretty much want to go infantry heavy against crons, so devastators are almost a must for support, a broadside from a barge will wreck any vehicle.


Also..in case you haven't noticed gw don't tend I write armies because they are really fluffy, or else why, for instance, would they not give ba storm talons.. Ba being aerial insertion and air support?


Or make a lictor go to instinctive behaviour even though they are a vanguard unit supposedly able to operate without the hive minds need to suppress.. Many many other examples I could give here.

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Ah but I never said what kind od penalty I'd expect to see! A failed Ld test could result in the unit struggling to control itself so they are distracted and suffer either a -1 to BS or have to reroll hits that turn. It could mean they become unable to move or assault that turn because they're stuck restraining themselves. This last one works well with a rule to give in to urges for the turn and receive an extra attack each (so useful when not charging).


It doesn't have to be a mad rush to assault the opponents as what characterises BA is their restraint, not their rage.

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You know...that Black Rage rule is actually really cool, fluffy and not at all overpowered. I really like it for BA.  All units charging get hammer of wrath? Really, really neat idea.

Totally agree.


I'm not sure on GW's intention but I like the idea of BA units needing to take Ld tests to restrain themselves in shooting (I.e. holding back) but get a big boost when changing. It's not popular I know, but the difference between BA and Codex is less structure and more genetic, and I don't like the points cost needed to cover pure bonuses and no potential drawbacks.

As someone who plays WH Fantasy, and has played the Orc Army book. Noooooooooooooooooo. I would rather me play my army, not the other way around. You are asking BA be the only rulebook that actively tries to hurt itself (besides daemons I suppose) when other books do not.



maybe roll a  D3 dice for each unit before the start of your turn, on a roll off 1-2 they fall for the rage and are reformed to a death company squad,

3-4 they pass and go on as normal, 5-6 they pass and add +2 attack on the charge after they witnessed a vision of the great angel himself and light up the fire within

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I think that gw should make our assault marines stand apart more from the crowd we are supposed to be beasts of close combat and amazing with jump packs in the imperium so why not give us 1 more base attack for jump marines equipped with bolt pistol and chainsword. Its not much but would let them stand out in cc a bit more
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I think that gw should make our assault marines stand apart more from the crowd we are supposed to be beasts of close combat and amazing with jump packs in the imperium so why not give us 1 more base attack for jump marines equipped with bolt pistol and chainsword. Its not much but would let them stand out in cc a bit more

I'm not going to poopoo your idea, but that will be hard, unless whoever designs it just says :cuss it."

WS 5: How did guys who were just scouts jump to DC level of combat? Everyone a captain?

A 2: Well, suddenly everyone is a veteran. Not sure why they lose an attack when switched to tacticals (Although, if we could buy a CC blade for tacticals, all my money)

But to expand on my hammer of wrath, I think I will shamelessly steal ideas from the Ogres Army book from fantasy.

Assault Squad. USR: Hammer of wrath

Special Rule: Strike from the Skies! (sorry, unoriginal person)- if you roll a 9 or more on your charge roll instead you get a d3 Impact Hits tongue.pngHammer of Wrath hits.

I don't think a bucha extra AP- hits would be horrible. It keeps in mind that assault squads need to assault to work? Eh?

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Jump troops already have Hammer of Wrath if they use their jump packs to assault...


I don't see any reason why Blood Angels assault marines aren't what tactical marines graduate to in blood angels.  With how much BA favors assault, there's no reason for them to follow standard marine doctrine and promote scouts into the assault division.


Anyway, some thoughts (not necessarily meant to be all at once):

-All Blood Angel models have Rage (or instead of rolling for furious charge, we roll for rage on each unit)

-All Out Assault - Blood Angel units are never disorganized when assaulting, no matter how many units they assault.  (Retain all bonuses for charging when you assault multiple units).

-Airborn Assault: Blood Angel models with a jump pack may make use of it in both the movement and the assault phase each turn.  When used in the assault phase, roll 3d6 for charge distance in addition to all other benefits.

-Mechanized: Blood angel units with a dedicated transport may disembark regardless of how far the vehicle has moved that movement phase.  (If the vehicle would otherwise allow them to assault after disembarking, they may declare a charge in the assault phase)

-Overcharged Engines: Fast blood angel vehicles move twice as far as normal when moving flat out, and gain a 5+ cover save when doing so.  (If we're going to overpay for our rhinos, we should get something for it)

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  • I would like to see some of our HQ's and get eternal warrior and have their weapons adjust to take advantage of their high initiative.

Give the Baal's flamestorm cannon the torrent ability like the helldrake and dreadknight have.

Give our assault marines the ability to take bolters as well as the two close combat weapons to give them a bit more shooting capability while keeping the bonus for having two assault weapons.

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I think the codex should have everything good from the other codices +1.

As long as they tone down the BLOODFISTSBLOODTALONSBLOODBLOODBLOOD thing, I really don't care what they do. I've given hope on codices being impartial and balanced a long time ago.

With an amount of luck comparable to the number of pi decimals, plastic sisters might have happened by then and I'll be able to use Baal predators and land speeders. Well, if Forge World ever makes a 'convert marine pilots to sisters' kit, that is.

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