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Next Blood Angels Codex

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Maybe, but again they don't really work without additional armor saturation.


I've decided, what I really want from the new codex is a giant 12" Death Company model, since this is the direction GW is going with Riptides and the upcoming Wraithknights (sarcasm - it seems that this is no longer a MINIATURE model game, which saddens me.)

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  • 7 months later...

I'm generally expecting a change in costs so things become much cheaper like codex SM and a wider range of equipment choices.

Sang guard should be able to maybe take invun buffs or have better equipment?


Meph may hopefully get 3 psychic choices or 4 and has a wider range to choose from.

An invun save would be perfect.


It would be even better if he was able to join units.  If he cant that's fine but invun please.


Cheaper Vindicator would be good like the codex ones.

Maybe a cheaper Baal predator?

I use 3 Land speeders with hvy bolters - that's 18 shots to support my BA and can shoot flyers and anyone at 36 to which I have had success.

They are i think 20 points each cheaper than the Codex Space marines ones.

They are ok points wise.


I've been reading about flyers on here and BA players use of them.

Wether we get another flyer or not they are vulnerable to ground fire as my mate found out using his marine storm raven against my chaos last nite.

One lucky shot with the soul grinder and it went down.  By then i had tabled his army 9-1 points wise and was about to kill his last units by the 3rd turn.

I have a storm raven but taking it is a points sink when aegis does its job.

Its to risky to transport guys in.  Its cheaper and can be more effective drop podding. 


The whole BA concept is fast and hard hitting with more decent from the sky rules.

The army needs to be built around this more with maybe cheaper drop pods / raiders  / flyers or assault units.

Maybe with some who can assault who come in on turn two apart from vanguards.

Dante should be able to assault turn 2 with vanguards vets. 


Looking at the new nid codex we need some decent firepower or really good HTH combat to defeat them if we dropping into combat.

Currently BA is too overpriced as we all know.

Its do able but we are disadvantaged with costs now.


Grav guns might be good

They are nasty if used well.

Id like a couple to use. My mate spammed them and killed my BA army fast with his white scars a few nights back.

We were making crazy tourn builds.  My build was not effective but has since changed. His build last nite was wiped out by my daemons army.

Too many grav guns, he needed meltas to beat my army and others in a tourn I think.

Grav is a useful tool but you need to balance it. I charged him with my khorne flesh hounds and he needed some meltas to kill them outright in one hit each; which would have helped him more. Grav guns needed 6s to hit.

Against the new nid armys its good to have a few meltas if required with T4 W2 two models around.


Speaking of gravs Centurions i dont think suit our play style.

They can lay down mean grav gun and missle fire i note however if you running a gun line against anything with 3+ save.

They might be ok but are very expensive.


The new Inquisitor rules with servo skulls have nerfed our scouting baal preds, so 50% of tourn games you may find you cant scout it then hit fast.


Will be interesting to see the new builds offered.


Tycho is dead so time to maybe get rid of him?

If hes died i find it strange hes still in there.


Like Sgt Naman of the Dark Angels.

He died so they got rid of him. Its simply legend and they moved on.

Maybe BA need someone new to step up, like that one of the characters out of the novels.

All the codex marine leaders and characters haven't died in fluff yet.

BA needs a tidy up and re vamp if i dare say so lol

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UltraBlood, on 23 May 2013 - 04:11, said:


I would like to see some of our HQ's and get eternal warrior and have their weapons adjust to take advantage of their high initiative.

Give the Baal's flamestorm cannon the torrent ability like the helldrake and dreadknight have.

Give our assault marines the ability to take bolters as well as the two close combat weapons to give them a bit more shooting capability while keeping the bonus for having two assault weapons.


Eternal Warrior: Why? Take a Storm Shield and whatever tanking Artifacts Blood Angels get. Eternal Warrior was handed out like candy last edition, then it was given in more measured draughts (i.e. Daemon Princes don't friggin' have it), then they started ramping it up again. The real problem is ID mechanics. I can see Dante having it, but that's it, really.


Even then I would say either give Dante a swifter axe OR Eternal Warrior. Both is kind of point-and-click.


Then you go and reference Heldrakes (seriously game breaking) and ask for ultragrit... eh. Come play Chaos if you want all our goodies (and even then you won't get what you want).


My thoughts:


Artificer Armor on more stuff.


Change Sanguinor background so it does not anger me. Somehow.


Moriar the Chosen. End of.


Different rules for Shrouds as opposed to banners. It's something cool from our background that I don't see represented. EDIT: Also Cleutin.


Red Thirst: No more rolling. For every player turn a Blood Angels unit (except tanks) is not in close combat, it gains a Fury counter. Each Fury counter grants a special rule to the unit; these are cumulative. After the first round of close combat the rules are lost, and the process of gaining Fury counters restarts when the unit is out of combat.


1- Counterattack.

2- Hammer of Wrath (or +1 to the Strength of Hammer of Wrath if the unit already has it).

3- Relentless (Dreadnoughts and Terminators may choose one weapon each to fire twice)

4-Furious Charge

5- Rage

6- Hatred


When a unit wins in close combat, it must take a Leadership check modified by number of Fury counters expended (-1 for each) in the last round of combat. If the test is failed, the unit may not Sweeping Advance. This test is taken before the enemy's Morale check, and if the unit taking a Red Thirst test fails, the enemy's Morale check is taken at -1 Leadership, in addition to other modifiers.


This represents the Blood Angels controlling their rage and channeling it for brutal assaults; however, the more furious their combat, the more likely they will be to succumb to the Red Thirst. If you can restrain your troops and coordinate assaults, you can thus wreck enemy units in assault; using Chaplains and Sanguinary Priests, you can mitigate the possibility of not Sweeping Advancing; if you really work at it you can do several such devastating charges a game.


Chaplains and Reclusiarchs (HQ): These guys help control Death Company and brothers struggling with the Red Thirst, but since they split their spiritual duties with the Sanguinary Priesthood their inspirational abilities are not as pronounced. Reduce the modifier to Red Thirst tests by one if a Chaplain, two if a Reclusiarch. Lose Liturgies of Blood (should be Litanies of HATE anyway).


Lemartes: He's controlling the Black Rage and is the most effective at communicating with the Death Company. Units of Death Company accompanied by Lemartes may reroll failed Red Thirst tests, and reduce the modifier as if he were a Reclusiarch.


Mephiston: Mephiston has beaten the Black Rage, though he sometimes slips into bad habits. When Mephiston gains a Fury Counter via Red Thirst, he has a chance to gain an additional counter on a D6 roll of 6. Takes Red Thirst tests on 3D6. Also, he's not a damn Daemon Prince (or tougher than one), thank you, Mat. Reduce his ridiculous stats in return for letting him join units and getting an Invulnerable.


Sanguinary Priests and High Priests (HQ): Sanguinary Priests help their brothers harness the Red Thirst, and the vital fluid of the Chalice curbs the worst of its excesses. Units within 12" of a Sanguinary Priest gaining a Fury counter have a chance to gain another on a D6 roll of 6; Death Company and Mephiston instead gain another on a 5+. Additionally, at the end of an assault, any unit involved in the same assault as any Priest taking the test has any D6 past the first for Red Thirst tests are converted to D3s (since they've got the good stuff).


Corbulo: At the end of an assault, any unit involved in the same assault as Corbulo automatically passes Red Thirst tests (he's got the good-good, as my trailer-trash buddies say).


Death Company: When the unit gains a Fury Counter via Red Thirst, it has a chance to gain an additional counter on a D6 roll of 6. Add Rampage. Can split into sub-units. Bigger groups of Death Company can add Terminators.


My thoughts.

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But of course. I came up with that in like a half hour after some cursory reading of Blood Angels stuff. I'm sure it can be improved.


B&C keeps eating my post. And screwing up formatting.


For those who want MOAR:


Warlord Traits:
1- Wrath-Drunk: Your Warlord begins the game with a Fury counter, but suffers -1 Leadership to all Red Thirst checks.
2- Terrible Rage: If a unit on your Warlord's side fails a Red Thirst check, the enemy unit must fall back a further D6".
3- Grace of Sanguinius: Your Warlord's side may reroll the D6 to add to their Initiative to Sweeping Advance.
4- Wisdom on Wings: As long as your Warlord is alive, units rolling to arrive via Outflank roll two dice and discard one to determine table edge arrived from.
5- In Memoriam: Your Warlord and any unit that can draw line of sight to him has Crusader.
6- Angel's Eye View: Roll on the Divination table once at the beginning of the game. Your Warlord may use that power once per game as a special ability (not as a psychic ability). You may exchange for the Primaris.


Psychic Tables: Divination, Biomancy, Telepathy, Blood Angels.


Chapter Traits:

Blood Angels: Red Thirst.


Flesh Tearers: All units gain Fury counters as if they were Death Company; Death Company units and Mephiston gain their additional Fury Tokens on a 5+. If Gabriel Seth is taken, as long as he is on the board all units take Red Thirst checks at +1 Leadership.

Blood Drinkers: Sanguinary Priests and Sanguinary High Priests add additional Fury Counters on a 5+, and 4+ for Death Company and Mephiston. Chaplains, Reclusiarchs, Lemartes, and Astorath increase their positive modifier to Red Thirst checks by 1.

Lamenters: Your units never need to test for Red Thirst. However, your opponent may reroll up to five of the following in any battle: one die for Warlord Traits, one die for table halves, one die to deploy first, one die to Seize Initiative, one of your rolls to discover Mysterious Terrain, one of your rolls to discover Archeotech, one of your rolls to discover Mysterious Objectives. He must abide by the reroll.

Knights of Blood: All units begin the game with a Fury counter and may gain additional counters as if Death Company; Death Company and Mephiston gain additional counters on a 5+. Red Thirst checks are taken at -1 Leadership in addition to all other modifiers. Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Space Marines, and Black Templars are Allies of Convenience; Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Grey Knights, and Sisters of Battle are Desperate Allies. Chaos Space Marines are Battle Brothers (what with having fallen for so long and a Khornate Warband running around with their name).

Angels Encarmine: Death Company sub-units may be 12 strong for power armored troops and 6 strong for Terminators.


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I think what you said has made the most sense from everything I have read in awhile.  I think the Fury Tokens idea could work.  From a fluff perspective, the -ld modifiers make a lot of sense as they struggle to control themselves to make a sweeping advance.  Like the idea of the Chaplains and Priests buffing our units to 'control' the Red Thirst.  Very fluffy overall, fingers crossed we get something like this.

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I must agree with the fellas, the Fury Token system is a nice and original way of representing the Thirst on the table-top. Extra kudos for giving us Tearers a bit more angriness. smile.png

Also, haven't seen you around these boards for a while, so welcome back!

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Yeah, and most people I know paint up spare bases  and write FNP on it or FC etc...  It's easy to keep track that way by placing the token with the unit.  If something like that was introduced, I'm sure we would all adapt quite quickly.  Would slow it down a bit, but nothing drastic.  


Every army has some sort of game mechanic that requires additional rolling after some phase or another.  It becomes fluid once you get use to it.

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Not to look like the nay-sayer of the group but don't you think the token idea a bit 'fiddley', don't get me wrong the red thurst needs sorting out yeah but i feel the tokens would slow the game down a bit? Kudos for thinking it up and its just my hounest opinion i mean i couldn't of thought anything like that up!


A bit fiddly, I guess, and the way DC/Meph units gain accelerated Fury, how Chaplains reduce the Red Thirst modifier, and how Sanguinary Priests add tokens could all be streamlined- I'm going to work on that after my residential wiring class if I don't collapse in a dead heap (four hours of sleep in the past four days, no good). But I'm okay with nuanced complexity. As for slowing the game down, there's a learning curve for any rule like this but once you play for a while it's a snap. Just gotta remember those tokens.


I'm sure if I ever play a game this edition with my Chaos I'll start memorizing Boons of Chaos at some point... or any of our other random "fun" tables.


its the same as dark eldar pain tokens...


Similar idea, different execution. But I feel it fits the fluff pretty well. And once you got a feel for the chart and remembering to add counters it'd be a snap.


Yeah, and most people I know paint up spare bases  and write FNP on it or FC etc...  It's easy to keep track that way by placing the token with the unit.  If something like that was introduced, I'm sure we would all adapt quite quickly.  Would slow it down a bit, but nothing drastic.  


Every army has some sort of game mechanic that requires additional rolling after some phase or another.  It becomes fluid once you get use to it.




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