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Mephiston questions


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Hey all,


currently in the process of making my own Mephiston model because he looks fun to use.


However, I notice he lacks an Invulnerable save and isn't an IC, both strange for a HQ.


Since he can't join squads, I was thinking maybe I can surround him with friendly units to block the enemy's LOS. Can you do that?


And without an invuln save I guess AP 2/1 is a real problem for him... :l

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Doubt you'd be able to completely block LOS (unless you use a Rhino/tank of some kind) but you can certainly stick a friendly squad in the way to give him a cover save... AP1 or 2 can be nasty, but he's fairly good at hiding for most of the game and very few things will Instant Death him...

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Run him behind cover or roll him behind a tank to block LOS.  Additionally you can use him as objective denial with a tank to shield him, allowing him to hit most units who try to take the objective once they come into charge range.  While he's great at killing squads, he's not that great at killing characters.  Keep him safe and he's just fine.  I think he's one of the best "horror" units of the game... lots of people devote WAY too much attention to him, allowing the rest of your army to do its job.

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To be honest, meph will go trough anaything without a 2+ and or a better init than him


Choose your target carefully and your opponent will have a bad day!


I always keep a sang priest close to him, as mentionned above since he is T6 he can get isFnP roll against anything!


And friendly troops will give him a 5+ cover save BTW

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Its a bit of luck factor, but if you have the points to run a Divination Libby near him (and the buffs make it quite worthwhile), there's about a 1 in 3 chance to pull the 4++ invul power each game.  Meph with a 4++ and FnP takes a ton of firepower to remove, and by the time the opponent realize he has spent his entire shooting phase to knock 2 wounds off an HQ, he should be setup properly for the rest of your army to rip him in half with chainswords.


Of course, this is partly psychological, using Meph as bait for the big guns, but even with just his T6 and FnP, he stands a pretty good chance of surviving a turn or two in the face of things that would absolutely destroy the rest of your units.

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Mephiston is a Scalpel. A 250 point Scalpel. He will hang back a bit and them make his move to go for the juicy parts he can pick off with ease. Basically, your army becomes and extension of his assets, and they need to eliminate threats to his well being, or redirect them. Once this is acheived, he can jump down a flank and then hook inwards for the kill. 

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Mephiston is a Scalpel. A 250 point Scalpel. He will hang back a bit and them make his move to go for the juicy parts he can pick off with ease. Basically, your army becomes and extension of his assets, and they need to eliminate threats to his well being, or redirect them. Once this is acheived, he can jump down a flank and then hook inwards for the kill.

This is how I have used him to great effect. His psychological impact can be huge against people that do not play against him very often. Talk up his MC stats before the game to get them to take the bait.


He is so easy to keep out of LoS of most things that can hurt him anyway.


I have run him with a refused flank deployment, put him on the opposite flank from the rest of the army. Makes for a tough decision, shoot Meph and the 200 points of mobile cover or the rest of the force. Just be sure to not spread him too far away from the non refused flank. You want them to think they are going to be able to get a shot on him and pull their big guns out of position.

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Other then weapons that will outright kill regardless of toughness (and plasma spam) there arent a great many things Mephy should fear :) avoid 2+ saves on your enemy and just butcher scores of his troops :D


Dont use him personally but can understand how deadly he can be. Defenite high fear factor for some people :)

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I ran Meph today against my friends Crowe list.


Had Meph run up my right flank and podded in two fragiosos and a dc dread right in the middle of the board. My friend lost three rhinos, and moved Crowe over to handle Meph.


I talked Meph's transfixing (spelling) gaze up a bit, and my friend bit hard.


He moved Crowe out, thinking Meph was going to rush right in. Dc dread came over and killed Crowe with a (lucky) melta shot!


I never planned on fighting Crowe with Meph, but my buddy sure thought I was thinking about it.


Meph didn't do much actually, he only killed seven purifiers. (mop-up duty) What he did do was eat up two turns of shooting from two squads of purifiers with 4xpsycannons.


Just echoing what everyone else is saying really, if used like a big scary scapel, Meph will shine.

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Don't forget to use UR in the opponents assault phase.


He is pretty much guaranteed to kill a tank in CC at S10 with 5/6 attacks no problems there. Get that thing to explode and consolidate into the crater for a cover save.


Pop a transport with troops you know he can take. They have no choice but to charge him on their turn or get run down by him the next. Either way he wins.


He will die to a lot of small arms fire like any model. Keep him covered and have fun with him. He is resilient so you can try new tactics or shenanigans with him and he is more forgiving to bad choices.

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Against the riptide you can go into melee if you have enough health left. He only needs to fail one armor save to be instagibbed, and has a hard time hurting you back. Daemon Princes and 'nids with the right powers active eat him alive, and against many of the big tyranid thingies its a big gamble due to shadow in the warp.



Get that thing to explode and consolidate into the crater for a cover save.


No consolidation move after destroying vehicles :/

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Theredknight, on 23 May 2013 - 07:58, said:

Can you add corbs to him?

if he is an independent unit in his own right, and sang priests can join units, corbs could tank some wounds and swap about a bit with meph?

No, ICs cannot join units that are always comprised of one model.
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Pop a transport with troops you know he can take. They have no choice but to charge him on their turn or get run down by him the next. Either way he wins.



Also unsure if troops that disembark from a wrecked transport can charge in their next turn. I remember an issue with this a little while ago. I need to check.

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Of course, as long as he's alone msn-wink.gif Mephi don't share his pimpmobile!

edit: @Marshal He's comparable in points cost, but he has a very different role. While he can't take on 2+ armor saves and doesn't have an invul, he has the statline of a MC while being the size of a normal marine, take advantage of this. By using terrain wisely you can sneak him to the front line and take out specific units in a surgical strike.

Usually you can't hide MCs, they just rush forward and smash faces, not so much with Mephi :)

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