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Badab war characters and you.

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I got myself both Badab War books for a graduation present. After lovingly reading them, they sat on my bookshelf for about a year until 6th edition dropped. Now with all of the furor over Imperial Armor units being allowed in regular 40k, am I now allowed to use the 21 space marine HQ units in regular games?


Few things would make me happier, but before I go on a modeling spree, I would like the community's opinion.

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Badab stuff came out before they started marking things like that though I believe... By all means use them in regular games as long as you discuss with your opponents first!!!!!


Few of them are particularly overpowered, but your opponents might appreciate a few minutes to read through their rules first as they might not be familiar with them.

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I agree with Leonaides. As long as your opponent agrees, you can use whatever you want. I wouldn't be taking it on a tournament or so but for a friendly game... why not?

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I don't see why you wouldn't, especially after they got FAQ'd and errata'd.


Other than Sevrin Loth, none of them can really compete with Vulkan for power anyway (though most are undeniably cool).


Remember that both Asterion Moloc and Ivanus Enkomi have been updated in IA12 as well.

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