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Does Corbulo give a 4+ FNP?


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Long time lurker and looking forward to finale having the time to get back into game. Been a playing BA since 3ed. So just as the topic say. What do you think if you read the rules for the red grail and FAQs. It does seem to suggest a 4+ FNP from Corbulo. I know that it is from pre 6th and I think it is just that, I would use the standard 5+ from th BRB. I have yet to find anything on b+c on this one and wanted to know if any play or have even notice this one.
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Where do you see such a suggestion? The rule book states that feel no pain is standard 5+, unless bracketed differently.


From FAQ:


– Brother Corbulo, The Red Grail.
Change first sentence to:“All friendly units chosen from Codex:
Blood Angels within 6" of Corbulo are subject to the Furious
Charge and Feel No Pain specialrules”.
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I have never tried it, but i've heard people using him as a tank, taking over 30 saves before he dies.. Id say that gives value back and then some..! But you can be unlucky, roll a few ones, and hes gone.!

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I want to kitbash one myself, but i dont know how to make that red grail thingie.. and the other thingie on his arm as well.. So i might buy the actual model when im done with my first vow, and see what i do from there.. Either make him as he is, or use my sanguinary guard pieces that i like!

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i've never used him, but from what I've been reading on this forum he makes for a good tanker with his +2 feel on pain. my next list has him in with my assault squads just to see how he gets on. haven't got the dex in front of me but with s6 and rending attacks and far seeing eye I think he might be a regular with me. just get a stand in for him (if obviously your oppo is ok with it.) and try him out.
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We have a house rule in our group, never to play without atleast proxying something..! :P Not always, but we get to play around like we want to, seeing as everyone has only played for less then 5 months, and we are all still learning.. :)

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We have a house rule in our group, never to play without atleast proxying something..! :P Not always, but we get to play around like we want to, seeing as everyone has only played for less then 5 months, and we are all still learning.. :)

best way of doing it. you've got to use somethin a couple of times before it works and it saves money, so try him out in a couple of small games in different rolls /squads and see how you get on. post it if you can coz I for one would like to know how you get on.

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Does Corbulo offer value for money in the eyes of BA players?


I've said this a few times in a few threads and I dont mind saying it again :)


Corbulo, in my mind, is the best value for money, all round utility unit the BA have to offer.  Point for point, pound for pound he is incredible.  

Some lists dont rock priests though,or some have only jump units- and in that case, its fine - no worries.  But for any list with a regular priest, make it Corbulo.


Just as an overview:


He has 5 attacks on the charge at Init 5, S5 (with rending).  While this is not super killy, its sturdy enough to chomp a host of Characters (not ICs).  His  2+ FNP is near broken.  The amount of small arms fire he can tank makes him better than a terminator.  Its like having a 2+ invulnerable.  Since hes an IC, any Instant Death shots coming his way can simply be LO,S! away from him.  

Thats not even including the FNP buff he gives.


On top of that, the ability to reroll 1 roll of any kind is absolutely incredible and a gamechanger. (The fact that Fateweaver gets something like this every turn is NUTS) 

Some players have said theyd pay 50-100 points for that reroll ability alone.  


If you play razors, rhinos, raiders or pods, or have a foot list, then Corbs is a great addition.

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As long as the wound is AP4 and up, you get to make your 3+ armor save. If you get hit by an ap3/ap2 weapon, and you dont get any cover saves, you get to make your 2+ feel no pain.

However, if you get shot by something like a meltagun, or higher strength then 8, or its melee has the instant death special rule, you will not be able to make your feel no pain, as that doesnt work against instant death. Also note that ap4+ and strength 8 and above will let you roll and 3+ armor save, but not the feel no pain.

That is however, when you roll your Looking for Sir, and as he is an IC, you get to make that on a 2+.

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I've just kitbashed one and tried him out. For 105 points, he is rather nice. That personal 2+ feel no pain has many uses. He has above average stats and rending S6 attacks on the charge.


I don't think he can get the +1str from FC since his chainsword has a fixed value, so only str 5 for him.

Other than that he is a real bargain, also taking into consideration his 1 reroll. 

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There is probarbly no true answer for that.. It will always be situational..

In one game, you might want to reroll a scatter dice, in another, maybe even to seize the initiative..

Generally tho, you want to use it before corbulo dies..! ;D

Will you be able to use the reroll if you miss your feel no pain roll, and he dies? He is after all slain then, and the rule says that if he dies, its no go..

Unless you mean the armor save instead, i guess..

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