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Thinking nurgle


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I am thinking about starting a chaos space marine army. I am drawn to nurgle because I like the decay and disease mythology and the models.


I am new to 40k having been a fantasy player and do want an army that is competitive. I will be facing necrons a lot but also orks and blood angels.


Can you give me an idea if the nurgle CSM are a good build and their tactical options. How the army plays etc.


Thanks for any help.

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There are many popular choices for us in Nurgle, such as a Nurgle bike Lord is always a popular choice; tool him up with a Black Mace and Burning Brand of Skalathrax and he'll be a mean character.
There is so much in the CSM codex that is great for Nurgle, and you can have fun doing it. It all really depends on your play-style and what you want your army to be like :).

- Malatox

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How competitive are your necron players? Necrons have a few play styles. But all in all you can usually forget about beating them in close combat due to necron lords mindshackle scarabs and wraithes. They also have alot of S6/7 weaponry spam (these attacks also jump onto nearby units). They can play alot of flyers. They can potentialy ensure it is night fight. Etc etc etc. If they play the usual competitive lists, I don´t see all that many armies being better. 


What you have to field is basically what is good in the chaos codex. So as many heldrakes as you can and obliterators with MoN to stock up on melter. Then resilient troops, if zombies are a no go, this is of course a shame. Then you would have to go with a chaos lord with MoN. I´ll have to admit that I have had success with a ML 3 Sorceror who debuffed the wraithes toughness allowing me to instant death them much quicker and also making the destroyer lord less resilient. 


But all in all, you will have to make some good plays against a tournament style necron army with chaos. They bring cheaper Tanks, cheaper fliers + more of them, well protected troops, hard punching close combat (aswell as resilient) and cheap fire support.

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Well the necron player isn't a hardcore tournament player. He is inexperienced in 40k like me but will be my regular opponent because we live close to each other. I have no idea what he will pick in his army but I don't think he has invested in a hardcore cheesy army. I think he will go for something balanced. If the necrons are that tough which army can take them on out of curiousity?
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Erm. Taking on necrons. Hmmmm. Grey Knights can stand a chance against wraithwings due to force weapons. Imperial guard vendetta spam can stand a chance against the flyer spam. Chaos stands a good chance due to having fairly tanky units on the table, thus being more difficult to table. 


In my experience you stand a chance as long as you manage to take out enough wraithes and bring down 1 of the necron destroyer lord before he reaches you. Then you kind of have to sacrifice one unit a turn to keep the wraithes away from important units. 

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Erm. Against Wraithwing possibly thanks to the volume of fire. The lances would be fairly good against necron heavy support. However, Dark eldar are very frail and necrons jumping shooting attacks could potentially ruin alot of their vehicles and infantry squads. 

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Well I actually play both Chaos and Necrons quite a bit.... As a Necron player Imperial Guard annoys me to no end. Although I haven't played them yet, I imagine the new Tau will as well. And it looks like Eldar will potentially have -the- antiflyer. I see Eldar with decent skimmer protection again, and good psycher skills giving me a real headache.


Actually I just got whooped in a tough scenario with my Necrons vs. Imperial Guard. The reason I mention this is you will find in this game there is a bit of rock/paper/scissors going on. Chaos has a bit of an uphill battle but it's certainly doable.


If your friend keeps it to 2-3 flyers (the transport flyer variant is cheapish, but not that survivable nor that punishing.... it's no Vendetta.) But I would say a 'typical' (non-full flyer list) Necron army is probably going to counter a Zombie list quite heavily. I find myself that Necrons are extremely potent in 24" range, but outside of that it kind of sucks. However at 24" the amount of small to medium firepower they can bring to you will make you weep. ;)


That 24" rule is just  basic thought I would get into your head as you make lists. The 24" gives you an idea of the 'bubble' you have to deal with where things get a bit nastier.  Close combat wise Necrons can't really go toe to toe with every guy you have, but they have a few very specialized units that are hard as a rock.

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Thanks Prot, that's really helpful. I have got the CSM codex, and put together a list with some long range shooters in there to combat the necrons. I would appreciate your views on the list. I don't think he will go for more than one flyer to be honest. He isn't that cheesy a player and wants to have a variety of units in his army. I still think he will go for hard hitters, but I expect a balanced army.

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Our group probably won't allow special characters unfortunately!


Argue against this. 'Special Characters'  Don't exist anymore. They are 'Unique Characters' and are a lot more balanced than when they had the old 'Special' status, and were only usable with your opponent's consent.


Take Drach n'yen. 3rd edition, it gets one attack. If it hits, you die. Invun saves only. vehicles auto penned. Abby was around 250pts?


6th edition it gets D6+5 attacks at S5 AP2, Abby is what, 275 pts?


The characters are some of the least broken/overpowered things in some books. That your group would allow 3x helldrakes, but not Typhus is silly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are many popular choices for us in Nurgle, such as a Nurgle bike Lord is always a popular choice; tool him up with a Black Mace and Burning Brand of Skalathrax and he'll be a mean character.

There is so much in the CSM codex that is great for Nurgle, and you can have fun doing it. It all really depends on your play-style and what you want your army to be like smile.png.

- Malatox

Unfortunately both the mace and bbos cannot be on the same model, only one artifact per model. (As much as I would like otherwise.)

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