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so im getting into nurgle

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after taking quite a bit of time away from the hobby a buddy of mine has gotten me back into the game i love by gifting me a bunch of plague marines. ive played against nurgle quite a few times in the past though it was under the old book and before that that happened so im not as experienced with the new stuff as much as id like so im turning to the B&C for some help.


he gave me a great grand total of 26 plague marines. 1 kit bashed into a sorcerer which i can easily convert back into a plague marine with the right bits. 2 champs with power swords and 1 champ missing an arm. 3 guys with plasma guns. and then the rest are the normal bolter or bolter and plague knife. most of them are finecast but 7 of them are the old metal.


so i have enough to build 3 squads of 7 with some left over for conversions.


ive looked at quite a few of the topics here and i get a good consensus that spawn, daemon princes, nurgle bike lords/bikes, heldrakes, autocannon havocs, obliterators, typhus/zombie bombs, and of course plague marines are the norm for nurgle lists. and ive also read all or at least most of the reasons why. so i wont ask for any advice or answers about them.


my question to all of you is what about all of the other stuff in the book? i like the elites choices of the army as well as the heavy support. and im big into converting. im not looking to go super crazy competative. i want a fun all around list that will win some and lose some.


thanks in advance





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Well, I'd suggest you take your idea of three units of seven, and run with it. Maybe, convert your Champs to have Powerfists/Poweraxes? And definitely get two special weapons in each squad. I, myself, run a Flamer, a Melta and a Plasma squad and I feel that they're great, but the internet would probably suggest you go down the route of dual Plasma or Melta.

With Nurgle, you have a lot to choose from to make a fun and slightly competitive list, so it's really up to you. I'd definitely use Typhus for a Zombie list, as they seem super fun, and you can have some supporting units of Plague Marines as troops added in.

If you're into converting then I sincerely suggest the Helfly conversion, it's my favourite way of representing the Heldrake.

Have fun with your army, and if you have any specific questions, ask away :).

- Malatox

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ive thought about converting up that helfly! what are the components for making it?


ive thought about converting zombies and spawn out of fantasy ghouls and crypt horrors but im not entirely sure i want to go down that route yet or not.


i was thinking of doing mainly power armour and vehicles. rhino mounted squads. a couple drakes. maybe some bikes for flanking. and some heavy tanks. in my meta vehicles are still fairly popular. and i also dont want to have to go crazy painting a crud ton of infantry.


are nurgle sorcerers very popular?

and what are some good load outs for a nurgle lord in power armour?

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That is the way to go - best way to win.


Sorcerers have certainly received a boon this edition - but I wouldn't go so far as to say popular.


In terms of load-out, entirely depends on role - what do you want from him? Typically, a bike plus both Lightning Claw and Power FIst is ideal.

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Well, obviously the fantasy Arachnarock Spider (sp?). But how you go about it is up to you, the thrusters could be made from pipes and plasticard, with bitz added in to make it look more Sci-Fi.

Sounds like you'll be running an army similar to mine. I find it fun, and as Nurgle is quite expensive (but points efficient), you'll probably have a low model count. That means you won't have to painstakingly paint through a whole bunch of models.

I haven't used them, but I think the dedicated powers for Nurgle are the best in the book. And then you can use Biomancy and the like to really make a monster out of your Sorcerer. 

Some people like to put their Nurgle Lord on a bike with Sigil of Corruption, the Black Mace, the Burning Brand and watch as he ploughs forward towards your enemy to wreak havoc. I, myself, use a Lord with Sigil of Corruption, Melta-Bombs, Combat Familiar, Power-Axe, Gift of Mutation and Mark of Nurgle. I know it's sub-par, but this codex let's you have so many toys to play with that you can have fun with. I's suggest proxxying a model, and playing around with the load-out, finding one you are happy with and then building your lord.

- Malatox

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sweet thanks for the replys!


do you guys typically run your champs with upgrades or are unit champs just played stock? i have the ones that my buddy built with power swords and bolters but was thinking of just not taking swords and swapping out the bolters on the models for plasma pistols, or would combi-plasma/melta be a better choice? in my last marine army i used to run sarges with power fists and combi-plasma/melta because in codex marines you cant get multiple special weapons.


i like the conversion BTP did for MWG by mixing bugs and the drake kit and i know quite a few bug players so i should be able to find bits but that spider would be an awesome idea too. i was also thinking of parts from the vamp dragon. and is it a must that they be equipped with baleflamers?


so another question, that could probably answered by my meta, but im still gonna ask it is this. is it better to go all plasma? all melta? a mix of both? i run into alot of marines, chaos or otherwise,  but they usually arent heavy on the terminators. there are quite a few tau players now. and thats honestly it now adays lol. i think there is a sprinkling of others like crons and stuff but mostly the first 2.


i kinda like the forgefiends with plasma though the hades cannons seam pretty sick too. and the model would be fun to convert. what do you guys think of them?


are daemon allies worth it? im not talking the epi tally bomb. i dont want to run that. i mean like other daemon stuff.


are havocs and obliterators a must? i know they are strong against tanks and can be strong against flyers but are the an auto include. i see lists and they always have them included. always marked nurgle. and always with autocannons.

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Given our Champs tend to die pretty quickly in CC, the best thing to give them (if anything) is a Lightning Claw. Best chance of killing opponent. I simply wouldn't invest much more in them, just a waste.


I'm a Plasma fan, but Melta does have distinct benefits - especially if you actually get down and dirty. I'd probably lean towards a mixture of the two - maybe two squads of one type, and one of the other.


Baleflamer is probably the best choice - but Hades isn't bad to be fair to it. Hades otherwise is useful on the Forgefiend - although I must admit, I like running it as an Ectofiend! Again - this'll be dictated by preference. Probably easiest to run with Hades.


Wouldn't bother with Daemons. At all.


Oblits, I think so. Havocs... less so. Havocs can be very useful - either Missile Launchers or Autocannons are positive - but I'd want to make sure all my other options are in place first.

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thanks! i was kinda leaning towards just giving them combi weapons of some sort. never really thought about a lightning claw. the combat options seem a little meh with the initiative 3. especially against my more normal opponents, though against some even that is a good step to fight at.


i love both plasma and melta. you read my mind on the 2 units of 1 and 1 of the other. i think thats what ill end up doing.


i always hear people loving on the baleflamer but i honestly like the hades too. and it would probably be my biggest way of dealing with flyers. i think the dual hades on the fiend would be nice though the ectofiend is more what im leaning towards if i do one lol.


ok i was just curious on the daemons. i like some of the models but i just wont worry about them then. saves me money.


dont get me wrong i like oblits but not being able to fire the same thing every turn kinda turns me off of them. though i do get that it just takes more tactics then but still. is it better to do smaller groups of like 1 or 2. or is 3 the only way to fly?

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