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My Blood Angles: Sanguine de Luz


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Hey guys, I finally created a chapter that is unique to my style of play with a fluff that I think is appropriate. I've been wanting to do this for a while and finally found a few hours to create a history. Let me know what you think!

Chapter: Sanguine de Luz


Founding: Unknown

Homeworld: Unknown

Chapter Master/ Psycher: Chief Librarian Santi

Symbol: Light Blue Blood Drop

Color Scheme:


Standard – Blood Red, Light Blue

Veterans – Blood Red, Gold, Light Blue

Sanguinary Priests (Healers of Sanguine) – Blood Red, White, Light Blue

Bikers – Blood Red, Silver, Light Blue
Librarians – Blood Red (all armor), Light Blue (cape and F Weapon)
Death Company – Black, Blood Red,Gold, White


Although, it is unknown which millennium the Sanguine de Luz were founded, the ancient records and sacred codex documents that Epistolary Santi departed from the Blood Angles chapter after 300 years of service.  He believed that the Blood Angles’ inherent flaw of the black rage and red thirst could be cured through psychic discipline. Thus Epistolary Santi founded and initiated the first brothers into the Sanguine de Luz and became the first Chapter Master and Psycher.  In contrast to nearly every Blood Angle’s successor chapter, the organization of the Sanguine de Luz requires an

Epistolary to lead each company of battle brothers, and places heavy emphasis on recruiting and training potent psychers. For this reason, it is not uncommon to see several Librarians, Epistolaries, and/or Librarian Dreadnoughts take the field of battle at once.

Chief Librarian Santi believes that the black rage and red thirst can be controlled through psychic measures. When a brother of the Sanguine de Luz becomes overtaken by the red thirst, he has lost control of the psyche and becomes overwhelmed by visions of the Primarchs final battle against the traitor Horus. This shift in the psyche grants enormous advantage and allows Death Company brothers to fight like no other mortal, for they have tapped into a psychic rage. Librarians often lead entire companies of Death Company and have had mild success in reversing the red thirst in brothers who become completely overtaken by its fury. If a librarian is present, Death Company brothers may be seen fighting alongside fellow Assault Marines – the librarian is gifted in temporarily controlling those brothers overtaken by the red thirst.


Reclusiarchs, Chaplains, Sanguinary Priests and Captains still fulfill vital roles in the force organization chart, but their roles are much more specialized. For this reason, Captains are known as Combat Masters, Chaplains/ Reclusiarchs are known as Communes, and Sanguinary Priests are known as Healers of Sanguine.

During the battle on Hothius, four companies of Sanguine Luz were vastly outnumbered and nearly overrun by the Ork Warlord, Gal’Kahn and his hordes of orks. The Sanguine Luz dropped a fifth company of marines in attempt to aid their brethren. However, the drop pods were intercepted and scattered the company far away from the central battle. It appeared that the reinforcements would not arrive in time to turn the tide of the battle. In a desperate and improvised attempt, the scattered company ambushed a large wave of ork bikers. After a bloody massacre, the Sanguine de Luz high jacked the bikes and roared across Hothius to flank Gal’Khan and put an end to a month long battle. Since this time, the brothers of Sanguine Luz prefer using several units of bikes and have become particularly fond of attack bike squadrons. Most companies have at least 8 bikes and 12 attack bikes in their armory. Furthermore, the company places greater faith in mobility and features Assault Marines in larger number than their Blood Angles counterpart.


Force Organization:



Chapter Master and Psycher – Chief Librarian Santi, Master of Light

22 Epistolaries

35 Codiciers

18 Lexicaniums

6 Acolytum

7 Librarian Dreadnoughts


Chief of Commune – Moraxim, The Grey

2 High Communes

5 Communes



Chief Combat Master – Ganicus, The Angle Whisperer

6 Combat Masters

Sanguinary Guard

Chief of Guard – Brother Antioc

9 Sanguinary Guards

Office of Priesthood

Chief Healer of Sanguine – Brother Ada, Mender of Wounds

31 Healers of Sanguine


21 Techmarines

87 Servitors

15 Predators

29 Baal Predators

6 Vindicators

3 Whirlwinds

11 Land Raiders

82 Stormraven Gunships

Fleet Command

Brother Marcus, Keeper of Airways

2 Battle Barges

6 Strike Cruisers

14 Strike Vessels

32 Thunderhawk Gunships

4 Thunderhawk Transporters

1st Company (Sanguine Elite)

Epistolary Valquez, The Fallen One

80 Veterans

5 Furioso Dreadnoughts

2nd Company (Blood Riders)

Epistolary Herschell, Guardian of Suffering

1 Tactical Squad

2 Assault Squads

4 Bike Squads

12 Attack Bike Squads

3rd Company (Angles of Death)

Epistolary Luiz, The Forerunner

2 Tactical Squads

5 Assault Squads

2 Bike Squads

6 Attack Bike Squads

4th Company (Torchbearers)

Epistolary Mathius, Lord of Codex

2 Tactical Squads

6 Assault Squads

1 Bike Squad

4 Attack Bike Squads

5th Company (Blood Fangs)

Epistolary Galvin, The Blood Psycher

2 Tactical Squads

6 Assault Squads

1 Bike Squad

4 Attack Bike Squads

6th Company (Angles of Light)

Epistolary Slocum, The Lightbringer

2 Tactical Squads

6 Assault Squads

1 Bike Squad

4 Attack Bike Squads

7th Company (Blood Diamonds)

Epistolary Astion, Master of Treasury

2 Tactical Squads

6 Assault Squads

1 Bike Squad

4 Attack Bike Squads


8th Company (Wings of Sanguinius)

Epistolary Griffon, The Winged Champion

8 Assault Squads

2 Bike Squads

5 Attack Bike Squads

9th Company (Vengeance Rise)

Epistolary Samuel, Serpent of Death

8 Devastator Squads

4 Dreadnoughts


10th Company (Angles Prime)

Epistolary Noel, Keeper of Initiates

8 Scout Squads

2 Scout Bike Squads

41 Unassigned Neophytes

Chapter Rules:

The Psycher’s Reins
At least one Librarian (including an Epistolary/ Chief Librarian Santi) or a
Librarian Dreadnought must be fielded in every battle.

Bikers of Sanguine
At least one unit of scout bikes, bikes, or attack bikes must be fielded in
every battle.

Special Characters:

Chief Librarian Santi, Master of Light

After serving as an Epistolary for the Blood Angles, the Master of Light felt the red thirst seeping into his psyche. Sensing that he was succumbing to the thirst, he desperately used his raw psychic abilities to produce a warp gate that guarded him from becoming an instrument of death. While he could sense visions of the Primarch’s final battle with Horus, this warp gate prevented him from completely losing his soul. Nevertheless, the Primarch’s strength and valor touched Santi and transformed the Epistolary into something else. He gained incredible power in his physical and psychic forms –
a power that was unparalleled by other mortals. However, word quickly spread of the Master of Light, and the inquisition began to investigate the matter. They were convinced that Santi had become a creature of Chaos – that his power could only stem from worshipping the false gods. But Santi knew otherwise. He knew it was the blessed genoseed of his beloved Primarch. He fled the imperium with a handful of his most trusted brothers and founded the Sanguine de Luz, a proud chapter in exile. It is unknown where the chapter dwells except by the brothers who call themselves Sanguine de Luz......


For all extents and Purposes, Chief Librarian Santi is treated the same as Mephiston from Codex: Blood Angles




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Looking good, Brother. I've always liked the thought of a space borne chapter. Too bad the Lamenters has such a difficult paint scheme.

I found this.


I find it inspiring.


Wow, maybe I'll get around to a whole codex someday haha. First things first - I have a LOT of dudes to paint. I would love to finish 1 or 2 companies with some of the armory goods as well. We shall see....

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