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1000 pts Blood Angels vs Tau Help

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Tomorrow I have a game with one of the better players in my community who runs a variety of lists, all Tau.  My record against him is terrible.. 1-6-0 and im looking to start changing that.  But with the new codex and new units, I've been having an even harder time against every Tau player I come across.  We usually play 1850-2500 point games but tomorrow we are only doing 1000 points. I'm hoping to get some insight into how to beat Tau armies at lower point games.. any pointers and criticism on the list i'm currently bringing would be greatly appreciated. I just wish I knew what HE was bringing so I could be a little better prepared but wheres the fun in that, eh? I am fairly certain, however, that he will be trying to squeeze in a riptide and marker-lights, as well as some broadsides.  Not sure about flyers which is why I'm keeping my storm ravens out of this list, although I was debating on an aegis line with quad gun.


My list so far before any revisions...


Divination Librarian w/ Jump Pack and Force Sword - 125

(Prescience and ???)


Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack and Lightning Claw + Bolt Pistol - 90


Assault Squad Alpha (with Librarian) x5 w/ Jump Packs, Power Sword, Infernus Pistol, Meltagun, Meltabombs - 145


Assault Squad Bravo (with Priest) x5 (same load out)


Landspeeder Tornado Squad x3 w/ 3x Heavy Bolters and 3x Multi-Meltas - 180


Attack Bike Squad x2 w/ 2x Multi-Meltas - 100


Sternguard Veteran Squad x6 w/ 4x Combi-Meltas, 2x Multi-Meltas, Drop Pod - 215



My game plan with the list is to start the game with the speeders and the bikes hidden with the 2 assault squads and the sternguards in reserves.  My first turn I will try either move the bikes/speeders up into multi melta position and drop the sternguard down in range to melta something important, or move them up and keep them in cover while putting the sternguard in a position where they can kill something and not get hit by his entire remaining army. Once the assault squads come on they will go hunting to mop up the remaining opposition/infantry before moving out to secure objectives themselves... this is what the Priest's squads main job will be while I would like the librarian to provide buffs for my bigger guns as long as possible before moving to on objective with his own squad.  My biggest concern here is lack of anything that I would consider pretty durable. All of my units need to hit hard, hit fast, and more importantly hit FIRST or they will be wiped out by superior fire from the Tau. I'm trying for the first to use speed to my advantage instead of outgunning or charging head first into the Tau gunlines like I always have in the past, and I am not sure if this list is a step in the right direction or just complete fail.


Like I said, any and all criticism would be greatly appreciated... Tau are not an army I have learned to effectively tackle yet.

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Priority one is scaling up the assault squads.

From the amount of melta in your army I assume you're expecting lots of AV/high toughness targets. Is this really going to be the case? If not that's a good place to start trimming points to get more bodies.

Drop the Infernus pistols from your assault squads. Take the claw off the priest, at this points level he probably needs to be naked or he needs the two ccw bonus so give him a sword. Multimeltas in Sternguard is an interesting choice. I think if you're concerned about the amount of melta shots you'll be getting then 2 more combi-meltas would be better as once you blow up something with an AV value the special issue ammo will be more useful.

AssCans on the speeders so the weapons have the same range OR go twin heavy bolters/typhoon so as to stay out of pulse rifle range. I can see those doing horrible damage to speeders. Suggestion above to drop one bike and make a squad of 3 and a speeder is also a good shout to find the points for those extra assault squad bodies.

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I'm going to try tweaking around the list to add more bodies. Not sure if I should shoot for two 10 man squads or 3 5-6 man squads though. Also will lower the amount of meltas and maybe even it out with some flame/plasma


On a side note, what do you think would be the best way to handle a riptide? And do you think vanguard vets have a place in this army?

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Overall, I like all of the choices you've made (some of the stronger units in the Codex). With that said....


Your Sang Priest and Librarian are only supporting 10 men right now - kinda a bad ratio for the buffs they allow. As mentioned above, more bodies is key. 10 man squads are cheaper and can still break down to 5 man squads (more specialized when needed).


As for your Land Speeders - they have 1 HB and 1 MM each? I'm sorta confused if this is the case. I'd go with more MM attack bikes, or 2x HB Land Speeders. Perhaps up the bike squad to 3 MM and take 2 HB speeders.


You may want to look into saving some pts with your Sergeants. 2 Infernos pistols, p swords, and m bombs are costing you 70 points! For that price, I'd grab another Sang Priest to drop with your Sternguard or even brother Corbulo if you can find another 35 pts. After all, you've invested the most points in this unit. Personally, I like taking P Swords with my flamer AM's squads - they'll never be charging 2+ armor units (or shouldn't be anyway). Melta gun squad Sergeants can take a Melta bomb and call it a day.


Speaking of Sternguard, I'm not sold on the multimeltas. You already have several in you list, and think plasma guns are generally better weapons for this unit.


I don't really like Vanguards to begin with (I just think DC are the better CC unit), but especially don't see a place for them in this list.. You'd have to give up the Sternguard most likely, which I think are a better unit.


Your Sternguard can deal with the riptide (although this may be a suicide mission). Plasma/ melta shots will do some damage, and their special issue ammunition can wound on 2+. If you can drop and get some rapid fire shots on that suit, it will hopefully go down in one turn. If not, finish him off with the MM's/ Melta Guns. Alternatively, if your Lib has a Force Axe, you can use him to hunt down the riptide and instant kill him in CC.


Ultimately, you know your opponent better than I do, so take everything with a grain of salt and good luck!

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I have to agree with BAHERSH, I don't like multimeltas in drop pods, The drop pod has to do maximum damage on arrival and you are snap firing. With the 6" disembark in 6th edition range shouldn't be an issue so either drop to meltaguns for synergy with the combi-melta, or plasmaguns for rate of fire.


If your opponent uses plasma on his suits rather than the melta option, take advantage of fnp working on AP2 weapons now and stick the priest in the pod with them, for the cost of his JP you can add another sternguard too.


Personally I don't like HB & MM land speeders so I'd drop them to add a third MM attack bike and run all 3 as separate units and maybe spend the spare points beefing up the Librarians assault squad. 

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