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1000pts Nurgle and some advice against eldar


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Hi Guys,


Ive just got back into 40k after a 5 years break, ive got my hands on the new codex and 6th ed rulebook as well as my plague marine army. i could really do with some pointers here asive got my first game lined up in a week, heres my list as well as my opponents Eldar list. Any tips for either as well as how to play under 6th ed would be good!



Chaos Lord - 130

MoN, Jump Pack, Murdersword, melta bombs



10 Khorne Bezerkers - 250

PW, Rhino



8 Plague Marines - 247

2 plasma, PF


8 Plague Marines - 277

2 melta, PF, Rhino


Heavy Support


Obliterator - 90


total - 1000pts


I need help with the lord more than anything, got a conversion im really pleased with but means i cant drop the jump pack, however the weapon i can change from a murdersword to anything else that a massive 2 handed axe could represent!


my opponents list has the following...




2 x 10 guardians with starcannon


10 dire avengers


6 striking scorpions


wraithlord with starcannon




4 dark reapers.



thoughts and advice for fighting would be great. also which elements of his army should i take care to destroy/avoid etc?


Thanks in advance for any help!

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i cant say to much on your list as i have just started playing chaos myself but i can help with your opponents.


and honestly it doesnt seem like itll be terribly tough. the hardest part you will have at least that i can see with what your taking is the wraithlord and the reapers. most of the other stuff he has wont be as effective against your plague marines because of your high toughness and feel no pain. he will want to kill your berserkers early or at least the rhino they are in because then they have to slog it. your lord has no where to go so youll need to hide from his shooting and with no invuln will go down pretty quick to his better ap weapons.


his psychic powers will cause you problems especially doom and guide.


itll be an uphill battle if he can pop your transports early and concentrate or your more dangerous unit. but than again im only saying that cause im new to chaos.

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First of all, if you're REALLY keen on keeping your Lord with the Jump-pack, I'd get some bikes or spawn to go with him instead of the Bezerker Squad you've listed. They'll be able to keep up with him and would increase his survivability amazingly. Also, the Murder-Sword isn't really needed against Eldar, as with a Power-Axe you'll be wounding and killing the exact same in Close-Combat, only a little slower (which won't matter as Eldar are faster than us anyway). I'd use A Power-Axe for certainty.

The Plague-Marine Squads seem fine, and will be tough enough to duke it out to the end of the game hopefully. I would however try to fit a Cultist Squad in, if you do remove the Bezerker Squad. They'd be good to sit at the back and camp on an objective.

The Obliterator is always a nice choice, and I can see that the points restraints stop him from being teamed up with more of his Cult. Be careful with how you move and deploy him; he may have 2 Wounds, a 2+ Armour Save and a 5+ Invulnerable, but he will go down to dedicated fire or lots of anti-infantry fire. Deep-strike him, then keep him in cover and use him to demolish prime targets such as the Falcon and Dark Reapers.

The Scariest thing in his list will be the Wraithlord, and you'll just have to whittle it down with shot before biting-the-bullet and getting into combat with it. Luckily, Plague Marines have Poisoned-Weapons, so you'll be able to wound him on a 4+.

Anyway, good luck and have an enjoyable game!

- Malatox

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