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My DIY Chapter


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I recently painted up some Stormtalons and Stormravens for my DIY chapter.  They represent some of my first experiments with weathering (on the painting side) and a lightbox (on the the photography side).  I hope it's not too many images.




















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And a Dreadnaught.  I bought it used and repainted it, so it's a bit gloppy in places.  (Dang, is there any way to change the topic title now.... ?)






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I have only a simple background for my DIY, whom I have taken to calling the Vigil Marines. (I don't think that name's taken.) They are (in my mind) one of the twenty chapters guarding the Eye of Terror, off on the flank, where they patrol for Xenos and Chaos that have managed to filter out of the Eye, bypassing the Gate by more dangerous routes.  I figure the Vigil Marines are a mostly Codex chapter, derived from the Imperial Fists.  I have painted the occassional mention of Imperial Fist and Templar lore into the scrolls and such.  (Sigismund being the most obvious example.)  The chapter symbol is a cross, which I figure was an Imperial Fists legion mark before it became the major heraldry of the Black Templars.  Hence it has descended to this chapter.  They have some minor deviation of insignia - notably, the shoulder rims are always gold and do not vary by company.  Some special weapons have red or yellow helmets, so I can tell whose carrying what from above.  I like the DA bits, and I used a lot of them in building my infantry. Organizationally, they field a greater than average number of bikes and fliers that they use in their period sweeps of the (mostly unpopulated) planets in their territory. 


When playing, I wanted a DIY chapter from which I could field a force for various Marine Codices as the whim takes me.  For a while, I ran a C:SM bike army, then played a C:SW force, now I'm back to C:SM in anticipation of the (hopefully) forthcoming new Codex this year.


BTW, thanks for telling me how to change the topic title.



Yeah, the bases do lack something - maybe I'll redo them with some chunkier gravel bits or other decoration.



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  • 1 month later...

I finished up three Vindicators (part of my ETL vow):









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I like 'em.  Very dirty (and also a bit blurry), well segmented colors, and they're Vindicators, which on its own is an automatic B- right out of the gate regardless B)


The two things I would work on.  One, photography.  I've tried several different cameras, lightboxes, etc. myself so I know it can be frustrating :P  


Second, freehanding.  Practice practice practice that freehanding.  And unless you're going for the WW2 graffiti look (which some folks do), work on writing in a more dramatic font.  Old English fanciness is super hard, but adding in some jaggedness and a few flared tips will go a long way.  Of course that all comes after writing in straight lines with same-sized letters (looking at that rear hatch)

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I finished the trim and weathering on a Landraider Crusader and a Drop Pod this evening. I also tried messing around with the camper and lighting. 






The lettering is a bit fancier.  Maybe still too crooked.








I think I've decided I hate the Drop Pod model; it was a pain to put its insides together.  (Who decided the podium bit in the center should be assembled pointlessly from five seperate puzzle pieces?)

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  • 10 months later...

It's ETL time, so that means finishing off the detritus on my painting table before starting on my first vow.  These Centurions have been waiting on me to finish them for months.  Finally got around to it:




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