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Red Corsairs: Cult Name and Painting Help

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Hey Everyone,


Im generally new to 40k, and starting my first army. I have had my eyes on the Red Corsairs, due to the fluff and their ideals as a chapter. But, I was wondering two things:

1) Is there a Cult connected to the Red Corsairs as of yet and what is there name.

2)If there isn't (or just in general) could I make a cult, and could I possibly have a majorly cultist army based off the Red Corsairs. Cults are Chaos fueled rebellion sects on Planets who call on the aid of a space marine chapter through a chaos god to help fight their rebellion. My idea for this Cult is that, like the Red Corsairs, they are Space Pirates of sort, but being normal and such, don't use giant Imperial Ships. Instead, they use salvaged or captured Imperial vehicles to go around and raid Imperial strongholds and merchant ships, particularly passing Rogue Traders by leeching aboard, starting a mutiny and then steal the goods and taking all the parts before scuttling the ship. I know the fluff is possible, but is it possible with a cultist army to fight many major armies (ie Orks, Space Marines) in a good fashion.


I am going to start my army on the Chaos Cultist 5 pack anyway, but need to know where to build from there and what colors to paint my Cultists.


Thank you in advance,

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To my knowledge, they don't have a specific 'cult' attached to them.  The Human auxiliaries with the Red Corsairs are just former Pirates that they've taken over and moved into the fold, or former members of Badab's PDF force that went with them (though I think most of them dropped flags when the then Astral Claws were getting their faces smashed).

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That said, it wouldn't be too improbable for some sort of "warrior cult" to spring up amongst the mortals. The Red Corsairs attract just as many mercenaries and pirates as they do followers of Chaos.
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Alright, the one thing I need to ask since it is possible, is that a good idea for a mostly, if not all, cult army. Would the cultists have enough fighting power to take on other normal armies, such as space marines. I eventually am going to add the captured flyers and imperial vehicles, but that wont be for a bit, so I need to know if I could fight even a small amount of space marines. I know, because of the low point value, I could get more cultists per space marine, but if the army wont even stand a chance, then there is a problem of sorts. Im good at fighting as an underdog and using tactics to over power, so that may help me out. Just want an outside source.



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Thank you all. Ive been asking this around on other forums as well, and have come up with this: 


My army will be part of a Chaos rebellion. A small group of Red Corsair sorcerers went to a planet (to be determined, but some sort of hive or death world) and began to praise the ""True Emperor". Thinking it the real Emperor (brought along with a little magick), they followed the advice to step up planetary defenses and fight off any intruders. The Imperium got wind of the chaos forces on the planet, and came in the kick ass. As the planet fell, some of the civilians of the cult and some PDF fled to space in salvaged and stolen Imperial vehicles (Valkyries and the like) and set off into space to join the Red Corsairs quest. They sail space in their small craft, hitching rides and robbing Rogue traders and merchants for more supplies. It will be a mix of Catachan Imperial Guardsmen (probably) and cultists, with maybe a few Red Corsairs as generals and psykers. They will be in tans, browns, blacks and greys, with blood red to identify them on armbands and symbols. Vehicles will be customized, with names on the side as they are crewed and "loved". 


Any ideas on this. The mixture allows to take down the largest foes, while keeping the chaos cultists. Thank you for all your help as of yet.

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