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I got it on EBook at christmas. It's pretty good, if a little frustrating for the first half of the book. It also has one of those "Going on to the future" ends, which is a bit disappointing - the climax feels like the middle. Which, I guess makes sense since it's a backstory, but...

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Actually, I'm pretty impressed with the GW EBooks. They format quite well for my Kindle.


The fact they're usually 60-80% of the price is nice, too, although Shadowsun is overpriced any which way.

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Yeah, it is going to be a trilogy. I liked it ok. I found the narrative approach of all the main characters knowing more about what is going on than we do a bit annoying. It kinda stopped me being engaged in the story rather than the intended effect of making me intrigued.


I liked the renegade librarian more than anything else in the book.


Also, I agree that BL stuff formats really nicely onto a Kindle - I get all my BL stuff as ebooks now. There's no scrolling or whatever at all to be done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I'm pretty impressed with the GW EBooks. They format quite well for my Kindle.


The fact they're usually 60-80% of the price is nice, too, although Shadowsun is overpriced any which way.


If you want them even cheaper you can just change your region.


I saved about 20-30% by changing my adress to Hurr Burr Minnesota.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right, I've finally got round to reading and now finishing Ahriman: Exile.


I thought

it was a very interesting take on his early days after casting the rubric. Basically suffering from despair at what he had done and pretty much an outlaw with a massive bounty on his head was a nice way to explain things.


When we pick up the story with him he is riding with a low level chaos warband as he would be able blend in and not raise too many eyebrows but then the way he finds allies in loyalists that have been driven into exile much like the Thousand Sons were during the heresy was very cool. After all Ahriman isn't a follower of chaos but nor can he just waltz around the Imperium as a good guy.


Admittedly the "setting of the scene" took a while but I suppose we had to understand the state Ahriman was in and how he had been living. That kind of thing couldn't be glossed over too quickly. I liked how little by little he started to rediscover the powers he had denied himself and that finally at the end he accepted everything and realized that him casting the rubric had actually given him ultimate control over them all. I suppose that was another reason why Magnus was so pissed and set to destroy him.


Ultimately it was a little sad that he had to destroy Amon because in the end that was one of the few remaining Thousand Sons and a damn good one at that; Magnus' equerry, founder of the corvidae and the first magister templi.


Anyway, while it wasn't a ground breaking book I did like it for the extra background it filled in and the new take it gave us. I reckon about a 7/10


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