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lovely gorey aegis line

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i'm building a khorne army and i have a ready supply of bits of guardsmen, i was thinking that khorne might well make a barrier out of piles of dead people. what do you guys think? little too much?

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I agree with Atarius, it does sound like a lot of work. Personally I'd use a regular wall or barricade and decorate it with plenty of skulls and slain guardsmen. Maybe even crucify a couple of IG, that would be nice devil.gif or simply fill any breaches in the wall with a pile of corpses.

Either way it sounds like a great idea.

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If you can do it well, mutilating the parts, adding the odd protruding bone from limbs, etc...then I think it would look extremely good, and very fitting for a Khorne army.

Some crucified or skewered foes would make good anchor points for sections of the 'wall' itself.

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Before I post this link, I would like to pitch a few ideas to you:

Instead of finding a way to make guard bodies fit together, try making a "skeleton" of the wall you want, then glueing guard bits to that. For example, take a piece of card and glue the Guardsmen's body parts to it. Try cutting some torsos and legs in half vertically and gluing the cut halves to the card. You could also make a frame out of leftover Sprue.

Now, this link is from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. If the link doesn't work, there should be a button that says impatient? Just click this and it should work.




This should give you a good idea or two on how to work this idea. Hope it helps.

- Alexos

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Make a foam wall or something... Cover with bits... Make casts of bits if you are up to it and want to save a lot of $$$.


Something simpler would be to add spikes to a wall, and then bits of your friends to the spikes... Remember spikes makes everything into the Chaos version. 


Anyway... It could look cool but it would take a lot of bits if you don't plan it carefully.

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  • 1 month later...

The Wall of Martyrs already comes piled with skulls and dead gaurdsmen around the base of it. The aquilas I believe are glue-on, so you could deface them or do icons or somethign instead. Cut the floor down the middle, and now you have a defense line instead of trenches.





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