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Fallen Angels in my IW Army


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Insane Psykopath's (damn awesome) thread hat a Fallen Angel conversion on there that got me thinking...


I can use some of the DA in the starter set as Fallen Angels and use them in my army. I already asked in the DA forum about the fluff and all agree that its cool as long as you're not fielding a whole army of Fallen Angels since they were dispersed back then.


In any case I really only want a squad of 10 guys and basically use them as CSM - it adds fluff to my list and saves me a few bucks for not buying the actual CSM.


I see myself building the following (fluff) unit:


10 Angels, Bolters and CCW, 2 PGuns, Serg. with P Sword and (perhaps) P Pistol, Standard (making them fearless), VotLW, Rhino.

--> painted in their pre-heresy colors of course,


With the Rhino I am not sure yet if I should stick with a classic vanilla rhino or use a few chaos bits to add, perhaps, a havoc launcher.


(After 10K years as traitors they may have adjusted their gear a bit is the reasoning here).


In any case I will do that but thought I share this so you can use your Starter Set DA in your lists if you choose.




PS. I know that even 10 Fallen Angels in one place is stretching the fluff a bit; if the DA found out about this unit they would send the whole Legion after them at once (probably calling in their successor chapters).

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I say go for it, so long as you can explain why these 10 Fallen have banded together and have sided with your army.


The important thing to remember with the Fallen on a fluff and modelling perspective is the fact that some of them may have been around for those ten millennia, whilst others may have just been ejected from the Warp and last remember the fighting between Luther and The Lion, so keep that in mind when you're painting them.

It also applies to their equipment, so the Rhino could be that beautiful Pre-Heresy model that Forgeworld have released, Chaosed up however you wish, or they could have the "modern" Rhino, with a similar ammount of Chaos. You trust yourself on how Chaos-y you want it to look, but I think it'd look best with very little chaos bitz, but definitely Chaos-aligned.

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Well, Eye of Terror and Mealstrom are still save harbours for Chaos marines of any ancestry, not even Ultramarines with all their successors will do anything, so I'd say go for squad of 10, make them truly Chaotic, add some horns, make a scary looking banner. As for Rhino, I would not take Havoc as too expensive for what it does. Also, you can paint Rhino in IW colours, making DA act as mercenaries for main force.
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I wouldnt give them their own rhino. I would make it a squad of individuals who have found each other before Azrael did. Now they sell their bolters and skill to the highest bidder or the one who will help them achieve their goals whatever it is.
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I wouldnt give them their own rhino. I would make it a squad of individuals who have found each other before Azrael did. Now they sell their bolters and skill to the highest bidder or the one who will help them achieve their goals whatever it is.


I appreciate the fluff aspect of this but in practical terms, 10 CSM on foot are great for not much. Normally the Fallen do usually operate as individuals but i will just assume that this squad has offered its servies as a unit since the fall.


As I said above, I am stretching the imagination here a bit, I just want to use some of the models I already have and this gives me the excuse to do it. And no, even I won't go so far as to include "fallen Terminators" even though the models are really neat.

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Id have them being relatively new- maybe say 100 or so years out of the fall of caliban when they meet up/join up with the IWs. Its long enough theyre settled into being chaos renegades, but not so long that theyve abandoned the familial bond as it were.

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I wouldnt give them their own rhino. I would make it a squad of individuals who have found each other before Azrael did. Now they sell their bolters and skill to the highest bidder or the one who will help them achieve their goals whatever it is.


^^....this but, I'd say that they were "gathered by Cypher" and, make a "Lord Cypher" model based around a generic chaos lord/dark apostle.  :)

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