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Anti flier-combat. Whats most widely used?


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Hey all,

Been playing in my local GW abit more lately and am noticing ALOT of fliers around.... So much infact that im starting to worry if I shouldnt adjust my lists abit more for anti-flier weapons. The few battles that ive fought as of late ive been pretty lucky with my dicerolls (like blastin one out of the sky with a meltagun using Precience reroll) but I doubt that will last.

What would I need to effectivly take them out myself? What do other people use?

Ive did some brainstorming myself and as I see it there are some things I can do.

  • Take a storm raven
  • Aegis defence line with AA-gun
  • Blood lance on a liby (automaticly hits with S8 AP1!)

I already use a liby currently but it would force me to use the BA specific powers and im unsure what to take for a 2nd power. Aside from the fact that the 4D6 range can be somewhat limiting. Random range on the attack sounds like it will bite me in the rear end just when I need it the most wallbash.gif

The aegis line I think is abit corny, doubt blood angels would travel with some metallic defensive lines that they would chuck out of their thunderhawks every time a battle is about to take place geek.gif

A storm raven of my own (while I got one) is expensive in points and I have no experience using mine ermm.gif it does seem like the most fluffy and best option to take though. Outside of anti-flier fier they come equipped with some very nice guns to take down infantry and the missles can easily pop tanks if no fliers are around (or are around but dont form a risk to my army)

Tl:dr version. What do people take to counter fliers?

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I'm pretty sure that the BA psychic power doesn't work against flyers, as per the FAQ:



Q: How do maelstroms, novas and beams – or indeed any weapon
that doesn’t need to roll To Hit or hits automatically – interact with
Zooming Flyers and Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures? (p13)
A: Only Snap Shots can hit Zooming Flyers and Swooping
Flying Monstrous Creatures. Therefore, any attacks that use
blast markers, templates, create a line of/area of effect or
otherwise don’troll to hit cannot target them. This includes
weapons such as the Necron Doom Scythe’s death ray orthe
Deathstrike missile of the Imperial Guard, and psychic
powers that follow the rule for maelstroms, beams, and


So that leaves the Aegis Line and the stormraven. Personally, I never use fortifications due to the terrain deployment rules so that leaves the Stormraven. 


I think the Stormraven is a great anti-air weapon due to the sheer amount of Str 8 Ap1. It's only downside is that it can be out manuvered as it's generally out numbered by cheaper enemy flyers.

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Helios anti air battery.. X4, will pretty much destroy anything from reserve with a 4" range, costa about 120 pts, krak missiles, twin linked,

You can add a control one to give split fire, and still shoot at ground based targets when nothing around.

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Aegis are ok, but you risk the enemy killing it before you can fire at an enemy flier. 


Storm ravens and Baals work the best I think.  Attack bikes aren't bad with the divination power on them for rerolls.


I killed a helldrake once with a lucky krak grenade throw by a sergeant.

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I'm going to try out a flight of Land Speeder Tempests, just for the heck of it. 12 rending shots, and 3 twin-linked missiles, should knock pretty much anything I want out of the heavens, plus can double as an anti-monstorous creature, since GW suddenly seems fasinated with bringing Battlemechs into 40k recently.

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Pure BA anti flier rests in our Raven, except for fortificatons we have nothing really effective thats ground based unless you ally to Guard or Tau.  The Raven itself requires a rethink on your list its a big chunk of points, around 230.  Its very effective and very useful.  I run 2 of them.  To get away from fliers I am trying a new idea out.  Tau can take a MC riptide for around 220 points  another 110 for an ethereal and 6 Fire warriors gets you a very effective piece of gear that pounds anything deepstriking anywhere on the board and can deter fliers.  You get 6 fearless troops with the ethereal to sit somewhere nearby.  Just a thought is all

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Blood lance is not an auto hit I am afraid. Check the FAQs

My meta is flyer heavy, so I take two storm ravens and a skyshield landing pad. Too many heldrakes around to bother with an ADL

I did check the FAQ actually:

Q: as blood lance is a psychic shooting attack, do you need to roll to hit? (p63)

couldnt quote directly because of the format so I typed it myself what it said... buttom of page 5, buttom left.
@Pathstrider, where did you get that from? Is that from the BRB FAQ? ermm.gif
At any case, Baals or speeders (with or without rerolls) seems to be the mostly given anwser so far... What do you mean with the enemy killing the Aegis though James?
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