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1500pt nurgle list


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Hi, this is a list to face necrons. It's my first list so please feel free to criticise!


Chaos lord, MoN, Black mace, bike

10 cultists


7 plague marines

7 plague marines


7 bikes

2 heldrakes with fire


3 obliterators MoN veterans

2 Predators with lascannons


Thanks for the input.

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So me personally here... I would drop the preds and put the points into MoN on the bikes and a couple melta's. Then with what's left I would make another unit of oblits. If you can only afford 1 with the points I would take two squads of two instead.


My reasoning is I am a Space Wolf player as well and always come up against preds. It takes little effort on my part to drop two of them in one maybe two rounds with my long fangs and my podding melta squad. The oblits have more versatility and can deep strike making them far more threatening.


The MoN on the bikes makes the boss and surrounding your HQ with them mean he's probably gonna take that mace right to his opponent and start dropping the enemy.


The only other thing I can think of is drop the preds add the marks and melta's then drop the cultist and add another PM squad. Definitely better troops than culties and they stand half a chance of surviving.

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