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1750 - Cape Town Regional Tournament BatReps.


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South Africa has a very small, but very dedicated gaming scene.  The country has 2 or 3 main gaming hubs that are located in the 2 or 3 main cities (Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban).  At present we only have Ranked tournaments in and around Cape Town and Johannesburg, with the National Tournament (also ranked) alternating between the two cities each year.  The scene is small enough to know who the competitive players are, and generally what type of list, or at least what army they play. As a result, this helps players to know the meta to a large degree.  


The other interesting point to note is that SA pays around the same price as the Ozzies do for their 40k.  When you factor in earning power and cost of living the relative price for 40k is probably more expensive here than the rest of the world - as an example the new Eldar Wraithknight costs the same amount as a large portion of the population's monthly income.  


The reason I bring this up is that some people may not understand either how certain lists do so well down here, or why there are notable absences in other units/builds.  ie: There are no triple Riptides, or triple (even double Helldrakes) - not tooo many Cron Air lists etc etc. 




After my poorer performance at the first regional's this year (where Nids won!), and the Jo'burg regional tournament, I saw my #1 seeding drop to #3 in the country.  This meant I had to fight to get it back.  The "problem" with the ranking as it is, is that I lose quite a lot of points if I do lose a game on account of my current points level. 

Id need to win at least 5 games out of the 6, as losing 2 games would see almost no points difference (or very minimal difference).  Losing 3 games would see me drop further in points and rank.




I was playing around with a social list for a bit, but after a request in the list design forum, I decided to take this list.  After much discussion and tweaking in the Army List Forum (Here:  http://www.bolterand...mpetitive-list/ ), i wound up settling on the following list:


SW Rune Priest - Runic armour - Jaws/Living Lightning
MagFrag Furioso - Pod
MagFrag Furioso - Pod

MagFrag Furioso - Pod

7x DC w 2 Axes,3bolters - Pod 
10x SW Grey Hunters - 1PG/1MG, Banner & Wulfen - Pod
9x SW Grey Hunters - 1MG, Banner & Axe in Pod
10x Assault Marines - 2 Meltaguns, Power Fist, Jump Packs 





We were to play 6x 2.5 hour games using standard missions. 


The following missions were played against these opponents:


GAME1Emperors Will - Vanguard Strike vs. Dark Eldar

GAME2Purge the Alien - Dawn of War vs. Imperial Guard

GAME3The Scouring - Hammer and Anvil vs. Imperial Guard/Daemons

GAME4Big Guns - Vanguard Strike vs. Orks

GAME5Crusade - Hammer and Anvil vs. Tau/ SM Marines

GAME6Relic - Dawn of War vs. Chaos SM


In CT our tournaments use the generated terrain rule - so we build the terrain up ourselves as opposed to having preset terrain. The only exceptions to this are the Aegis line, and the Bastion, which are deployed last. The player must, however, declare which area it will be deployed in and reduce the terrain density accordingly. Additionally, the bastion and the Aegis may break the 'no terrain within 3" of another piece' rule. This was done on account of players placing huge buildings in front of Aegis and Bastion guns. It just made no gaming and cinematic sense. All in all those tweaks have worked really nicely.


BatReps to follow!  As always, questions, comments, thoughts and ramblings welcome!
Apologies for the photo quality - i was from my phone, not my usual camera

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Gogo mort, very interested to see how it went :) Also, since miniatures cost a month's salary, don't people just scratchbuild their 3 drakes instead? I really don't understand how GW makes those prices, pretty stupid to make the hobby unaffordable for almost everyone in SA...

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Well, economically and demographically speaking its a little more complicated- that figure is a touch misleading as many people do earn higher, its just that a vast majority earn that.  That is in essence the minimum wage?  Maybe would have been more accurate to say that!    I think GW look at and target the upper (and much smaller) market in SA.   We sadly still have the highest Gini Coefficient in the world - So GW caters to those people right at the top of the pile I think. 


Also, we dont have GW stores here.  The stores that sell here have to include shipping costs, import taxes and raise their costs so they can make money for their stores.  


If a group of us buy direct, its a little cheaper than the local stores, but we still have the shipping +14% tax locally.


Ya, a lot of people scratch build stuff! As you will see!  

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GAME1Emperors Will - Vanguard Strike vs. Dark Eldar


I was a little disappointed with the draw for my first game.  It was against one of my best mates.  I had helped a bit with the design of his list and play tested against it twice already.  I knew I would probably see him sometime in the tourney, on account of him being a good player, and having a tight list, I just didn't want it to be so soon. Oh well! Better first game than last, I guess.


His List (approximately):


Homunculus  - liquifier, Webway Portal

Baron  (Warlord).

Beast Master Squad - 3 Masters, 5 Chimera, 4 razorwings

1x 5 Wracks - Raider

5x Wyches - Venom

3x 3 Trueborn - 3blasters - Venoms

3x 5 Warriors -1blaster - Venoms

2x Talos - Twin-heatlance, twin-liquifier

1x Chronos - Killy Flamer, Killy Big Blast (If either weapon causes wounds they get a pain token which they can give to another unit nearby).




Set up was simple and there was no real terrain that could influence things too much.  I make sure, since I have a near-null deploy list, that I have cover for Meph to start in, and for him to jump to.  The board ended up looking like this:



Having learned from his mistakes in our previous games, my opponent spread out wide, forcing me to split up or risk being flanked hard. 




He puts 3 blaster-born into reserve along with the MCs and the beasts with baron allowing his blasters and big gribblies to come in anywhere along the table edge, or from the portal. 


My deployment was simple....and cheeky as all hell.  Just Mephy...chillin in his little hide away.  Everything else was in reserve, the jumpers splitting up and then one squad striking in, the other jumping on. 




TURN 1. 


He moves and boosts and spreads out.  The homunc jumps out by his lonesome to drop the portal some 12" away from its starting point. His turn over.


My turn 1, I bring the dreads in - i need to thin out the venoms before my troops arrive - on account of the 84 poison shots they spew out each turn.  I try to focus on the venoms with troops, and the wracks with their boat, on account of their distance away from the home objective.  

I get first blood, take out 2 venoms, and duff the shots on the Raider. Mephy stays in his hole for now.  He doesnt need to move out, and is playing a decent denial role at the moment.  Any MCs that come out of the portal will see themselves gibbed by him- so im not fussed. 




A bunch of his stuff comes on, but 2 of his MCs aren't on just yet.  



He repositions and gets ready to try nail some dreads!



His shooting is largely ineffectual, he stuns the center dread only, and takes a HP off the left flank dread with the Wyches and their haywire grenades.  The other dread on the right flank is still mobile, meaning he's in trouble.

The Wyches however charge in to combat, and with haywire grenades can easily kill my dread.  Luckily I get 2 kills with the Frag cannon, and reduce incoming grenade attacks- i only lose 1 HP. I kill a wych in return.  They hold. 


Here come the reserves. 



Jumpers come down, and only the DC are still in reserve.  The jumpers drop down on the far right flank, away from my objective, but not so far away that they cant make it back in two turns. I need to make use of their melta and try nail the venoms.  I make sure the SW and the Rune priest are more than 2" apart on disembarking in order to use LL and gain an additional shooting unit- i dont mind too much if he dies.  This turn hurts for him.  I destroy a bunch of venoms, jumpers going two for two:



Wolves doing some other damage to the Raider and to his warrior squad that walked on from behind. (Me focusing on the troops hard, since I got First Blood).  In combat, the Wyches fail to hit the dready, and he also luckily goes 2 for two, kiling them and freeing himself up to do damage in the next round.


Its only 2nd turn, but its not looking great for the DE.




The sheer firepower even the remaining few venoms bring to bare, along with the liquifiers in the wracks and Homunc, and the talos etc. see the poor SWs get horribly owned.  They then get charged by the Beast Master squad, and cleaned up. The left hand squad gets charged too, and start getting eaten. 



My DC come down, but theres not a lot they can do, or really need to do besides hold people up and make sure the area stays clear! Mephy decides its time to join the fray too! And the SW Rune priest moves on in.

http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb447/Brindleysa/Regionals2-%202013/IMG-20130525-00906_zps0a35f467.jpg  The dreads and the jumpers start cleaning up on the left and right flanks.  


TURN 4 + 5


In a surprise move, the Beasts make a bee-line towards the jumpers at the back of the board. Ignoring Mephy adn the rune priest.  Mephy takes a crap load of blaster fire, and winds up going down to that and a few remaining venom shots.  The Beasts make the charge into the jumpies.

All of a sudden, things look a little more interesting.  He's killed my warlord, and has line breaker.  If he kills my scoring troops, i'll only have First blood.  Hes turned this around from a solid drubbing, into a bit of a fight!  Baron accepts the challenge of my fist sarge, and fails to kill him.  Thankfully my fist saves!  But, unfortunately so does the baron.  The rest of my guys start taking hits!


My SW libby tries to make his way to the fight, and needs a 9 to get into combat, the DC move to clean up on the top. 

The Chronos eventually gets destroyed by grenades, and the DC help take out the talos.  Im left with 2 guys surviving!


The libby makes it into combat, and takes the challenge from the Fist, freeing it up! Baron doesnt kill the libby, but libby doesnt kill the baron, the beasts take out the rest of the squad, but the fist then nukes 2 bases of razowings, meaning im up by like 7 wounds! They break, and I roll high, claiming their lives!!



I move on to the objective and secure full points!













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GAME2Purge the Alien - Dawn of War vs. Imperial Guard


(With the tourney software being what it was and the odd number of winners, I was paired down with someone that lost round one- so, wasn't the strongest of lists. While this may seem like a good thing, it came back to bite me in the butt later).


His List (approximately): 


Junior Command - lascannon
3/4x Infantry - grenades
10 Vets - grenades - Chimera
3x Leman Russ battle tanks - 2x hull lascannons
2x Leman Russ executioner autocannon tanks- HBSS

1x Manticore
1x Hellhound
1x Vendetta




This was not a favourable draw, on account of my 15 KP and his 9.  

However, he is a relatively new player, so, there's a chance I can out maneuver him.  He's also not really expecting having no targets first turn.  I give him first turn after deployment.


TURN 1: 


He moves forward and around with his tanks.  Thats it. 

In my turn, i bring down the dreads again.  There are far too many pie plates about to bring down the men.



The dreads focus on taking out the Hellhound (i thought it was AP3!), the Manticore (S10 will hurt my day!) and then one of the Battle Tanks.  Mephy jumps out and is possibly in charge range of the other Executioner Autos.  Dready takes out the Manti, shakes the Hellhound, and does a few HP off the battletank (shakes it too).  Mephy flips over one of the others.  First blood to me.



Marbo comes on- focusses on one of the dreads.  Vendetta too, aims at meph. He's at a bit of a loss of what else to do with 4 very solid targets.  


Its a bit like chess at this moment, with me sacrificing mid level pieces to take his high level pieces.

He positions his one executioner to destroy a dread from its back armour, but mephy is almost certainly going to kill him the following turn. Meph takes a wound or two from the bird,and all the lasfire- the one dread gets killed, and poor  marbo fails at his duty of killing his target dread, but does stun him. 


In my turn, the reserves come in.  Mephy instead of goin for the closest Russes, jumps over the lasgunners, and guns for the 3 man squad.  The reserves start nomming everything.  



The second turn hurt is really heavy.  Mephy flips a tank, the meltas from the one dread help too.




He moves where he can to try and mitigate the damage, but so much has been done. 



I continue wailing on stuff, jumpers come down and melta the chimera with the vets.



He realises he's lost, but needs to try get some points.  He pops his bird into hover, to try kill mephy before it runs through the rest of the army. 

It succeeds. In return his forces are thoroughly routed. 




TURN 5.  sees his remaining vets run away and hide on the far right flank, grabbing linebreaker.

Thats all that he has.


Final Score:  10-2 BA.

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GAME3The Scouring - Hammer and Anvil vs. Imperial Guard/Daemons




Primaris Pskyer
Blood Thirster - 2 greater gifts
10x Vets - harker, 3meltas -Chimera
10x Vets - 3plasma - chimera
+- 16x Bloodletters
7x Screamers
Hell hound
2 Hydras

Soul Grinder




I really hate The Scouring. Love/Hate really.  I think it forces people to play differently, which is great, but occasionally it just allows people to be even better at what theyre good at (sitting and shooting). Anyway, I lose roll off on terrain, losing out on placing a pivotal piece of terrain, which my opponent uses to set up his castle. I place at least one objective quite far back (possibly a mistake in retrospect?) and behind cover, so I can use my late claimers to try grab it. I do however win first turn, and give it to him.  

He sets up a hard castle behind the giant building, and elects to have his Hydras off the table, along with DS Letters and Outflanking Harker. Everything else is on the table.  I deploy meph.  As per usual.  Jumpers as usual split up and DS. 


We roll the numbers, and he has 9 Points all in the first 8" of his table edge.  There are 3 points available mid range, and 3 at the back where I am.  


Most beneficially however, is Mephiston rolling "Scoring" on the personal warlord traits!


TURN 1.  


His Thirster gets "will not die" and +1 wound.  <_<

He boosts his Screamers - not moving them anywhere, other than to where they originally set up.  

In my go, the dreads come on again.  I didnt want to risk the guys coming down, though, again I think its because I thought the hellhound was AP3.  ><;  That and I needed to save my scoring troops for later.  I get one unfortunate scatter, meaning I cant target the Soul Grinder like I wanted so, go for some shots on the thirster.  The shooting of mine is quite poor.  I take away a few screamers, and fail to kill the plasma-chimera with the warlord in it.  I think I do one wound on the BT. Meph comes up.


TURN 2. 


His Hydras come on, as does harker and marbo. He repositions a few things:




Marbo winds up blowing himself up! Yay.  The dread however get cleaned up by the meltas of Harkers squad, and the other one by the BT.  


Then my support comes in!




On landing im thinking! Great! This doesn't look to bad! Mephy moves up.  

I have so much shooting aimed at that thirster. 



The jumpers also land in a suicidal position on the other side of the building to try take out the manticore.


I only manage to stun harkers chimera with my melta squad.  A bit upsetting.  But such is life.  I do manage to do nothing to the Manticore.  The 2 squads of space wolves and the dreadnought and the living lightning shoot the thirster- even mephy took a shot with his pistol! I do a total of 2 - maybe 3 wounds to the thirster.  He passes loads of saves :(

Not good. 


TURN 3: 


His hell hound appears and (if his letters didnt already arrive last time, they did now!)  They drop on to the back objective that ive left unguarded.  His screamers move to charge my suicide melta squad. The thirster moves to kill stuff. In shooting phase, 

Then Harkers squad gets bloody lucky and scores a snap shot at my dread, and blows it up ><;

The other shooting thins out my troops, and the thirster charges in to start cleaning up. 


In my turn, mephy goes in to the screamers. The DC try help out the squad fighting the thirster (think i should have gone for the hydras instead though.  My other 5man, engages the Chimera squad of Harker.  Mephy duffs up with the screamers, and fails to kill all of them - which he bloody well should have! 

The 5man hammer of wrath the tank into oblivion after their shooting.  Fortunately, the squad inside is pinned.




Things are bleak.  Im getting hurt, bad. Thirster keeps nomming troops, and starts cleaning up the DC.  The remaining two wolves break from combat.   The Soul Grinder charges the remaining two assault marines. Kills them, Meph kills the screamers. The two big boys move into each other.  Im really getting pummeled here.


In my turn, the two guys that broke move off to the #1 objective.   I move the two jumpers to engage with Harker's squad.  They charge in and kill them.Mephy winds up killing the Soul Grinder! (lucky!)

Meph moves towards the objective worth 3 points.  Thirster cleans up the DC, and takes my bait moving towards the 2 man on the #1 objective.




Things are so tense. (Which is why i havent taken so many pics)

He has to move his plasma squad towards the objective and jump out to claim it. They take a few shots at Meph too.  The Thirster, moves towards the 2men, kills them. I now have mephy, and 2 remaining jumpers left as scoring.  He has his Hellhound on the #4, his letters on a #3 and the IG on another #3. 


My turn 5, I position the jumpers so that theyre out of LOS from most stuff, and are claiming the 2 in the corner. There are 2 guys left on a #2 and Mephy jumps over, and engages the IG squad.  He wipes them out, and consolidates onto the objective in the corner.  The game is standing as follows:



At end of 5th it was standing as this:


Enemy:  7 points + 1(fb) +1(lb)

BA:  7 points +1(lb) +1(fast attack)



We roll for another turn and it continues.  




He noms my remaining guys in the center with the BT that has regained all but one of his original wounds lost.  I know have 2 hiding jumpers on a #2 and Meph on a #3.  This and a few pods.  Thats it. 

Hes going to win.  





Mephy activates wings and flies over to the Hellhound.  IF i get into combat I have a chance of killing the Hellhound.  If i do, i'll not only get another +1, i'll remove 4 points from him taking the score way up in my favour.  I activate wings - im 8" away from the vehicle.  I roll to charge....


and fail :( Its 6" . My opponent is super happy.  


Sadly for my opponent, the Lord of Death has Fleet.


Mephy rerolls the one, and gets it to combat with sang sword activated.  I flip the tank with ease.


Its my opponents turn to roll end game- and it ends!!!!


Mephy takes it. 


Final score:


ENEMY:  3 Points + 1 Line breaker + 1 First Blood

BA: 6 Points + 1 Line breaker + 2 Fast Attack








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GAME4: Big Guns - Vanguard Strike vs. Orks

His list:

The Porks - (peach orks)


Warboss- Mega Armour, Cybork, Squig.

5x Kommandos - 2burnas + Snikrott.

10x Lootas

10x Lootas

25 Shootas - Klaw, Boss Pole

25 Shootas - Klaw, Boss Pole

21 Shootas - Klaw, Boss Pole

10 Gretchin

10 Gretchin

3 Mega-Nobs - Trukk

Lobba - ammo runt

Lobba - ammo runt

Aegis line (no guns)


My opponent and I have a long history. At present, he's also ranked in the top 10 in the country (8th).

We faced each other in the finals of Nationals in 2012 (where I won). Some of you may have read that batrep. Since then we've faced each other a few times- once at Veterans (also a win) and once at a round robin tournament very recently (win here too tongue.png ). He actually played against the same list I was using that last tournament and as a result, he slightly tweaked his list. He was gunning for vengeance!!


We were playing on table 1, with a set of interesting terrain. Most importantly was two sets of ruins. I really needed to win the dice, to grab that loota friendly piece. Alas, I lose it and he positions the high ruin in his corner. I ensure I have a piece for meph to hide in first turn. His second piece is also a multi-level ruin, which in retrospect i really should have grabbed. Rest of the set up is average and what can be expected.

The next important pregame roll will be for objectives. Since there are only 3, the person who wins this roll will have a HUGE advantage. Sadly, another "one" from me. He gets 2 objectives. He places them far apart from each other, hoping to split my forces. I place mine in the middle, further back and in cover so as to be able to have a scoring unit there protecting it.

This battle is already going to be tough!


He wins turn 1, and elects to go first.

He places his lootas two levels up in both sets of ruins. He populates the bottom with 2x big mob squads, and then puts ghaz at the back near the centre of his castle, with the trukk nobs on the far left. The lobbas at hidden locations behind the ruins. In reserve he puts his gretchin, Kommandos and the Warboss, and a squad of boys.

I hide Mephy in a hole.


Nothing much happens besides some bombing of meph.

My turn one, on account of his lining up of a conga line of orks, i bring down the SW squad and 2 dreads, instead of 3 dreads. I start frying boys on the left.


Now....study this picture above.

What do you notice? See anything?

Neither did I. I forgot about bloody Mephiston in his hole sad.png This is going to be really problematic. No worries! I'm sure I can make a plan. I get jaws of the WW off, and line up 10 orks with paltry initiative 2! Including the Claw nob! So, the blighter rolls 4 dice that are over 2 - the rest are 1s and 2s - including the nob sad.png The return fire wont be good.

The squad he split off from focuses on the lootas. I lob up a grenade, and let loose a barrage of 1 melta,1 frag grenade and 14bolter shots! I manage to kill four as they hit the deck and go to ground.


In his turn, his 1 gretchin squad comes on, and the move to grab the objective on the right. Kommandos, boy squad and other gretchin squad stays off. Bugger.

He does some repositioning, and moves the shootas to attack the libby(Rune Priest) that used Jaws. The shooting is not too troublesome for my dreads and the lobbas pummel the wolves, taking a few casualties. The orks then charge in finishing off the Priest. Thats first blood for him. Smart play by protecting everything that could die easily!

My turn two, my DC come on and my jumper squads. Nothing else. This is potentially problematic.

DC position down on the right, to try get the gretchin off the objective, and try help split his forces, as much as hes splitting mine.


Personally, im more scared of Ghaz and his meganobs !! My remaining 7 wolves, shoot pistols, and throw a grenade into the orks. I also call my banner. The dreads move up but are hindered by the Aegis.


I dont forget mephy this time. He runs up as much as he can.

I inflict 2 casualties on the boy squad that I want to charge - not ideal. The dreads both forgo shooting to make 7" charges. The pods start laying down fire against the Lootas out in the open. The DC kill 1 grot.

I charge!

The wolves in all their glory net 2, maybe 3 kills. Thats including the axe. I get pummeled in return.

The one Dread makes it in, the other fails. I kill an ork. Luckily i dont get killed in return! A bit upset about the wounds done to the orks, but such is life.


His kommandos are still not on. Damnit. I really needed them on to see what I need to do with my jumpers. If i send them back, he'll devote the warlord there to hold off that objective. His grots and boys come on though. He positions the grots to try get in the way of Mephy should he come up next turn.

The boys unload on the DC, along with lobbas and take down 2.

The lootas on the left unload and score a god-awful amount of hits and manage to easily get their 3x 6s to kill the lone dread that didnt make combat! Ghaz and the boys are still milling about - the trukk now venturing out from the far left flank, heads to the center board. In combat, my wolves get smashed -and I break out of combat. The orks regroup. Dread kills one ork.

No fraggy yet for me dry.png No SW either. No good. I send my one squad of 5 up to the top right, and the other squad of 5 jumpies up to the top left, leaving my home plate objective unclaimed. Im still close enough that should he come on at the top next turn, i can still turn around. Mephy moves up to engage a squad of Orks that killed the SW. The SW that broke, now moves to engage the Trukk of the Nobs baring down to the right. The pods shoot up the lootas on the left, and force a break check. They fail. The DC shoot and charge - again, very minimal shooting damage- with 2 or 3 orks dying. From all my attacks, hitting on 3s, wounding on 3s (and 2s with the axes) i think i do 3 wounds, maybe four. In return, I lose 3 or 4 DC. My axe SW charges the trukk, and fails to do anything to it. Im getting a bit frustrated with the dice now, but...try keep a level head. Meph slays the nob of the boy squad. Dread kills one ork


The Kommandos come in and move on the left flank. Unexpected.His lootas fall back more - only 3"so still on board. Ghaz moves in to wait for a space to charge meph. Lobbas target the jumpers, but not much is done. Apart from the fail of a Axe wolf getting shot up. The trukk tank shocked him too, but he passed and moved out the way. The dread gets blown up by the klaw! Kill 3 orks.

In my turn 4, the wolves and dread finally come down. I deploy on the left, thinking its the weakest flank at present. I can shoot, and charge if need be! In retrospect, I think i should have deployed hard right and left the left flank. The jumpers move up to support this flank.


My thinking was, if i dont kill the lobbas and get him off that objective/remove his troops, then it wont matter if i claim my own objective or not. Again, i should have gone all in on one flank. The dread I bring down centrally, enough to help out with Ghaz later, but more importantly to try and magna grapple back the trukk.

Or at least wreck it. The jumpers on the right, walk up to hammer or wrath and charge the boys that are wailing on the DC. He calls a waagh to prevent his other lootas from breaking from my shooting.

I shoot the wolves, and do some damage against the orks on the left, and shoot up some lootas. The dread misses both the magna grapple, and the melta gun. dry.png


The close combat attacks are pitiful from the jumpers, even with furious charge (they got rage). The last DC is nailed, and 2 jumpers die. Hope is almost all lost.


Due to time, this will be our final turn.

Ghaz has a spot to charge meph, and he takes it. His lootas regroup

The squads on the left flank move up, mega nob at point, ready to shoot and thin out my numbers of SW.

The Trukk meganobs move 6" up and deploy out, about to clean up the right flank. Ghaz does 3 wounds on Meph. Meph doesnt break from combat sad.png

SW take quite a few hits, and are then charged, losing a fair chunk of men, they lose combat, but dont break. I have one phase to pull something out of the hat.

As it stands, i have line breaker, it looks like he doesnt. He has first blood, and soon to have warlord. He has one objective on the right. If i can get my central frag dread to kill the lobba behind the central ruin, and I can get my assault squad, with Melta and fist to kill the lobba on the right, i can contest the objective or even claim it if my pods clean up the ork boys.

My central (late) dread - cleans up the one lobba, but alas, my jumpers fail the charge to the other lobba. Ghaz also does the 2 required wounds needed to Meph to take it.

Game ends, and the porks have their victory.

TOTAL: 8-2

Overview: I think my opponent played excellently. Not much i could really fault him with. I was really, really upset about my luck on some really pivotal rolls, some general rolls (for combat/shooting) and then also a bit miffed at myself for forgetting the lord of bloody death for a turn. I think I could have been a little smarter with my tactics and maybe kept the jumpers to claim home plate, and then gone hard, hard on the weaker flank, and tried to take that objective. May have worked out better I think. Oh well. Next time!

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Because he has 3 drop-pods with dreads in and 3 with infantry - half MUST arrive on Turn 1. In most of these games its been a cause of keep the coring infantry alive and safe in reserve unitl their biggest threats are dead via dreadnought. Blood talons arent much use on an alpha strike dreadnought that cant charge on the turn it arrives - turns your attempt at getting first blood into a single meltagun and a magna grapple shot only. And Meph doesnt have any offensive powers from the codex, and you loose too much by dropping his 3 guaranteed codex powers to take 2 random powers from the book would be my guess (turns a nearly guaranteed performer into a 'maybe' performer)...

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Leonaides pretty much hit the nail on the head. The talon dread is a HUGE fav when im playing a raven. But with pods, that alpha-strike ability for the 2xs8 and 2xrending s6 templates is just too, too good.  

Its not a bad consideration though, and Id possibly consider working it in!

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GAME5Crusade - Hammer and Anvil vs. Tau/ SM Marines



I cannot express how nuts this following list is.


-ShadowSun + Shield Drones (3++ drones)
-Farsight bodyguard
+ 3 with plasmax2 Target lock
+ 2 with Fusionx2 Target lock
+ 1 with Cyclic iorn blaster + Air Fragmentation Target Lock
+ 1 with squad rules (all weapons twin link), Pure tide system, (All weapons ignore cover), (all drones have bs 3), distortion thing.
+ 14 gun drones
-Libarian with gate of infinity + null zone + Epistolary + Term armour.


10 kroot + Hound
11 kroot + Hound
5 Space Marines with nothing.

Sky ray black sun +1 cover save

Sky ray black sun +1 cover save


Sky Shield Landing Pad. 



Now, for those of you that havent spotted the gimmick - termy lib casts gate, it hops 24" away, doesnt scatter-  nukes whatever you want, and jetpacks 2d6 away.  

Shadowsun makes it so that you have a 2+ cover save in cover. The shooting of AP weapons completely ignores cover, so all you need is LoS and youre good to go. Target lock allows you to fire at different targets.  The tactic for this list is to get first blood, and then whittle down every unit claiming squads. 




I win first placement of terrain, and choose the huge table 2 terrain piece I played with in game 3!  It was far up enough to allow me to have mephy jump up without problems.  He put his skyshield in the top left corner.   Thats where the skyrays would go.  The rest of the terrain was placed all over the show.  I made a bit of a balls up in placement not really understanding Shadowsun' s intricacies that well, and allowed a piece of area terrain in his section.  The objectives (5) were placed as far up as I could, 3 in his deployment zone.  Basically the battle would be fought in his third of the board.  I win roll off and let him go first.  The SM and the 2 skyrays deploy on the pad.  The death squad deploy in area terrain.  The kroot outflank!




Opponent positions himself. End turn.  I must admit, this null-deploy, or near-null deploy is really cool for depriving armies of an entire phase!

My turn 1. 

I think this is probably one of the 2 biggest mistakes of my game.  Not really knowing what his list is capable of, I send in the SW libby, the DC and a Dread, instead of 3 dreads.  (Should have sent three dreads!!) 



The DC deploy under the pad, to try and engage with the troops/skyrays. The SW position to get Jaws off, and the dread positions to flame shizzle.  I only realise in the shooting phase that the the libby is a level two - so getting off Jaws will be a problem.  Luckily I succeed.  Unluckily, he kicks ass with his rolls, and only loses 2 drones and 1 suit.  I also didnt target the special weapons system drone.  Huge mistake. 

The DC have run under the landing pad into cover.  The dread tries to frag some peeps, but his 4+ saves are surprisingly good. 


TURN 2: 


His Kroot dont come in.  His one skyray moves down to take on the DC, along with the marines, who jump off the fortification - i thought that was cool.  


In one turn, his blob squad kill my 10man squad of wolves (priest included).  DC take 2 casualties, and the dread...man..i was a bit bleak about what happened.  The dread took a pen and a glance from the skyray.  I pick up a dice and throw it, to roll for my cover save.  Now, in my mind, the most important thing is the pen, not the glance, so im thinking: "this is for the pen" - but as i roll it, my opponent calls: "glancing" - and I roll a 5.  I realise as it lands, that I havent called it :( So, result kinda has to stand.  I roll for the pen, and fail, and he rolls a 6 on the result, killing it.  Oh well.  Not a good 2nd turn.

In my second, Meph moves up into the ruins.  he's now one turn away from charging the big squad. Mwuahahahahha.  


Sadly however, only 1 dread comes in.  The other doesnt make it.  Neither do the jumpers or the wolves. 

The DC move to engage the marines, and the Skyray.  

The dread flames the guys as much they can, the DC charge and put the regular attacks into the marines and 10x S6 axe attacks into the skyray. I manage all of 1 shaken result <_<

Im in combat otherwise. 




Kroot still dont come in.  The enemy now attempts to Gate.  I realise after turn2's shooting, that it doesnt matter how in terrain mephy is, if he can be seen (he can) then he can be shot, and will not receive cover.  

Mercifully, he rolls a perils.  This may be my lucky break.  The blob squad nails the dread.  The DC clean up the marines.


In my turn 3, another dread comes down.  Sadly, the SW dont.  Again, more meat for the grinder.  My jumpers come in. I position them back field, where there are two objectives.  Mephy moves up, and gets ready to charge.  My DC get ready to charge too.  The dready frags some stuff - the closest thankfully being the libby!! Meaning i can ignore him for challenges! Again, i make a noob error by not checking which drone is which, and wind up positioning Meph 2" away from the bloody shield drone!!!!!  Wish i'd known.  In combat, Meph does 2 drone wounds.  The DC do a little damage, but nothing spectacular.  Puretide chip allows him to have chosen Stubborn, so hes testing on 10s.   He passes, and then Hit and Runs out of combat.  (yup- he has that rule too).




His Kroot come on. And he repositions to bring the pain.


Mephy and the DC go down cheaply.  I thiiiink the dread survives (actually cant remember at this point).


Its really not looking good.  He has 1 kroot squad on an objective near my side on the left, one on the right flank, moving to the center, and I have 2x 5 man squads at the rear, and the wolves to come in and die. 

I throw more meat into the grinder. 

The wolves come in and land along with everything else.



My jumpers reposition to potentially engage the kroot on my side.  My pods start taking shots at the Kroot on his side.  Negligible casualties are dealt - as those 2+ saves hold up :( 




His kroot move towards an objective - but theyre too far away on account of terrain.

His death squad mop up my 10man squad with ease.


 His skyrays open up a barrage of fire on a 5man jumper squad, and reduce it to 2man. 


In my turn, the one squad of jumpers (2man) move to claim one objective.  The other jumpers jump up to the kroot, toss a grenade on their clumped asses, and then charge (with FC!)  I kill loads .....and...

he holds.  He bloody holds. He rolls a 3.  Think it was all he needed.  

3 points I could have gotten from that objective. 


The game ends.  


ENEMY:  2 - (First Blood + Warlord)

ME:  3 - One objective.











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Am I totally off-base, or is the right strategy vs. that Tau army to place as many objectives out of LoS of his skypad as possible, and just camp objectives / make him move or lose?


Its a tough call, mate. If you start spreading them out, that way you can get protection from the SkyRays, but theyre not really the problem.  That death star kills whatever it shoots.  If you position away or spread out, you allow him to jump around, kill, jump and kill.  What i did was put 2 in my half and as many as I could jam packed in his deployment zone.  Since I was playing aggressively, it allowed me to take the fight to him, and maybe have 2 squads left (the jumpers) to claim where I needed at the back. 

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GAME6: Relic - Dawn of War vs. Chaos SM


His List.


Khârn the Betrayer

Jugger Lord - Mark of Khorne + Lots of Bling

16 Zerkers - Vets of LW, Banner, Champ with LC/PF

10 Zerks - Axe, Vets

Rhino- dirge

10 Zerks - PwrSwd, Vets

Rhino- dirge

Vindy - dirge, shield

Vindy - dirge, shield

Vindy - dirge, shield

HellDrake - flamer.


I personally feel that my opponent has a very bad match up.  He doesnt have anything that can take on Meph reliably and I'm likely to get first blood.  Its going to be an uphill battle for him I think.  




I win terrain roll off.  Again, i'm on table two, so I make use of the big bastard piece of terrain. I measure up the central point and stick it down, making it impossible for his vehicles to get through.   The rest of the terrain is inconsequential to me.  

I win roll off, and make him go first.  Mephy rolls Legendary Fighter

He sets up like this:





He moves his vehicles forward, runs his zerks, and boosts his rhinos.  Two vindies go around my left supported by the jugger lord, a vindy and two rhinos on the right, and the main zerker squad goes through the building towards the objective.


One vindy gets a lucky bead on mephy who wasnt hid well enough, and pops a shot through cover.  I take a wound after failing my save.


I'm so excited about my upcoming turn, I forget to take pics. 


With this many targets so close, I can cause complete havoc.  Even Mephy can take out something! Mephy rolls wings, and moves up to the one vindy on the left.  3 Frags come down. 

One behind the vindy on the left that is behind mephy's target.  One lined up with a whole bunch of zerkers being led by Khârn, and one lined up next to the vindies and two rhinos on the right. For some reason, I dont think to target the vindy on that side, as my blood lust gets the better of me (im just thinking- MWAAARGHHH FLAME TWO VEHICLES!!!)


Dread1 pops the rear left Vindy.  

Dread2 unleashes fury and kills a whole bunch of zerks, and leaves the melta and magna for Kharne - who passes every look out sir for the flamer shots- but fails one melta shot.  Also fails his inv save.  "POP!" - warlord dead (and hes reliable anti-tank).

Dread3 - stuns one rhino, and takes 2 HP off another.

Mephy charges in, and sadly perils on Sword, and fails to do more than a HP damage. 


Still, not a bad 1st turn tally. As dread two kills Khârn (after id killed one vindy already) my opponent says: "Well, thats pretty much game".




The drake comes in.  It vector strikes my dread.  Not much happens. The Zerks pick up the objective, and in a sneaky double play position themself for a charge on the dread. 

The vindies position themselves where possible to take shots on Meph, and dread 3.  The jugger positions itself to charge meph. (Why? I have no idea. Neither does meph who smiles).

 His zerks in rhinos jump out, to make use of their combat ability- or...something.  The vindies damage a drop pod, and damage meph.  He's taken another wound.  The zerks charge the dread.  They fight, he survives. Jugger charges mephiston.  Mephiston quickly insta-gibs him and goes back to thinking what the hell the Juggerlord was thinking in the first place charging him.

In my turn, DC come down near the back to support the Dread in combat and 2x jumpers come down. I position them to take out the outlying vindies. 

Meph jumps out towards the central zerks that have disembarked.  Legendary fighter means I can get another KP.    Dread moves about.  The jumpers do well, and rear or side armour shots allow me to frag the vindies.  Dread 1, moves from the back to help Dread2 with the zerks.  Meph charges and kills the sarge of the zerks. 




His drake makes a turn and vector strikes my assault squad, and flames my DC.  I take a few casualties, but FNP holds out a little on the DC. 

Meph starts bashing guys, as do the dreads - im slowly getting damage on dread2.  Assault squad on the far right get taken out by his only mobile zerk squad.


In my turn 3 the rest of the guys come in. 

I position the Rune Priest squad centrally, to try and reclaim the objective, and the wolves on the top right where the only real fight is left.

The DC charge in and help clean up the Zerks.


Turn 4 and 5. 

Since he only has a rhino and a hellduck left we spend the next two turns trading blows- me trying to shoot his duck out of the sky, while the duck tries to flame me off the objective.  It almost succeeds, but the Rune Priest with 2+ save manages to keep scoring units alive.  In turn 5, the hellturkey finally goes down to a melta shot from one of the guys.




Score -



ME:  8 (out of 6) :P

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Now, for those of you that were curious!


The tournament ended with Nigel and his Porks losing in the final game to Kyle and his blasted deathstarTau.
This meant that both Nigel and myself were sitting on 15 tournament points.
For the first time, however, we used strength of schedule to determine tiebreaks. 
The crappy thing however, was that my bloody opponent walked out after day1. He also came late for game 1, and then lost game 2 (to me) and game 3.  This meant that I had 0 contributing points to my SoS from him.   Nigel had 60 SoS, and I had 57.  Had my opponent won 2 games, I would have claimed it.  But alas, revenge for Nationals was had!  Nigel took 1st position.  
I'm a tiny bit bleak about it- not horribly so, as it didnt affect national rankings, just the tournament rankings and more importantly in my mind his KP differential (which we usually use as a tie break) was better than mine!  
Interestingly enough though, the LD check that Kyle passed with his kroot, would have netted me the 3 points to go clear of Nigel for KP.  
Good news was this:
I'm back to #1 in the country ^_^ 
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