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1750 - Cape Town Regional Tournament BatReps.


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Very good read, still have yet to play the new tau and that list makes me not want too. Unlucky on just missing out but also congratulations on being ranked #1 in the country. Very impressive, well done. thumbsup.gif

Cheers matey! Appreciated.

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This Tau list is the reason why I substituted my DC for a unit of sternguard in a Pod. The more we progress with codex updates, the more armies get to abuse cover saves. A squad of sternguard with combi flamers will make short work of that unit with 10 templates.


also, all your opponent had to do to trump your 3 pod alpha strike was to hold the unit in reserve. Your pods comes in automatically on turn one and wiffs. Once he comes out of reserves he can start picking you apart.

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This Tau list is the reason why I substituted my DC for a unit of sternguard in a Pod. The more we progress with codex updates, the more armies get to abuse cover saves. A squad of sternguard with combi flamers will make short work of that unit with 10 templates.


also, all your opponent had to do to trump your 3 pod alpha strike was to hold the unit in reserve. Your pods comes in automatically on turn one and wiffs. Once he comes out of reserves he can start picking you apart.


I was surprised he didnt do this, Wolf. But there are 2 weaknesses to this.  If he goes into reserve with that squad, because it contains 4 units, he can only put one more kroot unit in reserve.  This means he leaves his kroot and his marines open to get killed easily.  He also believes that most of his strat relies on first blood.  Holding these guys in reserve allow me to focus heavily on the remaining units.  

And, if on the off chance he rolls a 1 or a 2 in turn 2, then hes in even more trouble.  He'll need to bounce from place to place trying to kill my scoring units. Its way too risky.

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This Tau list is the reason why I substituted my DC for a unit of sternguard in a Pod. The more we progress with codex updates, the more armies get to abuse cover saves. A squad of sternguard with combi flamers will make short work of that unit with 10 templates.


also, all your opponent had to do to trump your 3 pod alpha strike was to hold the unit in reserve. Your pods comes in automatically on turn one and wiffs. Once he comes out of reserves he can start picking you apart.

What if his reserve rolls whiff and he doesn't turn up till turn 4? Though I see Mort has ninja'd whilst I'm replying :P..something else insightful to say....hm...


Were you not able to precision shot some of the nasty things out of that deathstar? The way it seems to work is that everything contributes something pretty important to the party. What I'd personally have tried was to KO the dude without weapons that was acting as a massive force multiplier.


Couple of queries though:

1) Why all the target locks? He's only able to split-fire with one model at one other target, seems pretty excessive.

2) How is he getting all those upgrades on one battlesuit? I didn't even know they could get that many

3) The tactical question - after he vacated the landing pad on turn 2, did it ever occur to you to attempt to get it yourself? From what I can see there's an objective on it, and you'd have had a 4+ save against his deathstar shots. Thought it might have been worth trying.

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What I'd personally have tried was to KO the dude without weapons that was acting as a massive force multiplier.

Couple of queries though:

1) Why all the target locks? He's only able to split-fire with one model at one other target, seems pretty excessive.

2) How is he getting all those upgrades on one battlesuit? I didn't even know they could get that many

3) The tactical question - after he vacated the landing pad on turn 2, did it ever occur to you to attempt to get it yourself? From what I can see there's an objective on it, and you'd have had a 4+ save against his deathstar shots. Thought it might have been worth trying.


I figured too late into the party that it was essentially one model supplying all that evil. I was focussing on shadow sun and her stupid cover.  If i had realised, i would have podded on the side that had the multi-system guy and tried to take him out- or target him with Jaws!


1.  He may have played this incorrectly then.  I stand to be corrected, but i think he believes that every target lock guy can fire at another unit.

2. Im not 100% sure here, but i think it has to do with A. not taking any weapons for that suit- just systems, and B. it being a special bodyguard suit upgrade? 

3.  I didnt think about it at all., hey!! I was too focused on going aggressive.  Also, since it was in the corner, any scatter would have sent me off table- could have been tricky :(  may have been a good idea at that late stage!


Also, yesterday, lying awake in bed, i suddenly remembered that when mephy attacked in combat, i didnt remember to check if he rolled any 6s ><;  would have been awesome to nuke shadowsun or whoever!  

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Well, she needs to be engaged and is still eligible to a 2+ lookout sir! I doubt that would really have an impact. She should be at the center of the deathstar or on the oposing side of threats at all time to prevent this


She was engaged. As were 1 or 2 other suits. With her 2+ LO,S! id probably have put it on someone else, unless the closest model to her was a suit.

and she was central- you only need to be 2"from another model in BTB, and the opponent had to pack closely on account of the area terrain he was in.

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What I'd personally have tried was to KO the dude without weapons that was acting as a massive force multiplier.

Couple of queries though:

1) Why all the target locks? He's only able to split-fire with one model at one other target, seems pretty excessive.

2) How is he getting all those upgrades on one battlesuit? I didn't even know they could get that many

3) The tactical question - after he vacated the landing pad on turn 2, did it ever occur to you to attempt to get it yourself? From what I can see there's an objective on it, and you'd have had a 4+ save against his deathstar shots. Thought it might have been worth trying.

I figured too late into the party that it was essentially one model supplying all that evil. I was focussing on shadow sun and her stupid cover. If i had realised, i would have podded on the side that had the multi-system guy and tried to take him out- or target him with Jaws!

1. He may have played this incorrectly then. I stand to be corrected, but i think he believes that every target lock guy can fire at another unit.

2. Im not 100% sure here, but i think it has to do with A. not taking any weapons for that suit- just systems, and B. it being a special bodyguard suit upgrade?

3. I didnt think about it at all., hey!! I was too focused on going aggressive. Also, since it was in the corner, any scatter would have sent me off table- could have been tricky sad.png may have been a good idea at that late stage!

Also, yesterday, lying awake in bed, i suddenly remembered that when mephy attacked in combat, i didnt remember to check if he rolled any 6s ><; would have been awesome to nuke shadowsun or whoever!

I'm pretty sure (not 100% on account of not having the Tau codex) that a target lock grants Split Fire, and the split fire rule in the BRB says that a unit with one or more models with this rule takes a leadership test; if successful, one model may take a shot at one target, then the rest of the unit then fires, which must be at a different target. Basically means it can only vaporise one target, and take a pot shot at another.

Re: the pad, the deep-strike dudes with DoA would only have scattered 6" tops, so careful placing and they'd have been fine. Also, if you'd had a model in base to base with it you could have unfurled it for a guaranteed deep strike with no scatter, and then shielded it again next turn.

I know what you mean though, I always forget about precision strike/shot as well! I'd have ploughed as many characters as I could into the fight and tried to precision shot the support suit back into the stone age. May have been a risk, but against a shooty deathstar possibly worth a shot!

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Hi Mort,

Congrats and thanks for great battreps. thumbsup.gif

As for Infernus on DC I'm using it almost always (great for opening transport prior to charge), sometimes adding a chaplain with combi-melta or infernus.

As for this deathstar it connot jumpback until the librarian is attached as he is not a jet pack. But even without this ability it's still scary.

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As for this deathstar it connot jumpback until the librarian is attached as he is not a jet pack. But even without this ability it's stilol scary.


Khorn, you sure about that?  I can see it up for debate.  The rules for movement say that models with different movement distances can move up to their maximum movement allowance.  But, that is for the movement phase.  The Jetpack rules say a "jetpack unit may do it".  So, i think theres still grounds for what constitutes a jetpack unit. Thoughts?


@Chap Ad - Target Lock doesnt grant split fire- just an ability similar to it.  they can fire at whomever they want if they have it.  Not limited to one.  


I also tried to unfurl it with my DC when they came down, but I found out you are unable to do so if he has a model on it - and he did. 

Placing the jumpers up there though would have denied me twp objectives at the back field that his kroot would have jumped on so, not toooo sure if it would have been okay.  

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Oh yea, jumping around with the terminator in there is definitely dodgy. I'd check those rules.


Remember, units are forced to move at the speed of the slowest model, and unit movement is now on a model by model basis. The jetpacks may be able to move around 2d6 but the non jet pack terminator has to stay perfectly still.



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Oh yea, jumping around with the terminator in there is definitely dodgy. I'd check those rules.


Remember, units are forced to move at the speed of the slowest model, and unit movement is now on a model by model basis. The jetpacks may be able to move around 2d6 but the non jet pack terminator has to stay perfectly still.





Nah, the slowest model rule is no longer there in 6th.  6th allows us to move at whatever speed each model wishes so long as you retain coherency.

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I have an idiot question.


I do not see how your list works. Only 50% of your units can be in reserve. Units that MUST start in reserve do not count.


You have Mephiston, Mr. rune Priest, and a 10 dude ASM. That is 3 units, possibly 4. If you only delpoy Mephiston, you have 66.6% of your eligible units in reserve. Did i miss read your list? Did i miss read your BAtreps?

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To expand on Wolf_Pack - for Mort's list, everything except the rune priest, Mephiston, and the ASM are in drop pods, so they do not count for the max 50% in reserves. That leaves three units, and 50% of 3 rounded up is 2.

Ah. I was not aware you were able to round up. I guess I was confused, since reserves says 50%, instead of half. Mostly because I remember the rule on page 3ish that says all instances of half, you round up instead of down, now.
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Yeah, against Tau you need to really know what everything does and how everything works. The only way you beat them is by dismantling their combos so the remaining units have to work independently. When they work in conjunction with each other they are too powerful.


And this is why you Jaws out the multi-lock guys/Librarian/Commander.


Oh and for the record, the Multi Lock rules say a model with this can fire at a different target from his unit. No mention of split fire.

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Top 10 armies:


8: Blood Angels


Any idea what the other Blood Angels player ran?



From memory I think he ran:


BA Libby - shield/fear

SM  Captain - arty armour, bike, swd


5x SM Bikes- 2PG, axe, +1atk bk - mm

3x 5man aslt sqds in heavy razors

1x 3attack bikes

2x ravens

1x thunderfire cannon

1x baal


maybe a vindy in there- cant remember, and maybe a snippy dread, though, also cant remember!

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