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Up to date Dreadclaw rules


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Just wondering, was reading IA 6 and checking out the dread claw rules...is that the most up to date ones or has it appeared in any other books?

And if i read it right the dreadclaw starts in reserve, then when it becomes available drop pods onto the board, then next turn moves a min of 36 and the squad disembarks, as if from a moving vehicle (i.e. cannot charge), so realistically at least turn four before combat and you still get the dreadclaw shot at for a turn, the disembarked squad shot at for a turn and then overwatch??

If im reading this right that means it worse than a rhino, which at least has some offensive capabilities and smoke launchers, upgrades etc.

Just wanted to check im reading this right before i buy and try to convert a drop pod

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the dreadclaw counts as open topped when you get out ie you can assault straight out of it however you can only disembark in hover mode so you can't move 36 inches, you can only move as fast as a fast skimmer can move (12"?) 

i run a dreadclaw and am building a second, they are very useful despite what some meta gamers on this forum seem to think. on turn 3 (4 if reserve roll is unlucky) you can charge something in the back field that not much else could have reached in a faster time. the only vulnerability was in the turn it arrived and then its being shot with snapfire and has av12. I run it with 5 plague ogryn inside and it makes a horrible mess as they can glance to death most tanks and absolutely mutilate most troops. Oh also i forgot to mention that you can move 8" away from any point on the hull which is worth remembering. 


get someone to let you proxy a drop pod or a bottle or something if you dont have one and try it out. if you play them right they work great. 

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The other issue is that they take up a very valuable Fat Attack slot, which isn't so good.


I think this also highlights one of the biggest problems with Forgeworld: how do you know where the latest rules are? In any case, the rules from IA6 are way outdated.

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Up to date rules are; Flyer(Hover), Assault vehicle, Frag launchers( like the Crusader LR) 12 armor on all sides, takes a AR slot, can take in any sort of CSm unit, provided its Infantry or 1 Dread.


Comes into play via DS, is not immobilised like Imperial Pods, units in DC pods doesn't count towards the threshold of units you can keep in reserve.


So to be clear; it arrives turn 2, because its a Flyer, you can decide to come in Flyer mode once you have DS'ed, in the shoothing face you can zoom and move 24".

Next turn you can go in hover mode, move 6 like a Skimmer, disembark in a 2" and move 6" and assault.


Its also a nice transport for things like Possesed or dreads, you can assault in a terrain and count as having assault Grenades this turn.


The only cons i think to this is the AR Slot and the fact you can come only from turn 2 and not turn 1 like Imperial Pods.


If FW updates their rules in this way, Dreadclaws will be much more popular and used.

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