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Cheap HQ choices

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He's a few more than 120, but for cheap HQ I've always been a fan of 

Dark Apostle - 105

Black Mace (45) or Murder Sword (35)
Nurgle (15)

Veterans (0)
Total: 165 (tops)

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giving daemon weapons to 2-wound characters that alone cost >100 (partly because of coming with a PW which you don't get a refund for) is the opposite of cheap.


p.s.: to put that into perspective: Khârn costs 5pts less...

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One build I am considering for my own chaos lord is

Chaos Lord Karsarn Forsworn Exalted Champion of Chaos 135 points

Burning Brand Sigil Lightening Claw

if i wanted to give him a little extra beefing up id give him gift of mutation as well. Overall he is a very effiicent killer of any infantry which dosent have a 2+ save :)

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I really, really hope for a Emperor's Children supplement so that I can give my lord one of the awesome Sonic Weapons in our codex. How about a lord with a Doom Siren in melee or with a Blastmaster attached to a CSM squad...oh the evil...

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