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Are Sanguinary Priests overpriced?


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Assault Tricycles would solve this problem. Jump-move 12 inches, peddle 12 inches, Rending cycle wheels with built-in trike Blood Chalice, it's fool-proof.


And better than Thunderwolf Cavalry.

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Pretty sure I've forgotten a thing or two.

Yea the situation is grim for most things melee-focussed. I've said it before but no one thing nerfed melee units, but collectively together many factors came together to reduce their legitimacy on the tabletop. They still have their role, but you can no longer float an entire competitive list using melee as your primary means of reducing threats.


Most melee Units now require either 24" raw mobility and/or Fleet (reroll that freakin Random Charge Length) just in order to survive for *hopefully* a turn because with the raw firepower being toted these days, 2 turns of shooting is just too many...


And K&F, you forgot Directional Shooting Casualties. In 5th Ed, the guys in the back of a Unit died--- now the ones in the front die, adding more and more inches on top of your distance to the opponent (which compounds with the Random Charge Length problem).


Now, spammed ASM as a spoiler list in a Tournament is not entirely without merit but the problem is there are too many hard counters that are also broadly-competitive. For example, Mass ASM will probably show Necrons a hard time-- ASM close the distance reasonably quickly and Necron shooting (while heavy on weight of fire) is generally poor AP, coupled with the fact that most of their units are vulnerable to sweeping advance. However, most builds from the two Chaos books (and Tyranids) would happily enjoy an easy win over ASM-spam because things like Heldrakes, JuggerAxeLords, Bloodthirsters, Swarmlord, etc can (and ARE) easily built into competitive lists.

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And K&F, you forgot Directional Shooting Casualties.


I rolled that into wound allocation and casualty removal. 


But I did forget another thing that's quite important when up against mech, the increase in mobility relative to jump infantry for non fast vehicles. Very noticeable when facing lots of chimeras or rhino hulls.  

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Has anyone given serious thought to the sanguinary initiate in the honor guard squad? Yeah, it's expensive as a unit especially if you go jump packs and plasma guns, but the priest basically does the same thing without costing 75pnts by itself and the squad can put out some real damage as long as they're protected by the assault marines around them.

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Has anyone given serious thought to the sanguinary initiate in the honor guard squad? Yeah, it's expensive as a unit especially if you go jump packs and plasma guns, but the priest basically does the same thing without costing 75pnts by itself and the squad can put out some real damage as long as they're protected by the assault marines around them.


That's my preferred method of getting a priest into a list.


However you still run into the same problem K&F initially outlined (except now it is magnified).  You still run into the pitfall of adjusting your play to try to get maximum value out of the priest's bubble, and now you might have an expensive (or specialized unit) serving to support maximizing the value of the priest rather than fulfilling some other role.

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Grey Hunters in the current competitive meta are where all tactical marines should be. Because other Marines which are worse than them are basically un-usable against Tau/Nids/Crons/Daemons


With the amount of shooting on the table, plus the amount of high attack MCs around, Marines just aren't good enough as troops.


The only Power Armour book where people actually go there for the basic troops are Space Wolves, in every other dex the Troops are effectively a tax to get the cool stuff like Thunderfires or Fragioso Dreads and Baals or Devastation Banners and Power Fields.


Marines have a load of awesome special rules.... but they are irrelevant when so many things just kill them outright and make them worthless.


And going back to Priests, even if they were at 5th edition levels, they would be whack against double Riptide lists which are Overcharging and doubling out everything under a large blast anyway. It's sick! They work even better against AV13 walls too. Nova Charged large blast will kill 2 tanks which are huddling for obscured from 60" away.


Right now all I am taking Blood Angels for are Mephiston, Death Company and Fragiosos. The rest is just chaffe

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