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Chaplain Otho

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Hi guys i'm a recent convert to Space Wolves having played Raven Guard in 5th, (hence the signature) and Tyranids and 6th edition so far.


I've bought the codex and a load of Grey hunters to get me started. So far I'm loving the background and the models.


I have a few questions which I hope folks can help me with.


1. How does Glorious Death work with FIrst Blood? if he dies first do I get the VP or does my opponent or one each?


2. Thunderwolf cavalry look great and are fantastic models but they are so expensive I struggle to get them into a 1750 list. Are they worth taking or is there another combat unit that works well?


3. Njal Stormcaller looks like he could be great. Does anyone have much experience of using him as I don't see him in many lists.


4. Are Skyclaws any good. With a wolf guard and hammer of wrath and the extra charge attacks they look pretty useful to me.



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Firstly welcome brother to the fang, drink well and enjoy the war stories and now to your questions. With lone wolf if he is first blood then your opponent gets it, but you still get a victory point for him dying. Next thunderwolves are fun and can be effective you just need to know how to use them I would recommend attaching a lord on a thunderwolf to them. Njal is a fun model but not very competitive because his abilities are great but you still can get two regular rune priests for his cost. With swift claws I don't have much advice but I'm not a fan because they are only bs and ws 3. Yet again welcome to the fang brother
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1.  He gets the point for First Blood, but does not give up the point for a model killed due to his own special rule.  So while normally your opponent would get one for FB and then one for killing the model, you guys break even on that one.


2.  Remember that TWC have rending and are strength 6, so it isn't necessary to load them up with power weapons every time.  A basic load out could just as easily be one with a storm shield, two regular, and all with meltabombs.  This lets you do fairly well mowing through infantry with the occasional AP2 rending attack getting through while also protecting with a 3++.


3.  Njal has proven to be very valuable in lists when he is in TDA due to his psychic defenses and the table effects he brings to the game.


4.  Wolf Guard cannot join Sky Claws so your only good option is too attach a Wolf Priest with a jump pack to the unit.  His oaths help deal with the reduced ballistic and weapon skills.

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Welcome to the Fang!

If you're near a point to begin painting and would like to interact with the community a bit there isa board-wide painting drive, E Tenebrae Lux II, which could be an excellent drive and great way to meet some of the active members of the Rout.


Brother Ramses summed up the answers to your questions well and your starting force of Grey Hunters are an excellent core of any Space Wolf army and will serve you well in your pursuit of victory.

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1.  He gets the point for First Blood, but does not give up the point for a model killed due to his own special rule.  So while normally your opponent would get one for FB and then one for killing the model, you guys break even on that one.


2.  Remember that TWC have rending and are strength 6, so it isn't necessary to load them up with power weapons every time.  A basic load out could just as easily be one with a storm shield, two regular, and all with meltabombs.  This lets you do fairly well mowing through infantry with the occasional AP2 rending attack getting through while also protecting with a 3++.


3.  Njal has proven to be very valuable in lists when he is in TDA due to his psychic defenses and the table effects he brings to the game.


4.  Wolf Guard cannot join Sky Claws so your only good option is too attach a Wolf Priest with a jump pack to the unit.  His oaths help deal with the reduced ballistic and weapon skills.


On number 4 the Wolf Priest makes Sky Claws worth taking!!!  :D

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I find Swiftclaws arent that bad if you have an IC on a bike you want them to escort. They move fast, they hit hard enough, T5 helps keep them alive... and BS3 is largely taken care of by being twin linked.


Always take the attack bike, 5pt upgrade for all the extras is well worth it.


And... we use divination on our Rune Priests and Aegis Defense Lines and FW units and allied guard hydras most commonly to take care of enemy flyers.

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As the others have said, Welcome to the Fang. Reference TWC, Yes they are worth it in my opinion. I usually run a pack of 3 with 2 St.Sh's & a PW & take them in most armies over 1200 pts. The thing in my experience is that they need to be in CC ASAP so play aggresively with them. don't line them up across from the opponents Demolisher Cannon but get them stuck in as fast as you can. THe trick is to follow them up with something else. I use Gh's usually following the TWC in Rhinos popping smoke & using cover. Now, I have to be honest. I've played with them since our new Codex was released in 5th, converting my initial packs from dollar store toys & currently have 16 of them of various origins. I love them but they are not to everyone's taste for one reason or another. If you're interested in them but don't want to shell out for them( I do like the GW models but they are pricey for 3) till you're sure, get your friends to play 3 or 4 games with proxies to see if they suit your style of play. Good luck.

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