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How should I use Scouts?


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So BA's cheapest scoring unit per model is the Scout. They're slightly more fragile and are worse at shooting, but they are cheap and have some good options.


I have 20 scouts, and 5 assembled. I was thinking giving most of them Sniper Rifles, but would there be any way to make use of shotguns? assault 2 is quite impressive, and on a cheap model like a Scout you can field them en masse. Then there's the good old-fashioned Bolter.


And also, to Outflank or not to Outflank? I guess that depends on the loadout.

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Ive used scouts in 2 ways.

1: Snipers, place near an objective (camo cloaks recommended, but not needed) and snipe away at 2+ save units (termies) and monstrous creatures.

2: Cheap throw away assault squads. Against certain targets scouts are a better unit to use then assault marines. Take bloodletters for example. They will kill an assault marine just as easily as they will kill a scout. A scout is cheaper however so the extra "oompf" that the bloodletter has against MEQ is wasted on scouts. At the flipside the scouts are just as deadly against their foes as assault marines are teehee.gif

Ive stuck a bare bones SP with them (who gains move through cover from) and was quite happily suprised by their resiliance :)

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I prefer to run them as snipers. I've had poor luck with bolters, but my experience is very limited. I agree with knife&fork that the missile launcher is better since it complements the high toughness targets the snipers hunt.


If Iyanden becomes popular, I'd run them more frequently and in greater numbers. I think tactical squads are a better value in most cases.

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Sniper scouts are awesome :)

I fire at your wraithlord. Its toughness X they tell me proudly. And I still wound it on 4's! teehee.gif its even better when you rend to! Nothing makes a player as paranoid about sniper scouts as having them lose a MC to them from 1 turn of shooting. Or having them pin a squad at a critical time ^_^

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Their weapons hit normally on ballistic skill but every 6 to hit is a precision shot. Then they wound anything regardless of toughness on a 4+. They also have rending however so every 6 to wound ignores armour saves ^_^ if you kill even 1 model with a sniper rifle the unit needs to take a pinning test as well!


You need some luck with the rolls mind but snipers CAN be very good. Sadly they can also dissapoint if you dont get any precision shots or rending shots. OR your opponent simply passes cover/invul saves. But considering they are cheap the potential they have is very nice :)

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