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alternate models for EC Bikers

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I was looking around for an alternative to the GW bikes. I found these but it never says anything about which scale they are in. I was hopeing to find someone that has purchaced models from this range that could tell me if they fit the 28mm scale.

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Nice find - I'm thinking of doing an EC bike Lord, and these might be an interesting alternative to converting a GW chaos bike.


The home ("News") page of the site you linked to says this is a metal 28mm mini system, but that does leave the issue of how hard it might be to fit a CSM rider's legs to one of these bikes - it might require some converting, but it looks doable to me.

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I was looking around for an alternative to the GW bikes. I found these but it never says anything about which scale they are in. I was hopeing to find someone that has purchaced models from this range that could tell me if they fit the 28mm scale.

I have those bikes for my JSA troops. As stated by others it is 28mm and much smaller.


Here is a close to/almost exaggerated example



As for an alternate idea I would like to suggest DA bikes. The winged front guard and even the tail decoration fit with the EC's winged claw imagery. I've done this for my EC lord.

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As has been said, Infinity as more actual scale than heroic scale, and those bikes are designed for humans, not astartes.


To give an idea, an infinity soldier in full armour (Kazak vet.) is probably about the size of a guardsman, but much more slender, almost eldar like proportions, but without the spread legs.


The bike you link to would probably come to a chaos marine's knee to mid thigh.


They could always use them as skateboards.

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That's awesome for anything smaller than marines that can use bikes, but like these guys said, the space marine models are just too big to look right.


Love that skateboard joke, though. We actually had a running joke about my Chaos Lord in the recent escalation league because I didn't have a bike for him, so I cut out a piece of cardboard that was the same dimensions as the bike base. It was Zed's surfboard.


As far as regular kit-bashing though, I think Infinity looks like a pretty cool option, as those minis are very pretty, but definitely more slender than GW's stuff, so I'm thinking at best you could give some of that stuff to scouts. Or you could arm a dreadnought with some weapons from their giant mechs. I saw a model at my local game shop that looks like she's holding a whip of some sort, and I wanna take that and give it to an aspiring champion. I can't remember what the model's name is though. She was with some of those guys that run around in the mechs, I believe.

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Puppet Wars makes some bikes and there are a couple of other 3rd party bits store places that have bikes and jetbikes. Or you could go the FW route and get Jetbikes that "count as" normal bikes. I've also seen ppl take those fantasy human Chaos Seeker riders and mount as Chaos Space Marine on them.

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