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Land Raiders - do they have a place in your army?


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One word,,, Mantacores. I leave the LR's at home and take 3 storm ravens.

Three words... Night scythes and Vendettas. I leave the storm ravens at home and focus on the ground troops. tongue.png

Seriously though, how often do we see more than one manticore in IG lists these days? It's all about the blobs and flyers. And flyers doesn't help with shutting down that manticore turn one.

Its 4 :D

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One word,,, Mantacores. I leave the LR's at home and take 3 storm ravens.

Three words... Night scythes and Vendettas. I leave the storm ravens at home and focus on the ground troops. tongue.png

Seriously though, how often do we see more than one manticore in IG lists these days? It's all about the blobs and flyers. And flyers doesn't help with shutting down that manticore turn one.

Its 4 biggrin.png

Doh! :pinch:

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Just picked up a LR Redeemer last night, which i am painting DC theme. Gonna try it in our next mini tourney and see how they do. Not really a competitive list, but i want to see how much they can assault in turn 2. I'll keep 11DC and a chaplain inside with a Libby and ASM following in the rear to give it 5+ cover.  It will be all out assault 44 MEQ assault units. I'm guessing i'll miss my dev's. Though sometimes it feels nice to go balls deep. 

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Per point its really hard to say if they are worth it because of the huge investment sad.png They are garbage vs Necrons or lance Eldar, but godlike against list with little melta, MC's and so on.

Armies Land Raiders are "garbage" against:

- Necrons (Gauss Glance)

- Eldar/Dark Eldar (Lance weapons)

- Imperial Guard (Melta Vets, Leman Russ Vanquishers)

- Space Marines (Melta, Melta, Everywhere)

- Chaos Space Marines (Melta, MCs)

- Chaos Daemons (Flying MCs)

- Tyranids (Flying MCs)

- Tau (Railguns)

So, what's left to be "god-like" agaiunst? smile.png

- Sisters

- Grey Knights

- Da ORKZ!!! (Does anyone even play them anymore laugh.png )

Necrons: need ~24 Gauss hits to glance a LR to death, if the LR has no cover. No necron army I've ever seen can do that it less than 2-3 turns. Furthermore virtually every gauss weapon is 24", with 12" rapid fire. If the enemy is within 12" of my LR, then my LR has done its job in delivering an assault unit to my enemy.

Marines/Guard/Sisters: Imperial melta weapons (non-multimelta) need to be within 6" to do more than glance a LR. A proper infantry or light vehicle screen will easily prevent getting that close (or even within the 12" a multimelta needs)

CSM/Daemons/Nids: Their flying MCs won't get the charge until T2 at the earliest, when they're swinging with half their attacks, hitting with 2/3ds of those, only penning on half of the hits, and each pen has only a 33% chance of destroying the LR. In exchange they've voluntarily grounded their 200+ point flyer within range of whatever you've got on the board, and within charge range of whatever nasty unit you had in the LR. I'd call that a fair trade. Regular MCs are even less of a threat to the LR, as they're slow enough you can pretty much guarantee getting the charge with whatever unit you're transporting.

Tau: The only major threat is the Hammerhead. Almost everything else can only glance, and only on a 6, and each such gun only gets one shot per turn (the Riptide's Heavy Burst Cannon gets 12 shots, but needs 6's to Rend and 2's on the rending roll to generate a glance, so you net about one glance per shooting turn with markerlight support). Even the hammerhead will miss 1/3 of the time and won't scratch the paint 1/2 of the time.

GK: rely on Psycannons (6 to rend and glance + 2 or 3 to pen), Vindicares and CC to drop AV14. Against a Vindicare you have to beat them on deployment or take it out the first turn. Psycannons aren't that reliable vs AV14, and you can usually weather one turn of shooting to deliver your payload, especially if you can get cover.

Orks: the only reliable way orks have of dropping AV14 is to punch it. If they're punching your Land Raider, you can punch them.

Basically, as long as you use a Land Raider as an assault transport with guns rather than as a gun platform that can hold dudes, you should be fine (the lascannons on the phobos-pattern are for opening enemy transports, not long-range sniping).

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I really think you guys missed the sarcasm in my post...


I'll admit it, I certainly did :)


In my defence, I recently had a similar argument about a list in the GK subforum so I've had some time to think about it.  It really bugs me when people dismiss any vehicle in a list with "those are trash: Necrons will glance them to death" and don't actually think about it (or consider that there might not be a Necron player in your area)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really happy with how the DC Redeemer  worked out at our last tourny. Definatly an MVP. Many lists now have have less to deal with AV 14. The DC/Chaplain wiped out Belial and 5 termies in one round. Only Belial and one LC termie got to hit back.


Both the LR and DC made their points back and then some, also taking some focus off scoring units. 

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Really happy with how the DC Redeemer  worked out at our last tourny. Definatly an MVP. Many lists now have have less to deal with AV 14. The DC/Chaplain wiped out Belial and 5 termies in one round. Only Belial and one LC termie got to hit back.


Both the LR and DC made their points back and then some, also taking some focus off scoring units. 



I assume, since they're in a LRR, they were set up for choppy, no bolters?

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2 Power Axe, 9 boltguns, mainly due to most of them already being modelled that way.


Although i'm not sure i'd want to change it since you already do enough damage with 2 rapid fire and 4 basic attacks in assault, when assaulting initiative 4 or higher it nice to take do more damage pre assault. Overwatch alot more effective aswell.


I guess going less DC with 2 cc weapons could be better to save points, but i'm really happy with boltgun DC.

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How do people fit them in games of 1500? I have tried shoe-horning a Redeemer into a list with a big DC, with a TDA libby with rage/shield but thats a lotta points. Been thinking of using a RAS but to make them any good in combat you are looking at a Libby + Priest combo, which again is a lot of points. Shield of Sanguinius seems a good bet on one of these.


Just bought a Redeemer so looking forward to using it! Will be magnetizing it to get the most out of it too.

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It is difficult to fit in, but i was happy with how the list worked.


JP Libby 

125 points


Redeemer with multimelta

11 DC 2 power axe


600 points


2x 10xras 2xmultimelta 2x plasma pistol

480 points


10x ras 2xflamer power axe 

215 points


JP Priest 

75 points


1495 points which leaves room for a melta bomb.


Landraider + terrain screened 20 RAS, Libby gives LR cover with shield. Flamer unit used more situanionally.


Raider and ras deployed on front line and all move 12 up. Round 2 you can blow up alot of stuff with 5 melta 4 plasma shots and get into assault.(destorying transports pre assault)


My impressions were i could maybe drop the chaplain (it was a tad overkill) and put the libby in there to save 100 (chappie) + 25points (JP) and give a larger shield bubble. 

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