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New Eldar Codex... How do we fair up?


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I think we'll eventually match up well. Every new dex is hard when it first comes out cause we're dealing with new stuff. Eventually you pick out the tricks and forces to beat it. The first thing I learned wargaming is never get too in love with your own force structure.  

Yeah, the new Eldar book will change a lot of things but like it has been said, we will just have to learn to the in's & out's. THe biggest issue marine players of any stripe will have to contend with will be the Dark Reapers. Their Range Finder nullifies jink saves, they are still AP3 AND their squad size has been increased to up to 10. Wriath Blades are another concern but I want to see a little more about them. They're Wraith Guard equipped for CC. Yes  the Wraith Knight is S10 & T awesome but it's also enormous. Good luck on trying to get cover saves. THe bloody sword it comes with is slightly longer then a Rhino(we compared it last night). Anyways, interesting times ahead Brothers & Sisters.

Yeah, the new Eldar book will change a lot of things but like it has been said, we will just have to learn to the in's & out's. THe biggest issue marine players of any stripe will have to contend with will be the Dark Reapers. Their Range Finder nullifies jink saves, they are still AP3 AND their squad size has been increased to up to 10. Wriath Blades are another concern but I want to see a little more about them. They're Wraith Guard equipped for CC. Yes  the Wraith Knight is S10 & T awesome but it's also enormous. Good luck on trying to get cover saves. THe bloody sword it comes with is slightly longer then a Rhino(we compared it last night). Anyways, interesting times ahead Brothers & Sisters.

Aegis defence line and that wraithknighht is laughing :)

I play both & I can't wait till to get my hands on the bloody book. Sadly, it will be a month or so before I can get my own copy. Las weapons get a boost for them along the lines of if the Exarch has a las weapon(Swooping Hawks comes to mind) & hits, the rest of the squad becomes twin linked. Another little tid bit are that Warp Spiders are now Hit & run standard. Their vehicile upgrades got a boost to  but cannot remeber exactly what. A buddy has the codex now so I'm sure I'll get to see it again soon.

Frankly, I´m really worried about the new Serpent shields. AV12 transports making all penetrating hits glances on 2+ seems just insane; I use Drop Pods and my main anti-tank are meltaguns so this is really going to hurt as glancing them to death with massed high-strength fire is not really an option.

Frankly, I´m really worried about the new Serpent shields. AV12 transports making all penetrating hits glances on 2+ seems just insane; I use Drop Pods and my main anti-tank are meltaguns so this is really going to hurt as glancing them to death with massed high-strength fire is not really an option.

That does sound crazy. That better be a very pricey upgrade or only allowed on a limited number of vehicles.


As far as I have read, the wraithknight is T8 3+ sv. Still very mean. That thing should never be allowed to have a coversave other then nightfighting.


What worries me thr most is the new bladestorm rule. WGTDA are boned vs an onslaught of shinny little stars. (Nerdrage!)

The wraithknight costs 245 points is str 10 and t 8, 6 wounds, and can get a 5+ invuln via some shield thingy...


All of the stock weapons basically rend now too...


I am feeling like we are rapidly getting out powered here...

Wheres our HUGE wolf with two side saddle las platforms? I want big model to play with too!!


End of Line

I made a MC wolf HQ for a campaign and I would like to see something similar in our next codex. Or a wolf-like walker would be cool. A walker that moves like a beast or something. Anyways, eldar don't seem to have a ton of new toys, but the bladestorm thing seems kind of crazy to me. So what if they are short range, they can move shoot move and have fleet.

I play both & I can't wait till to get my hands on the bloody book. Sadly, it will be a month or so before I can get my own copy. Las weapons get a boost for them along the lines of if the Exarch has a las weapon(Swooping Hawks comes to mind) & hits, the rest of the squad becomes twin linked. Another little tid bit are that Warp Spiders are now Hit & run standard. Their vehicile upgrades got a boost to  but cannot remeber exactly what. A buddy has the codex now so I'm sure I'll get to see it again soon.



Sigh, blood claws...


Laser Lock is only for Scatter Lasers, and it only benefits the model equipped with it.

I wouldn't worry guys. For now I would treat the Eldar as you always have. The Eldar's psychic defense and ability to reliably buff themselves has gone way down. Howling Banshees (I feel) are not as good as they were (Which is a joke...), Fire Dragons have had a points increase (Which they needed). Striking Scorpions are not really designed to take on Marines... but overall I think they have been improved... Watch out for power fists that strike at I... Luckily at puny Eldar strength :P


New troops are not that scary... rending against infantry on shuriken is nice but it shouldn't make a huge difference most of the time.


Eldar fast attack has improved, but that is mainly small changes (so don't worry about new gimmicks).


Heavy support is interesting. Fire Prisms now have 3 modes of fire and don't link... Large AP3 blast, small AP2 blast, anti-tank shot. 6th has made weapon platforms more viable, so if you haven't seen them already you might see them now. Bigger reaper squads with access to krak missiles (fairly expensive), BS4 on Eldar vehicles and I think weapon upgrades might be cheaper (I need to double check that). Wraithknight... just a bigger Wraithlord really.


In other words... until the Eldar players figure something nasty out... No need to worry.


Oh I guess Wraith armies might be interesting, but they will also be very small.


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