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Hi I'm about to start a small Khorne army, O have ordered a razorback, a box of zerkers and will look to make 8 zerkers and a lord from them :)

Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself!

Skulls for the blood god!

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Welcome to Chaos and B&C!


I noticed that you mentioned a Razorback, did you mean a Rhino? Chaos doesn't have access to the newer Razoback design but you can mimic one fairly well by adding the havoc missile launcher to a rhino.

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I buy razorbacks as they cost the same for me, but will make a rhino from it. But it has free bits in it you can use for other things :)

My lord was either gonna have the axe and 4+ save gift or the flamer of skalathrax, 4+ save and either a claw or fist? :)

Zerkers 8 with champ have MB and claw?

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Welcome to the forum!

Do you get the rage bonus from counter attack?

Nope. Rage improves your charge bonus, while counter attack has nothing do to with charging.

What do you give basic CSM? I usually play under 1k points usually 500 or 750 smile.png

I have two basic ways to equip my CSM:

1. 10x CSM, 7x bolters, 2x plasmas, champion with power weapon (of some sort), all in a Rhino. Keeps them reasonably cheap and mobile for scoring, and can bunker up on an objective if need be.

2. 10x CSM, Mark of Khorne, pistols & CCWs, 2x meltas, champion with power weapon, all in a Rhino. Supports the Berzerkers, adds a little anti-tank firepower and can lend a hand in melee if needed.

I think as a general rule, you should try to keep CSM as cheap as possible while still keeping some utility. In smaller games, you can scale the unit down to 6-8 men and just put a combi-weapon on the champion to match the squad's special weapon, and it would still do pretty well.

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