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Acts of Shame!


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I played a 2,000 point game tonight that was absolutely pathetic. It really made me want to start a forum (if one doesn't already exist) to make sure I am not the only BA who has a shameful game every once in a while.


I'll start:


Played against a solid Templar list with a pair of vindicators who ended up owning my army. He stole the initiative.


I fielded 7 MM attack bikes that, over 2 turns collectively hit 0 for 10 melta shots against the 2 Vindicators. The Vndicators hit my A Bikes hard in the first 2 turns, and I failed all my jink saves - as they are S 10, AP 2, I did not get FnP, and they were all were wiped out before I saw turn 3. Pretty sad. And it gets worse...


Mephiston on turn one attempted to use his Wings, but ended up wounding himself on a miscast. On turn 3, he engaged a decent sized unit of mixed Templars and Scouts (or Neophytes) that were in cover and wounded himself again, as he attempted to use Unleash Rage. The freaking scouts wounded him twice in CC. After he dispatched the unit, I had one last chance to turn the game around, if he could get into a final assault and hold the enemy from breaking into my deployment zone. Mephiston casted Wings and.... passed it. Then he jumped out of the cover - ready to prove himself worthy-  hit dangerous terrain, failed his armor save and killed himself. I conceded the game.


The pains were felt throughout the army, but the above paragraphs highlight the shamefulness. My other Librarian was the one excpetion. He took out two venerable dreadnoughts nearly single-handily. After most of my army had managed to kill themselves, Librarian Mathius found himself alone and boldly charged into CC with the 2nd dreadnought, killing it with his Sword of Sanguine and surviving the Dreads simultaneous strikes. A drop pod storm bolter killed him the next turn...

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Mephi charging 3 meltavets and dying to triple sixes in overwatch. Followed by mephi charging three plasma vets and another triple six, TWO TIMES! I really HATE overwatch -.-


Also, podding a fragioso next to coteaz with 3 multimeltas in a big brainfart

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Mephi charging 3 meltavets and dying to triple sixes in overwatch. Followed by mephi charging three plasma vets and another triple six, TWO TIMES! I really HATE overwatch -.-



Oh man that sucks.

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