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Loken and Abaddon: Finished

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Well I had a short lived WIP thread, but I was too busy to really update it. As such, thought I'd just share some finished pictures of the pair. I normally have a lighter, blue background but l thought I'd try black today. Still not sure about it, but hey ho, keep trying...









(I'm quite proud of the sword)




As always comments and critique welcome



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Thanks for the kind replies everyone, I'm glad you approve!


@Aqatone: He may very well have done, but it's all fiction and personal preference, I don't like the light hair he was painted with by FW, I've always imagined him as either very short, shaved hair, or black :)

  On 6/2/2013 at 4:28 PM, Anaziel said:

Just one question brother Cosmic, have you done the base with weathering powders? Or how have you managed that nice red dusty colour?

I have, nothing fancy or expensive though, just coloured dust made from scraping a knife across some old artists Pastels I had lying around :)

  On 6/2/2013 at 4:34 PM, Cosmic castaway said:

  On 6/2/2013 at 4:28 PM, Anaziel said:

Just one question brother Cosmic, have you done the base with weathering powders? Or how have you managed that nice red dusty colour?

I have, nothing fancy or expensive though, just coloured dust made from scraping a knife across some old artists Pastels I had lying around smile.png

Great, because it does look amazing.

  On 6/2/2013 at 10:10 PM, batu said:

Fantastic peace ! Everything about it is just awesome.


Could you tell us how you did the sword ?


Thank you very much, Batu :)


The sword was just the usual masking off an edge (opposite edges on both sides to speed up the process) and then airbrushing 3 main colours in sections to get the smooth transition. Next time though I'm going to try a dark Grey instead of pure black.



Thank you very much, BrotherGyram.


Quick question to anyone, I know this is still a heavy Power Armoured forum but is it my understanding that Imperial Guard and such are now allowed? I have a Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher I'd like to share but only if its allowed?


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