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Just won first Tourney weee:)


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Just won my first tourney, it was the north island convention or NICon in New Zealand. it was only around 20 people[it was in the middle of nowhere.. 6 hour drive from most major centres] but the number 2 and 3 in NZ came down with an asortment of other good players and of course some newbies.

it's 4:13 in the mroning a thte the moment, I'll try and write up some bat reps [small ones, no photo's] and chuck out my list. 

With morticon as well it's been a good couple of weeks for BA in the Southern hemisphere:)

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Well, here's my fruity list:). I've ben playing variations on this for the last  18 months. in 5th it only had 5 scoring models though, but I only lost one objectives mission in a year of tournies[my first year] at the start of 6th I tried quite a few different things but came to this list 


Mephiston[duh I spose;P]

Librarian: Shield + Fear.


3x Fragiosos with magna grapples and melta guns in drop pods


2x 5 man assault squads in drop pods. one with a melta gun and melta bombs.


3x storm ravens with lascanons and hurrican bolters. 


1x aegis defense line with a comms relay.



The set up is invariably Aegis down and MEphiston on the board, hiding either next to the relay if it's vs stuff he's scared of, or the coms relay is waiting 12 or so inches forwards for him to jump to turn one.


Game one vs Eldar.


He had Eldrad

10 wraith guard

3x wraith hunters

1x the forgeworld eldar flyer that gets 2+ if it jinks

wraith seer with d canon

a group of 4 and a group of 3 jet bikes

1 unit of warp spiders


Baron sathonyx

5 kalabite warriors.


I think thats it.


the game was modified kill points [3 for a unit destroyed 2 for a half or lower strength unit, hull points included] dawn of war set up.

secondary slay your opponents warlord.[ 10 for main 5 for secondary. 5 and 2 respectively for draws. every game had 5 extra points up for grabs with first blood kill the most expensive unit.. stuff like that]



He went first and set his army up in a corner with one hunter on the other side of the table, reserved his fragile scoring units

I set up mephiston in area terrain behind line of sight blocking terrain in the other corner away from his main force. He used eldrads ability to put the other two warp hunters  across from Mephi.


I fail to seize he starts running across the board with his main force and shoots me with his large blast barrage d weapons from the warp hunters.  he scatters every time[can't see me so no bs reduction] 


I'd placed my dreadnoughts in the ravens but left my troops in the pods.  I dropped two empty ones in the far corn from mephi, away from the warp hunters and pretty out of range of the rest of his guns, I put the unit with the melta bombs and melta gun next to the warp hunters to try and get a bonus point for first blood and to force him to not barrage mephi and maybe take first blood[damn instant death on a 6]. I then roll a huge scatter off the board and roll a 1 on the test, giving him 6 kill points and first blood.. Le sigh.


his second turn he misses meph again with the barrages and keeps running his main force into the middle. he gets a unit of kalabites and jetbikes from reserve plus the flyer.

The flyer runs to my side, vector dances and tries to hit mephi, who goes to ground and suffers no wounds.


my turn 2, all three ravens turn up I send one towards the warp hunters killing and weapon destroying one, I end the other to shoot at the flyer, I get 2 glances with the hurricanes he jinks and rolls two ones which destroys his 2 hull point flyer... the one piece of good luck for me this game, Huzzah!. The last one goes after the jet bikes and kalabites cowering in terrain not killing any of them.


his turn three, his other jet bikes and warp spiders show up they hang out in thier corner, the warp spiders land in the middle of the short table edge to shoot a the raven then be able to attack drop pods later. everything shoots, I lose a hull point to massed str6 ground shooting at the raven near his fragile units.


I hover with two ravens and let out their fragiosos . killing the last remaining warp hunters and fragging the unit of kalabites in cover, fail to kill any jet bikes with the ravens.


Turn 4 he needs a 6 move through terrain roll for his wraithseer to be in range with his d canon on the hovering raven that had helped deal to the warp hunters, he rolls a 6

he then hits with his barrage template and rolls a 5 to penetrate, I fail my cover save, he rolls a 6 and explodes the raven, doing a wound to the librarian inside and me failing the armour save giving him 5 kill points[3 for unit destroyed 2 for a half strength unit] he goes after a drop pod with the spiders and kills one, his unit of three jet bikes get behind the furioso score 5 hits on rear armour and he rolls 3 6's... oi vey. 


My turn 4 the last drop pod with troops come down I place them near the other drop pods near the spiders, roll an eleven go off the board, he chooses where they get put and places them next to his wraith guard + hq's unit.


the last two turns, he kills the 5 man unit and it's drop pod but does only one hull point to one of the others, I shoot his 3 man and 4 man unit of bikes with the ravens and drop pods, he makes a staggering amount of saves and is left with one bike, the game ends turn 5 and miraculously it's a draw on the main and the secondary he gets two bonus points for first blood and linebreaker giving him 9 points and I get 7.


the table had two line of sight pieces of terrain in far corners and some small bits of rubble and  a river  running through the middle of it. with eldrad runes of warding mephi, he was stuck in the same place all game with nowhere safe to go. Looking at the terrain at the start I would have taken a draw, but with the amount of atrocious luck I had it stuck in the craw a little, better some than none though :)



Hope that's not to dry it takes a while to write these things, haven't really done this before. I'll post the other ones when I get a chance. The Next match up was against dark eldar with eldar allies.... including eldrad... again.    Three players in the tourney with eldrad and I get 2 the first two games.... I wonder if I'll hit the other one later 

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ok next one, 


He had a venom spam list plus DE bomber, with eldrad and some bikes and the forgeworld 2+ jinky flyer.

the baron and Vect.


Things are a bit fuzzy on this game and it won't be so in depth. it was an objectives mission, vanguard strike. keep your warlord alive secondary


pretty much Mephi sat in the back corner behind a LOS piece of terrain with the comms relay.


turn 2 all my flyers came in and did 2 hull points to two seperate venoms.. I thought I was done. but then he had an equally poor round of shooting and did 2 wounds to meph and nothing to the ravens or the empty drop pods

turn 3 I hovered the ravens dropped out the dreads and ate all his venoms bar one and killed the contents of them.


his big unit of guys with eldrad vect and the baron[hmm come to think maybe just an archon..] where hogging two objectives and his bikes where on another.

managed to deal with the bikes with a five man assault sqaud, but ended up with only a seargant left. who managed to run through a building a contest an objective against the big blob. 

turn four I had managed to assault the big blob with a dread and in turn five I assaulted with another dread.


at the start of turn 5 we were tied 7 a piece with objectives drawn and both our warlords alive[ I had first blood as well]. in the assault with the blob vs dreads the dreads won combat by 2 he rolled a nine for moral, fled and only rolled a three, gettign him initiative 9 and I rolled a 3 and a 5 on my dreads getting enough to catch them.


I got both primary and secondary + kill the most expensive unit and slay the warlord from that and managed to linebreak and clear the guys out of my zone for a 19 to 0 win.


Funny things on other tables, another Mephiston got turned into a herald by the demons player warp storm table.... hope I don't have to play that list:P

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