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Lord of Battle incomming

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if those juggernaut heads are to scale this model is gonna be huge. those tracks look about the same size as a baneblade's. i cant see many of these making it to the table top, to be honest ive only seen about 4-6 baneblades ever used when they first came out. BUT knowing my bum ill have force myself not to buy it cause its SO DAM CHAOS!!!!!!


also why is its head tiny? 

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if those juggernaut heads are to scale this model is gonna be huge. those tracks look about the same size as a baneblade's. i cant see many of these making it to the table top, to be honest ive only seen about 4-6 baneblades ever used when they first came out. BUT knowing my bum ill have force myself not to buy it cause its SO DAM CHAOS!!!!!!


also why is its head tiny? 

Why would its head need to be bigger? It's not like it's housing a brain ;)


Personally, not a fan of the action figure style upper body, but everything else is great. I'm getting one, without a doubt, and I can imagine it will be a blast to convert.

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The head and the fact the body looks too much like a fantasy Skullcrusher is turning me off to the model. I'll still prob get it but there will be huge conversions to those areas.

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Ugh. Maybe I'm just jaded but I am really tired of all of the silly dinosaur robots and megazords when we don't even have obvious things like drop pods, Chaotic Land Raider variants or proper cult units outside of the troops slot. So yeah, this thing just looks cheesy to me. Big, gaudy, and silly, no thanks.

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Ugh. Maybe I'm just jaded but I am really tired of all of the silly dinosaur robots and megazords when we don't even have obvious things like drop pods, Chaotic Land Raider variants or proper cult units outside of the troops slot. So yeah, this thing just looks cheesy to me. Big, gaudy, and silly, no thanks.

Id have to agree tbh!

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Ugh. Maybe I'm just jaded but I am really tired of all of the silly dinosaur robots and megazords when we don't even have obvious things like drop pods, Chaotic Land Raider variants or proper cult units outside of the troops slot. So yeah, this thing just looks cheesy to me. Big, gaudy, and silly, no thanks.

dont forget: dreadnought kit,lord kit,new character models, chosen squad box, or cult terminators. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a couple of pics in the new WD where a Lord of Battle is painted in a dark bronze color scheme where it looks 10x better than the 'official' model next to it. Always wonder whay they chose to use some of the official versions they do, instead of other, better staff models.

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Here's that darker scheme. I agree it looks much better, though I liked how it looked to begin with, so I may not be the best judge.

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That plough would be way too big for a land raider. Baneblade, maybe, but not a land raider.


In any case, it looks so much better in a darker colour scheme, which is great for me because my whole army is extremely dark!

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I am on the fence about this. Everyone wants something new, and new Chaos kit is always a good thing imo.


I'm not big on the idea of this. It screams 80's which is where it originates and there are plenty of fantastic Khorne war machines on Forgeworld. Those things looked fantastic, this thing looks a little strange.


Secondly what is its function? I've played a ton of Apoc style games and I've general'd massive battles for Chaos and in my experience infantry is a waste of time (usually). Sure, dumping 20 Termies on someone's flank is fun, but the raw killing power of some of these warmachines is where it's at. You, and by you I mean Chaos, MUST have a warmachine killer.


Those Ork things are stupid cheap and I've seen them literally walk away with the game too many times. Ten years ago it was Monolith speed bumps that could wipe out an army in a turn but those giant Ork stompas are the cat's meow. I don't see this standing up to them.


If this thing is an infantry killer, I'll pass.

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He can do both roles, seeing that nearly all of his weapons has a S8 or 9, even the Hellstorm template weapon.


ANd he Does D hits in CC, so i'd say while he doesn't have fusion weapons or such, he can be a Super heavy killer or a tank buster and still kill lots of infantry




That plough would be way too big for a land raider. Baneblade, maybe, but not a land raider.


In any case, it looks so much better in a darker colour scheme, which is great for me because my whole army is extremely dark!


Well i don't think its too big, when you look at the pics in the Dwarf BAtrep, the plow is has large, has the LR, or maybe a few millimeters larger, but not that much.


So this with a kinda lift systeme, where it goes on the top of the tank to let the assault ramp open,(like a trash truck), would definetly be really cool...


Only have to wait to find the bits on the Hoardobits shop...

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That S:D axe will do a number on any enemy superheavies unlucky enough to be based by it, especially if it takes a few glancing hits on the way in (for each of its hull points it loses, it gains an extra attack in close combat, to a max of 10). The issue will be getting there, as it isn't the most invincible of superheavies. I'm not sure how fast it is. It has a couple decent guns, but they're not exactly superheavy hunters, they're mostly good for taking out mech or regular vehicles.


So, yeah. anything you can base, you should be able to slaughter, but the trick will be getting there in one piece.

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