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new Apocalypse this summer, and look the new models...

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That seems a fair prices, if you ask me. At the current look of the model, I'm not the biggest fan (mainly the head) but Im sure its got a lot of awesome bits and bobs in it that you can use to make this guy like a real badass. So I'm certainly stoked about it.

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For the cost it probably has, I sure hope it does not only open and close, but also contains a live fusion-powered Ipad to keep up with all the extra rules ;D


kidding. but does anybody here remember the "necron megalith" april fool's video beasts of war made last year or so? this is the real thing.

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Hmm Dark God shrines on tracks is hardly a new idea and the Khorne thing looks...well funny IMO, cartoonish...but lets wait and see the rules when they will pop on the net. Now the Brass Tower or how it is called is hardly a new thing but I really expect one similar thing for every chaos god and one for undivided...

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I'm so absolutely excited about the Lord of Battles!  Seriously... And imagine if they make this into a combo kit that maybe makes a Death Dealer, Tower of Skulls or Cannon of Khorne... Ugh, going to be another one of those spendy months.

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I'm not a fan but to be honest I was never a fan of the old epic ones either. So don't think my opinion matters much in this case lol. I genuinely hope you can make some kind of unmarked big gribbly out of it though! Any way congratz to all the Khorne players!
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The main reason this excites me so much, is the thought of imperial knight titans we can corrupt!


Of course, knight titans are wishful thinking (wraithknight, lord of battles, riptide = big impressive looking model), but what else are the imperials likely to receive this coming apocalypse? 

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Like the giant milk canisters in the back. khorne flakes for everyone!.... Seriously though, bet this see's more action as ork stompa conversions that in chaos armies. Also, torso seems too static. Looks like it wouldn't have much maneuverability in battle if the really existed.

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