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Kharn question


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Is the thread you found dated before october  2012?


If it is then you have found a thread about the Faq of the 4th Ed Codex, where in the few months where 6th Ed and the new CCW rules came out, Kharne's Gorechild was labelled has a Power axe, before the new 6th Ed dex came out.

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Ahh could be thank you for that! :) Im taking part in a small campaign with friends at 750 points, where we a required to take a special character (with exceptions if no no reasonable options are there) and build an army around him

Now I am split between using Khârn or lucius, but since a lot of people play hordes I feel his lash and armour effects could do better than the raw power of Khârn?

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Khârn its 7 S7 AP2 A, with rerolls per turn, and he give Hate to his unit.


Can't remember the rules for Lucius correctly, but i think its 4 Fleshbane attacks with a AP3 S4 weapon, and negating 1 A with models in BtB. and additional S4 AP2 hits from his armor.


But i rather go with someone who decks whole units and avoid to get hit, then someone who gives out Hits AFTER he has been hit.


But thats personal opinion.


AT a 750 pts, you can Take Khârn in a 8 zerker squad with double LC champ and MB, a second Zerker squad with double LC champ and MB, and a squad of Khorne CSM, 10 with 2 Meltas, Extra CCW and Champ with fist or double LC and Meltabomb.


Khârn 160pts

Zerker squad 1 208( or 209 i'm doing this from memory), and they got VotLW and even the Icon of Wrath for that price.

Zerker squad 2 exactly the same.

CSM squad with also VotLW and Icon, 205.


You can always get rid of the Icons and pay a Rhino or Two.

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I tried both out proxying at 750 points, for karn 2x zerker squads 8 man rhino LC and hellchicken

for Lucius I did 2 x 5man rhino CCW blast master NM hell chicken ML marines,

I found the ability to removed the attacks of the hordes really worth it, and he does kick ass more than people give him credit, he killed 20+ boys and a nob on his own

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