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Are you exploring all the fortifications?


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Recently, i have had a closer look at fortifications apart from the quad gun and i was impressed.

My brain juices also coincided with some fortification talk we've been having in the "bastion" and "what army troubles" you threads.


Aegis: we all know

skyshield: haven't seen this in any lists yet. Considering the general survivability my 3 long fang packs and home-camp GH squad would have on this vs general shooting, but especially helldrakes, i am impressed.


Depending on the board, you could be denying yourself lines of fire though... However good when lacking ruins.


Bastion: lots of quality points in the appropriate thread.

Fortress: same as above, for the points though, with krakstorms, it seems very impressive.


Well im very excited to try every single one of those (only used quad gun so far). Have you tried them all yet, did they please/dissapoint? Do you plan on trying them?

Defense is awesome, and I will always take it with Long Fangs.


A similar concept goes along with the Bastion, except that you also gain a vantage point with it, and the ability to hide a scoring unit in it until needed. I've burned down a bunch, and that whole "grenade and flame" thing kinda kills the hiding in it for me.


The Fortress of Redemption I've fought and raged against. There is A LOT in it, far more than I expected, and it held nearly an entire army's worth of models in it when I faced it. I won't field it with my Wolves because I feel like we are more the taking fortress type, not the guarding fortress type.


The Skyshield I've been considering, but I have yet to find a unit that would make good use of its capabilities. I've got no deep strikers and the Long Fangs are more than adequately protected by the ADL. Still... I see potential in it.

Played against  the Defence line all the time it seems & like has been said, it's good. Toying with the Bastion right now & so far I'm impressed but still need a little more testing. Against it, assault the bloody thing & get it over with! LOL!!! THe Sky Shield, only once so far against it & it really didn't do tat much but that was due to the mission & my opponent being....new. Yeah. That works. New. Against the Fortress, not impressed for what you pay for it. Fought against it 3 times & managed to win all 3 times. It is definitley a hard nut to crack but it ends up forming your battle plan instead of being a strong point unless you are playing Apoc sized games.

I end up fighting them more than I end up using them. To me they dont have enough of an effect in games without fliers to make it worthwhile for me. That being said id rather spend on good primaris power divination shooting longfangs with lascannons. Just a personal preference thing I guess but I feel if im going to try to drop a flier why not make sure its dead for good. Lol.

I have been wanting to use a skyshield because a 4+ invulnerable save is sweet for my LF and RP. Plus I can have a small pack of fenrisian wolves camped out underneath sporting a coversave to stop anyone charging up it and such. It gives you the high ground and protection from my two most hated flyers. Vendetta and helldrake can kiss my butt 50% of the time. Doesn't that just sound awesome?


ADL is the standard.


Bastion seem cool. Defiantly going to be taking it for a few test runs.


No thanks to the fortress. Not my style. Way to defensive and requires to much of an investment in points as well as manpower.


Anyways, its late, so maybe that's why the shield seems so cool.

the skyshield definetly is an interesting model, especially if you take multiple long fang units (because it's footprint is quite huge if i recall correctly!).  and at 75 pts it is not "that" expensive. the only reason we don't see this one more often is because we lack AA ourselves. if i were to fill a skyshield up with sabre platforms flyers would be in a terrible hurt!


here's a review of the skyshield:


Hmm would be interesting for my long fangs with a skyshield. Never really looked through it so didn't knwo it existed. My friends runs 1-2 dragons in his lists and soon another friend will run 2 Storm ravens with his Grey knights so as a Space Wolf player with out any defences vs air this could come in handy.

I only ever use an ADL for competitive games, but I have swapped out my quad gun for the more potent one punch Icarus. I'd rather save the 15 points because the only person that uses my Icarus is either my cheap Lone Wolf who gets re-rolls on things like flying MC's, or my Rune Priest who is almost always +1 BS with the Chooser and generally can shoot since he mostly uses psychic stuff at the beginning of his turn. The other Fortifications all seem to be ok though, and I would definately use them in Apocalypse point level games, but not at 1500-1999.


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