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Cult of Golden Tears


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An escalation league has kicked off which Slaanesh and I are tackling hand-in-claw. I'm not competitive or anything but I want this event to be the motivator to build and paint and entire army. *I'm one of those guys who starts and never finishes a project...there are a few of us out there:shifty:


The force I am going to bring to bear will consist of Chaos Marines and Daemons, namely Noise Marines and Daemonettes with some back up. This will be an Emperor's Children war-host roaming the galaxy and putting "laughter" into Slaughter.


What I am hoping to go for in terms of looks comes from this piece of art. What we have is a 'fading/blemished" purple, a lot of black, and some gold. I want this faded purple to look sickly compared to the rich purple the Emperor's Children once had. This reflects something along the lines that they are dead inside (not the Nurgle-y kind), so numb from their new lifestyle of decadence.


This is the start of my painting attempts:

This is the purple I am going for...minus the highlight. I am also thinking blue eyes will look good on these marines instead of green.


I am also hoping to add something along the lines of Slaaneshi and Dark Eldar/Elves to give them a more alien appearance. This is a minor conversion but one that I like very much:

A nice blade gifted by a Daemon of Slaanesh to a Palatine Blade? Maybe?


Last but not least, meet Posidious the Blase:

This is my Huron Bladkheart count-as. I'm happy with the guy except the smoke stacks on the back back. I glued them to the back pack and let it dry before I tried to GS it together (to make it look like the armor was growing over the base of them) and I think the glue softened the hell out of the resin. I don't know but the resin broke as I started to put on the GS. It was weird.


I have a champ to build and the first 500pts to paint...so I need to get busy on that! Thanks for taking a look!

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I like it. The faded purple looks really good, and I'm not aware of too many others who run similar colors. I know for my guys, I painted them with vibrant colors so that it would look like they never stopped maintaining their armor, but your guys seem like they would obsess more over their combat form than their appearance. I also really like the eldar blade on that one guy. If you decide to run a Daemon Prince, might I suggest kitting him with a Defiler mask? The prince I got had one on him, and IMO it looks really fancy. 

Thanks phyton, I was juggling which colors to do for these guys but after I saw that pic I was sold. It hits a nice median for me between their loyalist colors and the current studio scheme.

The blade was inspired by the new Palatine Blades and what they would be wielding after the heresy and spending a good bit of time in the Eye. I like it and my other champs will be getting eldar blades as well. As for the DP, I have one carrying over from attempt of building my IW Grand Company. He's on his way to becoming Doc Ock at the moment biggrin.png.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys!


I missed the first painting deadline for the escalation league but I should have the army painted up by the end of the week. All that's left are bikers, two champs, and finding a good color to do their bases. Then I will have to figure out how to take a decent army shot.


Anyways, a picture of my recent champion:


I stole this build up from Steve Bowerman's Night Lords shown in Octobers White Dwarf magazine. His possessed champ's pose was too irresistible for me. Also, if you are wondering why he has an Eldar Power sword that's being drummed up in the fluff I am making.


The Golden Tears have long ago grown bored with the Long War itself. It is difficult for such souls to remain focused on such grand tasks when so many temptations beckon them. Among such diversions are their hunts of the Eldar. To them, Eldar provided a rare delicacy of slaves who experience everything at heightened senses...which the Emperor's Children enjoy oh so much.


In their somewhat recent past the Golden Tears, in their entirety, learned of and stalked an Eldar Craftworld. With little time and great glee they struck. I do not want to go into detail yet an spoil the fun but what the Golden Tears left behind was pain and misery for the now doomed craftworld. The survivors, mostly females with their wraith forces (whose spirit stones are those of the many males who died fighting the Golden Tears), now roam the galaxy as corsair waiting to exact their revenge. They are led by the Dream Weaver (Farseer) Talia (had to link the pic, I don't think Eldar are welcomed here).


So this is one part of their background that ties in the future Eldar force I will be building up with my Emperor's Children. I am also thinking of a way to add an Inquisitor and his/her warband into this mix. One other project that will be growing will be the Carnival of Chaos, mortal worshipers and practitioners.


The Cult are the Astartes, the sword and shield of Slaanesh that take to the battlefield. The Carnival are the mortals, the hidden dagger and honeyed words of betrayal and temptation. It poses as an illusive Carnival/circus troupe that wanders the Imperium putting on grand shows, succulent banquets, and tempting souls with all manners of desires and pervesions. I really want to make this force happen. This will be a female force of dancers armed with blades led by a yet to be named Ring Master (think Moxxi...but evil). I just have to find female/feminine parts to build up this group.


Lastly, I am starting to build the next 500pts of my force. I already have Posidious (Count-As Huron) ready to go and started building my obliterators. This is one of two:



I hate finecast...but at least it is easier to chop up. I have this guy in a striding pose instead of his "teabaggin' ya" pose. I saw a tutorial for something like this a long time ago here on B&C but I cannot find it. So I tried my best to replicate is best I could.


Well, that's it for now folks! Going to do some more painting before hitting the hay. Thanks for stopping by!

  • 2 months later...

So, it's been awhile BUT I'm finally getting back on the 40k saddle.

A quick recap involves the Escalation League I was in died a few months back and along with a few other diversion my attention wandered elsewhere. Recently though I have built an Eldar Corsair army (with whom my Emperor's Children leer at across the shelf) and starting up a Drop Pod Astral Claws army (trying to revive another army I once started on). I also tried a 5 Slaaneshi Daemon Prince army too but did not like it. The army was more of a book-keeping simulator when trying to keep track of spells and rewards. With another rush of interest I had to get back to the boys. Thanks to Bonzi's thread on this same sub-forum I found a basis with which to restart the Emperor's Children.



-Mark of Slaanesh

-Aura of Dark Glory

-Power Sword



Noise Marines

-10 Astartes squad

-Add 9 CCW

-Icon of Excess

*I've taken to calling these guys the Dancers because they are going to have to rely on fancy footwork when running across the battlefield without a transport.

Noise Marines

-Blast Master

Noise Marines

-Blast Masters

Noise Marines

-Blast Masters

Fast Attack


-5 Bikes

-Swap 2 TL Boltguns for 2 Melta guns

-Mark of Nurgle

*Cannot attach to the Lord but he wouldn't want to ride with them anyways. They're too icky. The Lord just uses them as a rot shield when applicable.


-Flamer *"Cook it before you eat it" is their motto.

-Mark of Khorne

Heavy Suppor


-2 Daemon/Man/Bear/Pig team

-Mark of Nurgle


-2 Daemon/Man/Bear/Pig team

-Mark of Nurgle


*Because I have one and I am going to get my moneys worth out of him.

A fun List with a Bit of bite...and almost every Chaos God mark out there too. whistling.gif

During my latest game my Raptor Champ rolled 65 on the boom table (Renamed because it actually brought the BOOM for a change). Twas awesome but it was also the first time I didn't bother to bring a daemon prince to swap out. Because of my mistake the guy shown below missed out on a fight!



During my latest game my Raptor Champ rolled 65 on the boom table (Renamed because it actually brought the BOOM for a change). Twas awesome but it was also the first time I didn't bother to bring a daemon prince to swap out. Because of my mistake the guy shown below missed out on a fight!




Wow, what a nice daemon prince conversion! I'll definitely try out the tentacles when I'm going to revisit my IW daemon prince!

Thanks Kythnos! I made a prince with two mechantendrils for my Iron Warriors but wanted another one that looked more like Doc Ock...then it got weird with the eyeless face plate and mauler hand. It does make me think of a Warpsmith that ascended, somehow.


I also tried to make a new Noise Champion after seeing a picture of Sevatar and taking a liking to his chainsword-halbred. Here's the attempt:



I like it but I think it still needs work. Something about where the chainsword and shaft meed seems lacking. I think I am going to pop that arm off and switch it out with an sanguinary guard sword and hit the drawing board for another Sevatar look-alike.


Thanks Targetlock!


I am a bit excited for Dark Elves and I'm sure there'll be some lithe, feminine figures I could use for dancers and entertainers. Maybe some male ones too. It is Slaanesh after all. I have a lot of work to do before I get to the carnival though.


I've been having fun with Noise Marines and I am finalizing an 1850/2000 pt list. Then I have eldar and space marines to work on. So that's going to take a little while. *Major understatement here.


Also I put together another Noise Champ. He's not too fancy but he ain't shabby either.



Anyways, off to think about how I can build a termie lord with the burning brand and a black mace...

  • 2 weeks later...

That noise champ looks awesome! He's the perfect blend of fancy and brutal that I think works perfectly for the Emperor's wayward children. 


Plus, top-knot. We can always use more top-knots.


Keep it up! Totally looking forwards to more.

I don't like the Daemon Prince that much and find that the last model you posted looks more like a Chaos Blood Angel than a follower of the Prince of Chaos. But apart from those two minor quibbles, I really like what you've got going here. The conversions really look good and the little that I've seen of the colour scheme looks very promising. Just need more pictures now ;)

That noise champ looks awesome! He's the perfect blend of fancy and brutal that I think works perfectly for the Emperor's wayward children.

Plus, top-knot. We can always use more top-knots.

Keep it up! Totally looking forwards to more.

Thanks Flint! He's an alright fellow but I think I could have done better making a Noise Champ/Palatine Blade-wannabe. This guy, and my other Noise Champs, will be joining a 14 Astartes-strong bodyguard force in the very near future. So he'll do fine there.

I don't like the Daemon Prince that much and find that the last model you posted looks more like a Chaos Blood Angel than a follower of the Prince of Chaos. But apart from those two minor quibbles, I really like what you've got going here. The conversions really look good and the little that I've seen of the colour scheme looks very promising. Just need more pictures now msn-wink.gif

Thanks for the critique Ludovic! I like my Doc Ock...but he mostly hangs around hoping I roll a 65 or 66 on that sweet, sweet boon table. For my other, partially built DP I have been thinking about finally adding angelic wings (from the DE Scourge box) and thinking of what I can do for a unique head/face.

One day...one day I'll get to that.

As for the champ, he was rush job when I didn't have any creative kitbashing mojo. He'll be sticking around but I think I could have done better. Most of his body is Sanguinary Guard, which I think could be good for a Palatine Blade, but I didn't use them to their full potential on that guy. I do need to get into the creative zone as I'll need a dozen more CCW Noise Marines and I want each to have a unique look.

Anyways, some minor updates:


I haven't been digging my paint scheme as of late. I have my fluffy reasons for running with it but I disliked how it didn't pop when on the battlefield. Well, I met a fellow hobbyist at my LGS with great painting skills who was willing to show me a thing or two. The marine on the right is a test bed for new painting techniques which I need to practice more.

I'll admit that I am lovin' the classic Purple and Gold combo.


Here are a few guys I tried making for my CCW Noise Marine Squad that will accompany my lord in his rockin' Storm Eagle (on my to-buy list). I want a squad of marines armed with CCW of varying types. They will strike first, strike hard, no mercy! 14 of them will assault with my lord to bring 43 or so attacks upon an unlucky enemy unit (that is, after a doom siren and burning brand kill a few things).

The guy in the back with the possessed head might not make the band though...

Well, I've got a few things to build. As stated some Noise Marines and some Heavy Weapons teams in lieu of getting more Obliterators.

Very nice

I like the new paint idea. I'm thinking it just looks a little funky at the moment since the highlights are so stark. Have you tried one with a light wash/glaze yet?

Thanks guys!

Flint, he's funky because he's Slaanesh smile.png.

I still need to bug my buddy for a few more painting tips so I can get my purple to look like the guy on the rights leg (he painted that obviously). Soon I will have it down...SOOON.

And now, for the state of the Cult of Golden Tears.
HQ: My Lord will be in Terminator Armor (with a Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil, Burning Brand, and Black Mace). This is the stand-in until I make a proper one:
As for a Black Mace, I am thinking of using those Raptor fins in there somewhere. I am going to have to take a peak at GK and DW termies for more suitable bits for conversion. I might also take a peak at Tyberos and the Termie Praetor as well. In the end I want this guy to look like a center piece.
TROOPS: I've got 3 Blastmaster squads and a CCW Noise Marine bodyguard unit.
First thing I am thinking about is repainting over that purple. It shouldn't be a problem I think.
I am waiting for FW to put the Kakophoni up for sale so I can replace my current Blastmasters.
Also, I have my version of Palatine Blades to build, 14 of them. I want these fellows to all be equipped with swords...but I am debating to have axes. Either way I've got plenty to build and I hope I can make some good conversions and kitbashes.
FAST ATTACK: I've got Bikers, a Heldrake, and a Storm Eagle inbound (Just waiting for those Kakophoni...then I can place that sweet, sweet order.)
Basically I've got a bit of building to do before paint. That and waiting...
Heavy Support: I am going up to end up with 3 2-man obliterator units. I am unsure about how it will turn out game wise but I am looking forward to it.
I like obliterators. They're like the T-1000 but can make guns and ammo. I like some of the artwork for them, like in our current codex. However, I am not that big a fan of their minis. I tried making one of the resins one to have an upright stride and kind of like it. However, I think I want to go the way of Dan the Daemon with making heavy Weapons Teams.
Those weapon teams should fit the bill and I am excited about making them. These fellas are going to be Iron Warriors.
Well, I've got plenty to do smile.png As always Thanks for stopping by.
  • 4 weeks later...
Time to double post with a small update. First off, a bundle of joy has crossed the pond and landed in my lap!


Very excited to put together my new Blastmaster Marines from the Kakophoni and two more quasi-Palatine Blades (I need a name for these guys) from that kit. The new flyer will be fun too and I am happy my group is cool with me using it in games. 


Aside from the prospect of building new minis I cannot wait to get some quiet time to really pore over those books. They're the first ones I've bought from FW and I could not be more happier with this purchase.


As for the Cult, work has been going slow. Here are a few things I cobbled together the past few days.


Another obliterator *wink*. This group contains a spotter who utilizes multiple instruments to locate and designate targets for his team. Obliterator-Weapons teams, named after the weapon toting behemoths afflicted with the Tech virus, bring a vast array of weaponry to the field coupled with an Iron resolve. These marines are veteran Iron Warrior Havocs whose skill with heavy weaponry are a cut above their brethren. They are capable of moving, picking a target, and firing their weapons to devastating effect in relateve rapid succession. Heavy use of bionics among the Iron Warriors lends itself to this ability and allowing these teams to survive against the armored prey they hunt on the battlefield. 


Also, I have three more swordsmen ready to cut enemies down to size. Two of these guys are highly inspired by Insane Psychopath's Iron Warriors. If you haven't seen them you are missing out and should look it up, right meow! 


I am trying to make marines that do not look so loyalist nor chaotic. I want to find a nice medium between loyalist and traitor if possible. It's hard to put the thoughts into words but I want Emperor's Children who are caught between holding onto their pasts legendary strive for perfection and giving themselves over wholly to indulge in all manners of new sensations.


A perfect example of this are the Kakophoni. They aren't totally corrupted but they aren't so normal (for an Astartes) either.


I hope to have more things built and be able to post some fluff I have been working on next time! As always, thanks for taking a look!

Nice package! Hur hur. I've stopped myself from buying those super cool looking books because I'd crack and want to start an EC force. Is there any new stuff for them in book 2?

Love the new kit bashes, do I spy new loyalist parts in them? Thumbs up from me.thumbsup.gif

Nice package! Hur hur. I've stopped myself from buying those super cool looking books because I'd crack and want to start an EC force. Is there any new stuff for them in book 2?

Love the new kit bashes, do I spy new loyalist parts in them? Thumbs up from me.thumbsup.gif

I cracked at the the idea of bringing my Iron Warriors and Night Lords army back to life with 30K. I figured I'd get the books, prep up on lists, and prepare for when the Iron Warriors come out. I...have self-control issues when it comes to purchasing things.whistlingW.gif

I've only glanced through the second book and I did look at the stuff for the Kakophoni (SWEET models by the way). I do not remember if there was anything else for EC in the second book.

As for the new swordsmen there are new loyalists bits in there. I bought plastic crack to make a 1500pt Astral Clawsdrop pod army (which I am dropping and parting out) and some other stuff which I started using in the hopes of making unique Noise Marines. It's an on-going experiment.

Glad I checked back in. The Children are looking awesome. I think those raptor heads look great for a more "sleek" profile that I think fits the Emperor's Children perfectly. Also, I like the wealth of dual=wielding swordsmen in your cult. It makes them look very martial, again, perfect for the EC!


Also, yes, buy so many Kakophoni. Have you read their rules yet? They work great in big giant choirs to cause bunches of instant death, cover ignoring wounds in addition to normal weapon damage. 

Hushrong - The army looking really cool & looking forward to seen how it'll all look.



I am also hoping to add something along the lines of Slaaneshi and Dark Eldar/Elves to give them a more alien appearance. This is a minor conversion but one that I like very much:
A nice blade gifted by a Daemon of Slaanesh to a Palatine Blade? Maybe?


Just to say if you get the model (quote there) painted by 29th Nov?  Warhammer World facebook page running a brotherhood of the brush painting comp & the Chaos Champion (single plastic spure model) been pick as the first model.

I'm going to try convert up the Champion model for my Iron Warriors/tue in with there theme.



This whole army just rocks. It's a whole new take on Emperor's Children!

Thanks bud! I've still got a long ways to go but support like this truly helps! :)

Glad I checked back in. The Children are looking awesome. I think those raptor heads look great for a more "sleek" profile that I think fits the Emperor's Children perfectly. Also, I like the wealth of dual=wielding swordsmen in your cult. It makes them look very martial, again, perfect for the EC!

Also, yes, buy so many Kakophoni. Have you read their rules yet? They work great in big giant choirs to cause bunches of instant death, cover ignoring wounds in addition to normal weapon damage.

Thanks FlintThe raptor heads (and frankly that whole kit) really help bolster our venerable Chaotic plastics. As for the swordsmen, going to be called the Dancers, I think I want the dual blades as a standard, weather they are being held, sheathed, or a combo of both.

And yes, Noise is a nasty weapon! devil.gif

Hushrong - The army looking really cool & looking forward to seen how it'll all look.

I am also hoping to add something along the lines of Slaaneshi and Dark Eldar/Elves to give them a more alien appearance. This is a minor conversion but one that I like very much:

*image was here*

A nice blade gifted by a Daemon of Slaanesh to a Palatine Blade? Maybe?

Just to say if you get the model (quote there) painted by 29th Nov? Warhammer World facebook page running a brotherhood of the brush painting comp & the Chaos Champion (single plastic spure model) been pick as the first model.

I'm going to try convert up the Champion model for my Iron Warriors/tue in with there theme.


Thanks IP! that means a lot coming from you!

As for the champ I am going to try get him done by the 29th. It's going to be rough though with work and the holidays next week. I also like where your entry is heading and I really want to see the final result.

And to finish off...

I've been keeping busy with many other things but it hasn't stopped the Cult of Golden Tears


-I refurbished some tanks I got second hand. They're not finished as I really want to add the extra armor and dozer blades from FW to these kits. My only issue is that is a worth a pretty penny I'd rather spend on HH Marines plus I hardly use my preds since I favor the obliterators a bit more.

-The parts for the storm eagle are being cleaned up and prepped. I'm taking my time with this as the directions for construction don't have a lot of directions or pictures. So this is going to be awhile.

-Three of the Kakophoni. Truly a great kit with no real problems to report. The only thing to mention regarding the mould is that it is quite tedious to clean resin flakes from the piping around the sonic weapons and 4 out of 5 of those bits had air bubbles in the pointer finger of the left hand. Nothing a bit of GS can fix. This also means I will be rearming my previous blastmaster so they can continue their service to Slaanesh.

My only gripe with the kit was that i was hoping and daydreaming for a backpack loaded with speakers. That was not the case and I can understand why they've got the ones they have. Well, I stumbled onto this log and fell in love with Zsoulless' work. Well, upon viewing his work I fell head over heels for the Blastmasters backpack.

I have to have one...


It's going to need work and it won't be as fantastic as the one I am trying to copy but I think those Noise Marines deserve this.

Last but not least was a little pick-up Apocalypse game we set up on the retail side at my LGS. The Soon-to-be Iron Hands, Dark Angels, and Tau fought against the collective and awkwardly allied might of the Cults of Golden Tears (Slaaneshi Marines), Necrons, and the very out of place Eldar. Yes, craftworld Eldar.


There were a lot of fun little moments . However, we called it after the entire first turn as it got late and a few of us had to wake up early for work. The next turn would have been nasty. We hope to continue Apocalypse games in the future by setting up on a Friday night and coming into the shop on Saturday Morning to play a full game.

Well, I got some games to get in tomorrow and obviously a lot more work to do. A little building and I think I will be repainting my marines. As always, thanks for stropping by.


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