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Cult of Golden Tears


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The bald fella at the top looks super intense! Funny how so many gamers adopt the grey camotm though out the world.


Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new bits. I may grab that sonic set myself after Christmas. Perhaps you might 'melt' some 'nettes into the rhino chasis' instead of buying expensive FW panels.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh crap. I forgot about this log. Old age is hitting hard!

The bald fella at the top looks super intense! Funny how so many gamers adopt the grey camotm though out the world.


Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new bits. I may grab that sonic set myself after Christmas. Perhaps you might 'melt' some 'nettes into the rhino chasis' instead of buying expensive FW panels.

Thanks bud! Gray camo is very adaptive haha :)




Some background fluff for a force within the Cult.
Second Sons
Not all warriors of the Cult of Golden Tears are sons of the Primarch Fulgrim. Among the ranks are astartes hailing from myriad chapters and the first legions, both traitor and loyalist. Despite their origins each has been enlightened to the majesty of the Prince of Pleasure, Slaanesh.
History has shown that even betrayal lies in the hearts of the Astartes. No matter their resolve or character and Demi-Gods can break their faith and loyalty. Even the Emperor's own favored son rebelled, leading half his brothers in a civil war that shattered the Imperium of Man.
There are still souls who turn from the Emperor to follow their own paths. Among those are warriors seeking to indulge in what had once been forbidden and taboo. Within the Cult of Golden Tears they are welcomed and find refuge from Imperial wrath and pleasures in bountiful supply.
Now let's take a look at these two guys...the first of only a few.
These warriors will serve as the Second Sons, converts to the Cult of Golden Tears. When I use plague marines or another non-Noise Marine/Iron Warriors I will use these guys, who are basically pledges. Drugged up, highly aggressive, and constantly hallucinating pledges..
Lastly, it was a beautiful day outside…to prime minis. So I have plenty of test subjects to try new painting schemes on.
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Omigosh, don't start that business again. My fashion sense can't take it.


@Hush - don't pay attention to that. Purple looks awesome. I especially like that silvery purple deal you have going for a few helmets.

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Thanks for the comments folks!

Purple is a fun color. I really wanted to do pink when I originally thought of converting from IW to EC. Then I went with the one shown earlier with a more muted looking purple but it just did not pop on the battlefield and I wasn't too happy with it after that.

I've tried a few different things since then but I think I've settled on a scheme. I'm still working on how I will do the highlight and how I will want to do gold. Hopefully soon I will have a marine painted up just the way I want...then an army. The purple primer from army painter is going to be a great help in achieving that. Those folks make great products and I haven't had a problem with it. My only concern is that when I used that primer...it smelled like grapes. ermm.gif Might have inhaled too much of it...

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Glad to see you back! I'm totally looking forward to seeing some of those stabby bastards catch some paint.


I've personally had really good results with a few of the army painter colors. I used their leather brown to do all of my dark eldar. 


Let me know if you ever need any help with gold, I've finally managed to hammer out a few decent recipes ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't complain about your purple. I quite like it with the black trim too. Looks fresh and clean.


As you know I've said. If an idea pops into your head, try it. On a spare bit obviously. Not on something you're already painting. And make the army yours. Which you already are with some tasty little kit bashes. Slaanesh isn't all boobs and sex. Think how the World Eaters would be if they followed Slaanesh. Still be hacking enemies to pieces. Just slower and watching their victims faces and tasting the fear in their blood. I really need to get out more ;)

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-I refurbished some tanks I got second hand. They're not finished as I really want to add the extra armor and dozer blades from FW to these kits. My only issue is that is a worth a pretty penny I'd rather spend on HH Marines plus I hardly use my preds since I favor the obliterators a bit more.


How about using the Imperial Guard Chimera Dozer Blades? (IGCDB for short) I find them looking really good on the Rhino chassis, actually, I would never use them on a Chimera since I think they look too out of place there. But yeah, the FW stuff is prrrreeetty awesome for tanks. For Extra Armour I use the ones that come with Vindicators, the middle taken out. Looks decent enough but you can do both on both tanks for the price of 1 Forge World Extra Armour kit

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