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tanks cost to much $, is going all infantry bad?

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so as the title says tanks cost way to much. especially for a family man with a budget like me.


so i am thinking of doing an entierly infantry force rather than the mech one i wanted to do. i would still be able to have fun with it as no one in my meta plays this style of list.


my question to all of you is what should be included in an army with no vehicles?



heres what i have so far.



chaos lord in tda. modeled with black mace and burning brand.

4 termies. 1 dual claw. 2 power axes. and chainfist. stock bolters no combis.

3x7 plague marines. 2 units with plas and combi-plas. and 1 unit with melta and combi-melta.




and thats it. i have a conversion of a warpsmith in the works too but hes far from done.



thanks in advance.



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I am in a somewhat similar situation as well. I had originally made a csm list with imperial guard allies that was entirely mechanized. Once I saw how much that would cost I scaled it down to just a land raider and a manticore.

For your army I would suggest a lot of cheap infantry (i.e. cultists). If you take Typhus he can give you plague zombies which mean a ton of cheap, very tough to kill tarpit units.

also, I think an (alright) replacement for tanks might be a fortification. The Aegis defense line is pretty cheap and gives you an anti air option (vital since everyone and their mother is swooning over flyers these days...) And if you can't afford the larger fortifications you can almost always find papercraft patterns online to make them that way.

Also, if you take a warpsmith, you should at least have one vehicle, else you lose out on a lot of his functionality. I plan to use him in a land raider to repair it from the inside. If you are willing to splurge on this one thing, your termies and chaos lord just got a ride with a mechanic inside.

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I have only recently added armor to my armies, I am huge fan of the footslogger army! as with alex said an aegis def line w/ a quad gun is a absolute must, imo. and I also agree on the warpsmith/techmarine. if you have no armor, not much use for a mr. fix it!


some suggestions for footsloggers, bear in mind I play loyalist, so you'll have to use equivalents. 1. Melta weapons! can't stress this enough. 2. thunder hammers, again, can't stress enough. both 1 and 2 are great for anti tank ops.


and then there is always the stance your force takes.  some footslog forces gear up for a stand and shoot deal , I have had the best luck with this. and some players *cough, CHAOS, cough* play very aggressively. doing things like assaulting tanks and such. I have stared in horror as a squad of terminators with thunder hammers took down my warhound!

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thanks for the replies guys. i get what you guys are saying about the aegis and quad but fliers arent to terribly common where i play. there are some but not everyone runs one. i may still end up running one though because that garaunteed anti-air will be nice.


as for typhus i do like him butim not entirely sure i want to run him. i kinda like to stay away from named characters unless im themeing an army. but those zombies do sound fun.


as for the warpsmith i starting building him when i was planning on running a mechanized army lol. so i will still finish him but he doesnt absolutely need to be taken.


im looking to add in another 1 or 2 units of plague marines just because i like them and they are very resilient though i could potentially run typhus to unlock those zombies and use them too but i still dont know. i was thinking of running oblits as my heavy support and just going for a very mobile shooting army. move the plauges up and use the oblits to harrass from a distance.

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Typically, I play a very infantry heavy army, taking maaaaaybe a pred once in a while, or transports. I was lucky enough though, that I never got rid of my loyalist models/sprues when i converted to chaos. Over the course of the years I have managed to bring 3 rhinos, a pred, and numerous dreads to the plague father. The dreads however....have been butchered for a defiler conversion that is now moot...so I no longer have a defiler, or dreads :( but the cool thing is I forgot my models on top of my car once after leaving a campaign game at GW, and ended up running over the case and crushing one of my rhinos. Makes it look pretty warped and dilapitated!! Though I did have to add some green stuff to complete the look and modeled a daemon prince trying to squeeze through the gaps lol


With the introduction to flyers in this edition, I was pleased that havocs had the option to purchase flakk missiles for the missile launchers. They were already a very flexible weapon, and even more so now. However, 190pts for 5 guys with 4 missile launchers and MoN is pretty steep, they are a pretty resilient unit with the odds in their favour. Just two days ago my havocs took down a Valkyrie (or maybe a Vendetta, can't remember) full of Guardsmen in one shooting phase. Followed by more gaurdsmen and a few hull points off of some pesky dreadnoughts. All without taking a casuality. However, I wouldn't recommend this in less than 1500pts. Its just too much of a point sink in lower games. Even at 1500pts I am tempted to opt for something else, but without any other AA options available to me, I'm kinda stuck lol

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in older armies i used a lot of mech and had alot of bits. wish id been as smart as you and kept it all lol. ive never had that kind of misfurtune but then again they are the first thing that goes into my car period.


i like the havoc idea with flakk and most of the time ill be playing games at 2k so the points wont be to terrible. my problem is that i cant decide whether to do that or just oblits.


i want to run 5 units of plague marines because i like them and 5 troops choices will be hard to kill for most if not all of my opponents. they would be led by my termie lord. but other than that i cant decide whether to tweak it and add typhus and zombies and oblits. or just save money and go power armour.

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Absolutely viable - just stick to core PMs and you'll have a cohesive army. Only issue would be level of anti-tank, but assuming you take enough Melta etc. you will be able to compensate (ideally!)

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Nurgle can do all Infantry quite well. My spawn rush list is almost always all infantry and it usually does well. PMs, spawn, oblits, sometimes raptors. Only thing that really gives me fits is AV13 but thats what melta guns/ bombs and DS oblits are for.

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My advice would be to take at least 2 HS units - Oblits and/or Havocs. Lack of long range firepower will cripple you much, much more than the lack of vehicles.



i like the havoc idea with flakk and most of the time ill be playing games at 2k so the points wont be to terrible. my problem is that i cant decide whether to do that or just oblits.


Havocs are cheap, static and have a focused role (4 of the same weapons). Oblits are the exact opposite - they are mobile and must move all the time to be any good, they are more expensive but adaptable to any situation.

So what kind of long range firepower unit does your army need the most: a jack of all trades or a unit with a single role?

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it could honestly use a bit of both. my PMs will be 3 all plas and 2 all melta. oblits will help but so will havocs just in different rolls. id go either missile havocs or auto havocs if i run them and the oblits would more than likely deepstrike or move and fire with the PMs.

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go both then, it wont hurt you. only reason i dont use havocs is because my spawn tend to lock things in combat then havocs have less to shoot at, the oblits can move around more to get different targets if the spawn get in the way.


If you are using mostly PMs on foot then your havocs will have a good few rounds to get some shots in while the other unit of oblits moves with the PMs.

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A good consideration for a foot slogging army is Huron, as he will let you infiltrate d3 units, his only downside is the lack of a mark of nurgle though.


A quad gun is a good investment, as interceptor can be used on any enemy that comes in from reserve within range, not just flyers. Also 2 twin linked autocannons can be great, especially when you use a champion or a lord to fire it, thus giving you precision shots. (also, while being plague marines can't go to ground, they can at least gain +1 cover if the enemy shooting them is within 8 inches thanks to defense grenades).

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ive looked into huron and he is really cool but ya that lack of a mark does hurt. I thought about converting him anyways and taking a cheap unit of cultists and converting them too just not actually having the mark. but we will see.


and the aegis line with quad gun would be cool to convert and would really come in handy.


ill have to play around with some lists to see exactly what I can fit in.


thanks for all the help!

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well, for example (though 1750)



Lord, nurgle, terminator armour, combi plasma, blight grenades

5 chosen 3 melta 2 flamer rhino DC

10 marines, combi melta, melta, lascannon

10 cultists, flamer

5 plagues, 2 plasma, combi plasma, rhino dc

5 plagues, 2 melta, rhino dc


2 oblits, mark of nurgle


predator, autocannon lascannon sponsons

aegis defense with quad gun


The predator was a bit of a let down in my test game, as were the chosen. I am considering scaling it for 1500 by removing the predator and either the chosen or vindicator, or down grading the oblits to havocs. I'm not a huge fan of 5 man plagues but I just can't fit in 2 7 mans.


While I used rhinos, I mainly just disembarked from outflanking and shot the plagues + chosen, but I do like rhinos and now own 6 heh :D

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lol I remember those days of having a lot of rhinos. rhino rush used to be my preferred way to play. then I found bikes, speeders, and drop pods wink.png

ive been looking into other means of getting vehicles like ebay and just trading for them but even those people seem to want a lot for their tanks. maybe im just looking in the wrong places.

I haven't had much time to think about multiple lists but I did write up this one. mind you this is just a thought but would probably work pretty well in my meta.

chaos lord

-mon, termie armour, black mace, burning brand, blight grenades, gift of mutation

3x7 plague marines

-combi-plasma, melta bombs, 2 plasma guns

2x7 plague marines

-combi-melta, 2 meltaguns

3x3 oblits


its under 2k so I have some points to spend. I think it comes out to like 1909. I don't have the exact list in front of me so don't know the points for sure.

what do you guys think?

I know it doesn't have havocs but I figured with that many oblits the havocs aren't as important.

if my points are off let me know cause I want to find that points to put in an aegis line with quad fun

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Don´t forget to buy Votlw for the oblits, unless you want them to run from the table. Next question: Why GoM for the lord? I´ll check the points when I get to uni ;)


Edit: What you have at the moment comes out at 1924 if I got the points right.

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ill make sure to do that for the oblits. I definitely don't want them running away.



honestly I think I put that on him cause I had the points to lol. I can drop it honestly its not that big a deal.



after adding that I still need to find the points for an aegis line. though its not terribly necessary because I don't really ever run into multiple fliers.

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Main reason I like the aegis is for the quad gun. interceptor is great, not just for enemy flyers but for anything that comes in from reserves, and 4 twin linked str7 shots can be tasty for light anti tank or anti infantry.


Remember that you have to deploy it in your half, not in your deployment, so you can put it within 6 so you can move up to it and fire from there.


List looks decent, except personally I frown upon 9 oblits in a chaos force, but thats just me. A squad of autocannon havocs would be nice, and a squad of them with an aegis + quad gun is slightly cheaper then 3 oblits :D

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Fair enough, as mentioned I have a personal problem with having 3 of anything as the same unit (apart from troops), but that just means I wouldn't design an army with them. I'm not condoning it at all :D


well, the only way to get cheap autocannons (apart from converting them) is to buy forgeworld's ones, where you get 5 for around £11. Of course P&P might make them more expensive for you.


I wish I had the points for a 7 man squad of nurgle havocs, instead I use my Iron Warrior ones and use them as "allies" (my forgefiend and heldrake are painted like Iron Warriors too). Obviously my nurgle army and my iron warrior army work hand in hand if the price is right :D

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