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Ranking our Heroes


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A post I read earlier got me thinking... who do you think our best special characters are? Who do you think are the worst? Not overall, but for their price (obviously The Sanguinor is better than Lemartes if they were the same price)


For me:


1. Mephiston

2. Corbulo

3. Captain Tycho

4. Lemartes

5. Dante

6. The Sanguinor

7. Astorath

8. Seth

9. Tycho DC


Am I forgetting anyone? I don't have my codex handy. 1 & 2 were a tossup, but I don't really use Corbulo that often, so I went with Mephy. I also struggles with 4,5 & 6. If a list is built around Dante, I think he could move to the 4 spot.


If you strongly disagree with any of these, I'd be curious to hear your opinion and see why you think characters are much better/ worse than I listed.

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I would say you got it about right.  Top two are the only ones are really worth their points imho, the rest aren't, although Tycho isn't bad and Seth can be fun. In fact, all of our none special characters are worth it, as even the Librarian looks expensive next to the DAngels!

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I am in the impression that our special chars are not made for 6th ed, as most of them lack behind the CC/ Buff monsters that the other has become.


Therefore beyond tanking Corbulo, I wound not go for any other. I did use Meph some time, but as the new Tau can bring more plasma/shooting in regular shooting or overwatch than I am able to make my 2+ / 5+ FNP If I am
lucky… I would say make your TDA Lib into a hero on his own…

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In fact, all of our none special characters are worth it, as even the Librarian looks expensive next to the DAngels!

True, but I think ours are pretty fantastic. I almost always win his points back with Sanguine Sword - punching a Vehicle or Dreadnought in the face is a lot of fun, and the Lib almost always takes down 1 or 2 of these models down each game. This doesn't even account for the lives saved from Shield of Sanguinius. I agree though, it's pretty much Mephy and Corbulo running the show this edition.



I didn't know we have special characters other than Mephiston or Corbulo. I must investigate this at once!

It's nothing too exciting, unless you want to field a giant Death Company army (Astorath), or a lot of Sang Guards (Dante). It's really a shame the Sanguinor isn't better - his model looks amazing, and from a fluff perspective, he should have a Mephiston-like statline.


I've always wanted to try out an Astorath/ Lemartes Death Company list just for fun! 30 + Death Company in drop pods, 2 units of JP Death Company led by Astorath and Lemartes, and 4 drop pod DC dreads would be really intimidating. But I imagine it would fail, and isn't cheap either.

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A post I read earlier got me thinking... who do you think our best special characters are? Who do you think are the worst? Not overall, but for their price (obviously The Sanguinor is better than Lemartes if they were the same price)


For me:


1. Mephiston

2. Corbulo

3. Captain Tycho

4. Lemartes

5. Dante

6. The Sanguinor

7. Astorath

8. Seth

9. Tycho DC


Am I forgetting anyone? I don't have my codex handy. 1 & 2 were a tossup, but I don't really use Corbulo that often, so I went with Mephy. I also struggles with 4,5 & 6. If a list is built around Dante, I think he could move to the 4 spot.


If you strongly disagree with any of these, I'd be curious to hear your opinion and see why you think characters are much better/ worse than I listed.




1. Corbulo

2. Mephiston

3. Captain Tycho (not DC)

4. Dante

5. Astorath

6 + lower: pretty much unplayable


1-3 are general use characters.  They have one or more powerful aspects that make them worth fielding on their own merits.


4-5 are specialty use characters.  Dante you'd use for his precision deepstrike and his hit-and-run, joining him to a squad that benefits greatly from those rules.  (HG w/ 4x plasma, for example).  Astorath you'd use to unlock multiple squads of DC.  If you aren't going to be doing those specialty things, you'd never field them.


Lemartes simply isn't great when it isn't worth handing DC jump packs, although he probably rates #6.  After that there's nothing you'd even consider using except for fun.

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1. Corbulo Price wise you cannot go past Corbulo

2. Mephiston Situational, but still decent value

3. Dante Maybe I am biased, but always loved Dante, His Death mask always is helpfull and the precision deep strike is handy.

4. Lemartes Very situational and kind of a 1 trick pony only usefull in themed lists. Doesnt really gell very well due to the expense of Jump pack Death company.

5. Astorath Another one trick pony great for themed lists

6. Captain Tycho The only thing I like about him is the Leadership bonus and dead mans hand is kinda cool, but really he's not that effective!

7. The Sanguinor To expensive and cant survive without a body guard. He would be an Auto pick if you could hide him in a Sanguinary guard squad!



8. Seth

9. Tycho DC

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I think Corbulo is our best character.  Mephiston is second.  Tycho probably third, I've had good luck with him too.


Dante does great for me, but I wouldn't try him in a really competitive list.

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Tycho is pretty awesome, specialist Ammo and the only strike at init AP2 melee weapon in our army, giving the whole army Ld 10 as well is pretty cool.


I think the DC version is pretty sorely overlooked this edition too as now he is controllable so easier to hide than he once was and he gets relentless with that specialist ammo boltgun plus the DC version makes dead mans hand rather good too...


corbs is probably still our best, mephiston is also probably good still too, though honestly with the downgrade to AP3, he lost a bit of his 'oomph'


Fluff wise, Dante all the way.

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My, my.. If you asked in the 5th Ed, I could do the ranking much more easier.

Any way I'll give it a try :)

1. Corbulo -> I think it's pretty obvious this one.

2. Astorath -> The #1 reason he is here is a whole DC list which is my #1 favorite so far. 

3. Mephiston -> I was tempted to put Mephy above but I won't, mainly because of his cost since I think he is a little expensive now considering his AP nerf. Still awesome though.

4. Dante -> Because he is the BOSS, he can maim the opponent's HQ and he is quite decent for his cost considering the 2+/4+ save his wargear, 4W, Hit & Run, Presision Strike

Also he can unlock the only pure 2+AS list we can have.

5. Tycho (no DC) -> For his LD, wargear, 2+/4+ save

6. Lemartes -> The only SC that can match Mephiston's hitting power IMO.

7. Sanguinor -> This one I would really like to use, but I can't. He was supposed to be a character killer...not anymore. :(

8. Seth -> I could play with this one but the fluff deamons in my head tell me "not before you have painted some FTs" :P

9. DC Tycho -> He is here only because he is not an IC so that he can join DC.

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haha, the death mask is really funny to throw your opponent off balance, it's actually quite nasty on the right targets. I put it on belial last game, he wasn't very scary anymore with those 2 attacks and 2 wounds biggrin.png

Haha, that's the beauty of it!

Our beloved lord may not be an "Eternal Warrior" but his great experience and awesomeness in the battlefield is beautyfully depicted by quite literally diminishing the presence of any opposing hero he meets. :D

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Tbh im suprised Seth is thought off as such a poor character... Hes S8 people. Yes opponents get an armor save but if they fail it (or if you rend and they fail an invul save) theyre dead (IF toughness 4 offcourse)


The model is nice and come on, hes a flesh tearer :D


Il admit though that the majority of our characters were made for 5th edition, where they were awesome btw :)


Tbh aside from generic characters only Corbulo and Mephy are really frequently used. 6th edition making Dante and Asto hit at I1 killed them off as viable choices I feel :(

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I play Seth a great deal, and honestly I love to play him. But even so, he's honestly not really very good. He's power-armoured, which hurts in this day of Our Lord and Saviour AP2, and his Chainsword (while gloriously awesome) isn't even AP4. And to top that off, he's on foot, meaning he's less mobile than basically anything else in the Codex. And a bolt pistol and grenades is all he's got as ranged weaponry goes, so he really really does need to be in assault.

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In fact, all of our none special characters are worth it, as even the Librarian looks expensive next to the DAngels!

True, but I think ours are pretty fantastic. I almost always win his points back with Sanguine Sword - punching a Vehicle or Dreadnought in the face is a lot of fun, and the Lib almost always takes down 1 or 2 of these models down each game. This doesn't even account for the lives saved from Shield of Sanguinius. I agree though, it's pretty much Mephy and Corbulo running the show this edition.

>>I didn't know we have special characters other than Mephiston or Corbulo. I must investigate this at once!

It's nothing too exciting, unless you want to field a giant Death Company army (Astorath), or a lot of Sang Guards (Dante). It's really a shame the Sanguinor isn't better - his model looks amazing, and from a fluff perspective, he should have a Mephiston-like statline.

I've always wanted to try out an Astorath/ Lemartes Death Company list just for fun! 30 + Death Company in drop pods, 2 units of JP Death Company led by Astorath and Lemartes, and 4 drop pod DC dreads would be really intimidating. But I imagine it would fail, and isn't cheap either.

I would have to disagree on one point, the usefulness of the Sanguinor has always been a hit or miss character (even since he came out); but i will swear by this character everyday. While he is a glass cannon, he will devour anything in close combat without a 2+ save (though it is sort of ambiguous on whether he can take an ax instead of his sword). I played a game against a GK purifier spam last edition and the Sanguinor was easily the MVP, with his ungodly his initiative and str, he ate three (7?) man squads by himself before the we had to call the game (the store was closing sleep.png). in every game i've played, he has consistently made a mark in the the entire game by devouring while the most fearsome/ annoying units.

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I respect your opinion, but for 275 points, I just don't see the full value. Tbh, I can't see anything that makes him outperform Mephiston. Sure he has an invuln save, but I prefer T 6 and 2 more wounds any day of the week. Not to mention, Mephiston is even better in CC and can take on anything with armor and most MC's no problem for 25 points less.

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I'd have a top three of Corbs, Mephi and Dante.

I have had really positive experiences with Corbulo and Mephiston time after time and Dante has some real use too. I don't think he is quite good enough to replace other more standard choices in our HQ though, having said that I've been a bit out of love with the standard JP Prescience Libby recently ("Sacrilege!" I hear you cry) and I've tried out some new options recently and Dante has actually been really good on a few occasions, with quite a few high value targets gone to inferno pistol death.

I guess with him it comes down to how important is destroying whatever you target when he drops, if you can rip a chunk out of a key piece of the enemy line because you were able to DS in without the risk of losing a very expensive squad and get in melta range for example, he may well be worth it almost just for that, it can be game winning - add in the hit and run and the scary mask (which I forget to use at least fifty per cent of the time) and I don't think he is terrible value, the SangGuard being troops is a bonus too.

I keep looking at the Sanguinor and wanting to be able to use him (especially as I want to buy one to paint for ETL as it's easy points for the BA) but 275 pts is so much although he is very pretty...

Having said all this if I was really trying to win, Corbulo would probably be in my list 4 out of 5 times, not sure I'd have anything from the HQ section SCs unless I was tailoring to a particular list which I don't usually do. They are all fun for the different flavour they bring except DC Tycho who is soooo irritating (not an IC - why!?!? sad.png )

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Id rate Astorath much, much higher if he was a bout 40 points cheaper. Id probably even play him too for that cost. 

Sanguinor if he was at LEAST 50 points cheaper id start to consider, but maybe not even then. Maybe only at 200-215 points.


And Dante if he was about 180. 

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Id rate Astorath much, much higher if he was a bout 40 points cheaper. Id probably even play him too for that cost. 

Sanguinor if he was at LEAST 50 points cheaper id start to consider, but maybe not even then. Maybe only at 200-215 points.


And Dante if he was about 180. 

Back in 5th, I think Dante and Astorath's costs were ok, at least not overcosted by more than 10 or so points.,


Now, its sad since both are my favorites but they are too expensive.

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