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Could this be the way to go? (BA+DA)


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Hello all, 


after a while of thinking about my current list, I have came up with the idea of adding more recent codex as allies to my list. Namely DA codex, where I could not ignore Azrael's 4++ for the sq. he joins.


Did any one of you tried this, with blob of DC with reclusiarch? I wonder what are the experiences with this? Could this work?



I have a list to this :


Reclusiarch (PF)



Sang Priest (JP,Axe; joins the ASM)



20 DC (2PF,2Axes)

10 ASM (2 MG, PF/SS)



3 ABikes (3MM) - can be exchanged for DA bikes (more troops)


2 Auto/Las Preds 






and some points (220ish) for troops etc (not so familiar with DA dex yet)


What you think guys?



PS. Sorry for the list, cannot find the spoiler thingy here...hope I will do ASAP

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That's about right.  Hide Azrael in a big brick of Death Company to give them all a 4++ and keep him right in the middle of the squad so he can't be challenged out and killed.  Tack on a unit of 10 DA Scouts for cheap scoring, and spend the rest on more Attack Bikes.


By the way, any DA bikes you take won't be Troops because Azrael has to be in your primary detachment to make Ravenwing bikers Troops.

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Only 20 DC?  Go the full 30!  That's only 600 points before upgrades!  And make sure to take Corbulo to stick at the front of the DC... because nothing laughs in the face of death like 3+/4++/2+FNP to tank for the massive black blob charging headlong across the battlefield.  Barebones reclusiarch + azrael and you can have just a little over 1k points in one unit!  Remember to laugh maniacally.


Then grab some cheap scoring units (DA scouts, something BA) and a lot of MM attack bikes.  And if there's anything left over, maybe a stormraven to own the air... I think one might just fit in 2k points if you're really light on upgrades and really minimal on scoring squads... okay, that's probably not worth it, need some pfs in that massive DC.

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I am not sure about 30 as it is lot of points in one unit, that is not that hard to lock in combat with a walker, than deal with the rest.


I have to play test this army, on the other hand I have the impression that DA (with BA as allies) can do this better than BA.

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i don't think 30 DC would stay locked in combat with a walker very long.  A couple power fist plus a couple dozen krak grenades will probably make short work of it unless its AV13, and even then you still have several powerfists.  (Assuming they can get an AV13 walker to your DC when you've got a bunch of MM bikes running around - priority target right there).


That said, I wasn't really being serious.  I don't think its getting your DC locked in combat that should worry you though.  A thousand+ point unit (between 30 DC, 3 characters, and upgrades) is not very flexible.

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Haha it looks ridiculous and awesome :) I would however pick a librarian instead of a reclusiarch and play bolter DC (assuming you don't already), making all those bolters twin-linked and rerolling to hit even if you don't get the charge is a lot better in my book.


Looks like a list that might ruin someone's day for sure ^^

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well, if you do go for the full 30-man squad + 3 characters, that's 33 models in one unit.  Getting out of its way is going to be hard, simply because it can expand to fill so much space.  It's like the Romans invading Spain - if you bring enough force relative to the area, you can compel the enemy to fight simply by making it impossible for him to maneuver.  Tables are only so big, so you can maneuver the unit to use the edges of the table to compel your opponent to fight you.  (also, you can use the unit to screen other units like MM attack bikes.  In addition to the cover save, it'll also keep his units away from them so he can't assault them, simply because getting around the death company will be so hard).


The bigger concern is that the right choice for assaulting will often be 'everything I can touch' (or at least more than one unit), which means you'll lose your rage rule because of a disorganized charge.  That by itself would be a good argument for at least some bp + ccws to keep your total attacks up.

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