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Which chaos legions should get a supplement


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I think, quite obviously, the four main Legions would be the biggest beneficiaries. It would be best if the current Codex was more of an Undivided tome - but again, that won't appease a lot of people.


I just think the four main Gods should be appropriately represented.

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Each legion should get one and perhaps a renegade Marine or traitor Guard supplement imo.


But then, you're talking 9 or 10 codexes... that's such a demand. Imagine re-doing that every few years... just astronomical amounts of work and for little reward. For instance, you can see why Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and the like get their own versions (generally), but why say Crimson or Imperial Fists do not... Extrapolate that to the Chaos Legios and I think it gives you an appropriate tool for comparison.

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I think, quite obviously, the four main Legions would be the biggest beneficiaries. It would be best if the current Codex was more of an Undivided tome - but again, that won't appese alot of people.


I just think the four main Gods should be appropriate represented.

If the supplements come, I don't think it'll be "Legions". It'll probably end up being something like one for each mono-cult, and then maybe a Legions of the Lost and Damned and maybe a Dark Mech list that either brings new daemon-engines to the tables or allows rules that better aid them. There might be a Raptor Cult but I highly doubt it. Might be more like a Speed Freaks sort of list with hit and run and outflank rules since the Bikers, Raptors and Warp Talons are all "hunters" rather than fighters. I'm forgetting something. Oh, a Daemon-Summoner list is probable too, although less so than the rest since the structure with the daemons as cannon fodder can be drawn more from a Daemon list with CSM allies rather than the other way around. But it might be good for forming some sort of Possessed list for say, Gal Vorbak armies(over two thousand of the little possesslings were made after all) or the Beasts of Annihilation.


EDIT: Granted it still leaves nine Codices in total but I'm sure these can be wrapped up together in some form or another. Maybe anything concerning daemons(The Dark Mech, and the Daemon Summoner) into one, Speed Cults and Lost and Damned into another and then maybe divide the Mono-gods into pairs, maybe by their opposites. That would easily make five Codices total.

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Supplements seem to be intended to expand on already specific subfactions, which undivided warbands / legions don't NEED per se. Being a Word Bearer fan myself, i'd very much like to see a WB supplement, but i don't feel it's compusory either (same goes with BL, IW, AL, NL). The current codex is a bit light on the marked side though, and the four aligned legions would benefit greatly from a supplement which would allow marked vehicles, more daemon - marine synergy, faction-specific units / vehicles ( tooth of Khorne, slaaneshi duellists, whatever), and could make even Tzeench interesting.  A true traitor guard might also be awesome!

I can't believe a single second we would get one supplement per faction.

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I have no problems against a Raptor Cult army. I like Raptors. I wouldn't mind having a Raptors army. My only beef was ever with the misconception that a certain faction had to have them in order to be fluffy. But alas, that is going off-topic.
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ah man, I could just re-quote my last response to the other thread, but let me just say there are several ways of doing this.


I think right now, in the current codex, those units most heavily imbedded in 'chaos' are somewhat represented with characters and 'cult' units. Those that are furthest from Chaos, perhaps 'dabbling' in chaos if you will, but are definitely not loyalists are in fact the least represented in the Codex. Iron Warriors, Night Lords, Alpha Legion, etc.


I would make 2-3 books. Personally I would base them on how far the legion/chapter in question has delved into Chaos. The deepest Chaos legions would have the most access to truly Chaotic items, and unconventional tactica, with access to truly forbidden Chaos Psyker abilities with NO relationship to Librarian powers. The trade off would be less items of 'conventional' warfare and more items 'manufactured' from the warp.


The other Legions that are still quite obviously heretical would still have chaos psykers, and off shoot troops but perhaps limited access (if at all) to some of the truly nasty chaos items allowed above. Instead you may see more access to conventional stuff, and force org twists. Relationships with Chaos at -this- level are still rewarding but fleeting, and may give you better access to some items than others.

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Hm. Ok, try thinking about it from another side: for last 8 years GW is getting farther and farther from our favourite CSM 3.5. So, if they will release your favourite Legion, most probably they will kill it for you. Let them make something we will not regret afterwards.
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The iyanden book hardly qualifies as a 'mini codex', and books of similar scope would do even less to assuage the complaints of old legion players than the HH books, which are not approved for games of 40k, and even if you can get someone to let you play them, they do a terrible job of representing the chaos legions of the 40k era (not surprising, given that they aren't even trying to do that).
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As much as I would like a separate supplement for each of the big four legions and especially the Thousand Sons I just don't see that happening and I would be very surprised to see more than one. I believe any supplement will have to be directly tied to some new model releases in the same way that the Iyanden supplement makes sense with the heavy wraith release. So asking myself what future model releases would GW want to push with a supplement that highlights an aspect of the main list? The last release focused on Raptors/Warptalons and Daemon Engines and we are probably due for obliterators/mutilators and havocs. If i had to guess I would say maybe a Night Lords but even more likely an Iron Warriors supplement. 


I can easily imagine a supplement that moves Havocs to troops with a warpsmith HQ and now you have plenty of room to buy lots of the new Havocs, obliterators and forgefiend kits.

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My answers to "Which chaos legions should get a supplement?"

1a: All of them. Why is "which" even in question?

1b: All of them except the Black Legion, which gets the basic book with no bonuses/no limitations.


Personally I am in the 2-3 books to cover Chaos Space Marines camp. Sure, I'd like to see each Legion get a truckload of well-written fluff with some rules twists and interesting wargear choices, but my faith is lacking that such a thing could be done.


What I'd like to see is two 100 page books that costs about the same as the codex.

One covers the 4 legions that are wholly given over to one of the Chaos gods, and each gets 25 pages to cover what the legions have been doing Post-Heresy, rules & wargear, and any notable splinter factions/ warbands that have made a name for themselves in the 40K time period.


And another book (still 100 pages) that covers the 5 legions that are on the Undivided path, either with 20 pages each, or with the Black Legion giving up some pages because they get the extra fluff on Abbadon in the current codex. This book would also emphasize what has happened since the Heresy era, rules and/or wargear goodies and what "being Undivided" means within each legion.


in a 3-book paradigm, I'd add in Dark Mechanicus, Expanded Cultists, and Xenos "Scum and Villany". Each book would cover 4 subjects, perhaps in greater detail, or with more photos and painting guides for the new models that would have to follow such a release.

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1b: All of them except the Black Legion, which gets the basic book with no bonuses/no limitations.



Y you no like me ?

Abaddon + Chosen Terminators. Maybe a chaotic version of And they shall know no fear for BL.

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I think you could cover easily enough to appease us in one supplement. Each Legion only needs 4 or 5 pages dedicated to it (not including modelling and painting) to cover a bit of extra background and some adjustments to the main list.

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But looking at it from GW's perspective how would a supplement covering all the traitor legions drive sales? how would it accomplish anything that the main codex does not already. The Iyanden supplement drives sales for its new wraith kits by allowing you to change up FOC's and be able to buy more of those shiny new wraithlords/knights/guard kits. The only way I see GW releasing an all encompassing traitor legions supplement is if they had plans to release plastic kits for the cult troops which they need very badly. Its why I said its way more likely for them to focus a supplement on expanding an already existing aspect of that particular army hence the release focus on daemon engines/warpsmiths and likely new havocs obliterators/mutilators. 

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Frankly my gut tells me it isn't going to happen for legions, each one is represented in one form or another and doing a dex for AL, WB, IW, NL all in one would be quite divergent from their current formula. 


The one more likely to get some attention in any manner is a Khorne army with the upcoming Apoc mini's.

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Frankly my gut tells me it isn't going to happen for legions, each one is represented in one form or another and doing a dex for AL, WB, IW, NL all in one would be quite divergent from their current formula. 


Iyanden is perfectly represented in the stand alone Eldar codex. It didnt need a suppliment, but it got one, the first of a series.


It's the way to get Chaos players to fork out money for a new book.

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1b: All of them except the Black Legion, which gets the basic book with no bonuses/no limitations.

Y you no like me ?

Abaddon + Chosen Terminators. Maybe a chaotic version of And they shall know no fear for BL.

It was a page count thing, perhaps with some cynicism sprinkled on top.

Frankly my gut tells me it isn't going to happen for legions, each one is represented in one form or another and doing a dex for AL, WB, IW, NL all in one would be quite divergent from their current formula.

Iyanden is perfectly represented in the stand alone Eldar codex. It didnt need a suppliment, but it got one, the first of a series.

It's the way to get Chaos players to fork out money for a new book.

And with Digital editions moving to other platforms, and Black Library dabbling with print-on-demand books, there may even be a cost-effective way to give all nine chaos legions their own publication.

Oh, and a final thought: IF they did do Chaos supplements, I would like for there to be photos/ art of chaotic units utterly destroying some black and orange armored dark eldar devil.gif

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If GW does supplements for CSM then I predict World Eaters, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, and Emperor's Children. I also expect they'd come out in that order. Maybe Black Legion because of Abaddon, but really I think the Ruinous Powers are much more central to the Chaos Space Marines theme, so the original Traitor Legions dedicated to them would be first, and possibly the only ones they'd do.


That said, after some deliberation, I'm fairly sure I would buy an Iron Warriors book. Maybe reading the Iyanden supplement might convince me it was a waste, but I'm at about 99% certainty for purchasing right now.


I mean, GW does know how enamored we are of our favorite factions. I thought the price for Iyanden was stupid, but then I realised that I don't like Eldar and wouldn't buy any of that release anyway. But Iron Warriors? I have to admit that I want it.

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I would imagine that they could sell plastic upgrade kits that would accompany the new literature. This for our current marines and terminators kits, which are decidedly made for black legion as things stand. Also, a new hellbrute model that's markable. Upgrade rhino kits and dreads already exist, but I say brute just because I would imagine a plastic model will exist eventually. Cultitst are another plastic kit they could release in cult form that would be HUGE. I thought I caught wind of new kits for noise marines and 1k sons, too.. could have been speculation.


What I'd like to see.. well the same as everyone. Sonic weapons for terminators and dreads. A rhuberic rule that somehow makes 1ksons and their ilk worthwhile (reroll failed saves, more wounds, reanimation.. something) Khorn berzerkers that aren't beaten out by regular marines. Plague marines could get a useful banner maybe, but they are already awesome. A reason to want to field a dark apostle or warpsmith or landraider or posessed or warp talons or defiler or hellbrute. And please, NO MORE AV12 WALKERS!!

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