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Which chaos legions should get a supplement


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I would think that putting out good legion rules would sell itself. If someone decides to go IW because the new rules are interesting, that's going to be sales happening because now they probably will get more interested in painting some IW. Of course more use for some units would help.. seems like a good business idea to me. Of course everyone can't be satisfied, but I think the company can satisfy enough people to satisfy their wallets.

Exactly. If it is handled right. I mean, the best current selling units(if sales do follow the "premier" lists) are what, Helldrakes, Bikers, PMs and CSMs I think? After that would probably be Cultists for the zombie hordes? The supplement could be used to sell Dark Apostles, Warpsmiths, the Fiends, pretty much anything if they are done right.
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It's really not wishlisting if they're releasing supplements Nehekhare. It's a possibility.


Kol, I think most people are using VC zombies as their zombies, could be wrong though. The other stuff I agree on though, could be a great way for GW to improve their rules thus increasing sales on their newer models.

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It's really not wishlisting if they're releasing supplements Nehekhare. It's a possibility.


no, supplements are a possibility and we can talk about how GW will probably realize/screw it up. What you guys do here is wishlisting about how you personally want those supplements to be and that is boring because I can do it better for myself and in the end it will not matter.

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Well... You don't need to read this thread. The question in the title only has 10 possible answers (and combinations of those answers). The Chaos forum is all about being bitter (which you might be managing) and dreaming of glory lost.

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As I see it, only 1 more book would be required for Chaos, and that is to cover the Cults and Dark Mechanicum. Expand the Cults with a few new units each and some restrictions (to balance out the goodies) and just make them work as an add-on for the main list. It could work along the lines of the HH: Betrayal appendices. They don't even need to be specific to the Cult Legions, just the Cults in general, allowing a huge oppurtunity to expand the followers of the gods.


For example:


Bezerkers as Troops, with their weapons always counting as chainaxes, and maybe some hand flamers and/or power weapons to give more options than just plasma pistols. Maybe even something like heavy chainaxe/glaive (2-hands, +1S, AP4).

Blood Slaughterers, maybe as an upgrade for Fiends, maybe moved to the Elites slot.

Teeth of Khorne (or whatever they're called), a Havok unit that either put up a real fight in melee, or maybe has the relentless rule but are restricted to autocannons and heavy bolters, allowing them to keep up with their brethren while keeping the suppressive fire pouring out. It would be far too powerful to allow them to do it with lascannons or missile launchers though. Remove regular Havoks.

Lords with an extra point of WS. No Sorcerers. No characters/units with the Mark of Slaanesh plus universal Hatred for Slaanesh models and psykers on Khorne units.

New/revived Khornate gear: Axe of Khorne, Collar of Khorne, Bezerker Glaive/Bloodfeeder etc.

Maybe some type of Blood Priest instead of Dark Apostles, giving Rampage or some other suitable USR in a bubble.

Juggernaught cavalry unit, along the lines of Thunderwolves. Small unit, hard, expensive.

Jump Bezerkers instead of Raptors/Talons.

Khorne Icons allow allied Khorne Daemons to treat them as if they were Daemon Icons.

Cultists better equipped, more like Traitor Guard (ie. Blood Pact).



Extra wound on Rubrics. Upgrade Aspring Sorcerers to actual Sorcerers. Allow unit to take a single heavy bolter, possibly with AP2 Inferno Rounds to compensate for lack of other heavy/special weapons.

Replace Raptors/Talons with Disc-mounted Rubrics or minor sorcerers.

Rubric Havoks with access to multiple heavy bolters.

Sorcerer Lords.

Access to Divination.

Tzeentch Icons as above.

Rogue Psykers to replace Cultist Champions.

Some type of warp-flamer for certain units, re-roll failed wounds.

Some type of heavily mutated unit, like beefed up Possessed.

Non-crazy Hellbrute, bit hard for dust to be insane.

Spawn "pets".

No Nurgle characters/units, universal Hatred for models with the mark of Nurgle on Tzeentch units.



Blight Drones.

Some assorted plague beasties.

Nurgling infestations for vehicles, maybe a single base of Nurglings as a follwer for certain characters.

Some form of ongoing plague that has some small effect on enemy infantry and open topped vehicles. Not enough to be a super weapon, but certainly enough to be a bit of a pain to enemies.

Plague Havoks, because really, there are several pictures, over multiple codices, that depict plague marines carrying heavy bolters, so it just makes sense.

A Predator-sized Plaguereaper type tank, firing filth-laden shells, or a noxious torrent style weapon.

Plague swords as they were, as the level up from the knives, as well as some other Nurgle specific gear.

Rivalry with Tzeentch, as above.

Nurgle Icons as above.



Sonic weapons on vehicles.

Steed of Slaanesh cavalry unit.

Other Slaanesh related stuff. You can't really expect a Khorne boy like me to care what these degenerates do.


And of course, Cult Terminators across the board.


Dark Mech

Probably not so far as to include a full army list, just a few units/characters that can be added to the main list. Depending on the reception, GW could guage how well a Mars army might do as a new faction.


They could also use the book as an oppurtunity to add some extra flavour for the main Chaos book, appropriate to the specific legions. Fear/speed type rules for Night Lords, an extra fortification slot for Iron Warriors, Infiltration/subterfuge rules for Alpha Legion, etc. It will also be a good chance to add things that should have been in the main book, like Chosen Terminators, Land Raider varients (or at the very least, a capacity of 12 like loyalist raiders), plus maybe a few new units, like maybe some Beastmen (no need to distinguish between beastman types or anything like that, we don't need a Kroot pack or anything ... I just really miss the ability to take Beastman packs back in 2nd) or something else that inhabits the Eye that doesn't quite fall into the Marine/Cultist/Daemon catagories.

A handful of pages at the back of the book detailing additions to the main codex isn't too much to ask and would go a long way to garnering some favour from the Chaos crowd. Most of the Chaos fluff is already included in the Chaos Marine/Daemons books, so they can save a few pages there, as well as in the display-case section since they won't have to show all the other legions and units again. The rules section won't need 90% of what's already there to be repeated again, leaving plenty of room for all the new entries. With the price of the 6th ed books, you could only expect a fraction of the Chaos market to buy a codex for individual Legions, but a book that not only expands the Cults, but adds units/rules to the original codex would pretty much force most Chaos players to pick up the new book ... which is a move that GW would be salivating over, with $$ signs in their eyes. Luckily for us, it's a move we actually get something we want out of, and can appeal to every Chaos player than leans towards the Legions. Straight-up Renegade players probably wouldn't care though, the current codex has everything they need.

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I really reccomend that you guys go find a copy of the Iyanden book and look at it. Because the suggestions and wishlisting being thrown around based on it are way out of scale with what it actually contains. It's, like, a few pieces of wargear, a psychic lore for spirit seers, new warlord traits table, wraith lords can be your warlord and... that's about it? Doesn't add units, doesn't add new equipment options for units that exist, doesn't even shift force org slots around, even for your wraithlord warlord.


Seriously, we aren't talking about 3.0 style subcodeces here, it's mostly just a fluff release to encourage people to buy more of the new plastic wraithguard and wraithknights and maybe a few old plastic wraithlords as well. That's all. Unless we wee multiple new model releases themed around a single alignment/legion, we're not going to see one of these. We certainly won't be seeing nine of them, and even if we did they wouldn't be changing enough to satisfy old legion players anyway.

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I really reccomend that you guys go find a copy of the Iyanden book and look at it. Because the suggestions and wishlisting being thrown around based on it are way out of scale with what it actually contains. It's, like, a few pieces of wargear, a psychic lore for spirit seers, new warlord traits table, wraith lords can be your warlord and... that's about it? Doesn't add units, doesn't add new equipment options for units that exist, doesn't even shift force org slots around, even for your wraithlord warlord.


Seriously, we aren't talking about 3.0 style subcodeces here, it's mostly just a fluff release to encourage people to buy more of the new plastic wraithguard and wraithknights and maybe a few old plastic wraithlords as well. That's all. Unless we wee multiple new model releases themed around a single alignment/legion, we're not going to see one of these. We certainly won't be seeing nine of them, and even if we did they wouldn't be changing enough to satisfy old legion players anyway.


Is it even available yet? i-Tunes store is showing it as still in the pre-order stage. And at it's price you'd want to hope it was a full-blown 3.0 style sub-codex. I'll admit that us Aussies get stiffed on price, but that little supplement is coming in at AU$50, and for something that almost 2/3 the cost of a codex, I expect it to be almost 2/3 of the content, at least 60 pages. That's plenty of room for what I suggested above.


EDIT: i-Tunes has it's 'print length' at 121 pages. That's rather long for what you've listed there. You sure you're not getting mixed up with that little Alter of War supplement?

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I'm not going to derail the thread completely, but yes our codex seems like a lazy codex when compared to later codex's, but isn't that always the way? The first codex in each edition usually ends up losing out to later ones. Also, why Mutilators over cult Terminators? GW is a miniatures company that want to sell new and exciting products, cult terminators are not different enough from regular terminators, mutilators are. Mutilators are a case in point of a mess of production, terrible miniature, no though, obvious very bad cut and paste of previous model (obliterators). In my own industry I've seen it happen; bad management, cockups lead to cutting key area's of development and what you have is a mess of a product (like a software produced to replace the old one a few years ago that just didn't work and they still went and produced it). What happens is the following ones avoid these mistakes, but the error remains in our little hobby. It is quite robust in that way unfortunately, GW can afford to make such cockups and get away with it.


To bring this back to the topic. I get the feeling, and this includes myself, that a supplement codex, legions or cults or whatever would rectify the mistakes of the main codex; it won't. If you look at the Iyanden Codex, there are no new miniatures exclusive to Iyanden, it is flavour that changes the dynamic of the existing miniatures interaction placing a greater emphasis on Wraith units, there is nothing stopping a Uthwe player using this list other than our own interpretation on what is right and wrong. With that in mind you can see the model GW would want to use. There would be a few changes to special rules, there would be NO units that cannot be taken because that restricts options, there would unlikely be any special characters as that model is as likely to sell as Abaddon and co. What you would get is a new warlord table, a few unique special rules (such as the Wraithlords and Knights being able to be your Warlord and moving them to troops), and some replacement special equipment (most likely replacing the daemon weapons and the like, of course GW wouldn't want to replace the Juggernaut etc. as this would be restrictive). This of course is all theoretical as we've heard absolutely nothing about supplement codex's or even if Iyanden was a test or a one off, one does why the hell Biel-tan's swordwind wasn't represented, but I digress. Anyway you could possibly see something like this in the way army jiggery (note this is my own ideas):



Warlord focussing on infiltrate and misdirection (e.g. remove a unit after deployment and deploy via outflank, Questionable Loyalties: Lord can inflict -1 Ld on one enemy unit, DS units do not scatter if in 6" of the Warlord)

Taking Marine Aspiring Champs for cultists.

Equipment focussing on nasty misdirection, perhaps similar to always on target deepstrikes ala ambushes. Icon of the Alpha Legion perhaps granting infiltrate.


Warpsmiths up powered

Ability to take Hellbrutes as Warlord.

Warlord traits focussing on tank hunting (the Lord and his unit gain armour bane once per game), blast weaponry (Blast weaponry can re-roll scatter dice if targeting same unit as Warlord, Once per game the Warlord can bring down a S8 AP3 large blast within LOS, full scatter) to into the breach type stuff (e.g. once per game +1 attack for everyone in  x inches/unit)

Equipment; Servo arms/mechandrites generally available and some other stuff. Icon of the Iron warriors may give a bonus to shooting (units firing together on the same unit gain preferred enemy - represents firepatterns).


Warlord Traits focussing on fear (Causes fear), nightfighting (can make it nightfighting the whole game), and speed (Gains scout), morale damaging stuff (-1 to all morale tests within x inches or for every model that the Warlord kills causes an additional -1), or CC gruesomeness (once per game all models have the Shred USR for CC). 

Equipment focussing on making fear tests harder, providing extra negatives to morale tests, e.g. torture racks. Maybe similar vehicle upgrades, NL Icon could give Fear and Night vision.

X number of Raptors troops.


Up powered Dark Apostle

Warlord Traits focussing on morale, religious stuff (e.g. once per game for every model the Warlord and unit kills creates a daemon  in it's place/ the Warlord may sacrifice a friendly model to the gods to regain a wound/roll on the boon table)

Equipment themed on religion, generating various focusses, could be more powerful than others but very double edged. e.g. Book of Lorgar allowing you to mimic a mark of Chaos each turn but risks the wrath of the gods each time you change (e.g. roll a D6 on a 1 or 2 you're spawned), Icon of WB while I'd like to say could give Zealot that would be way too powerful, I would say Crusader.


Those are just a few ideas I came up with off the fly. Hell I'd be tempted to write one myself.

I always liked the "I'm Alpharius!" rule i saw on a forum

it goes something like if your warlord is killed then you may chose another character and replace him with the Warlord but he now only has one wound

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I really reccomend that you guys go find a copy of the Iyanden book and look at it. Because the suggestions and wishlisting being thrown around based on it are way out of scale with what it actually contains. It's, like, a few pieces of wargear, a psychic lore for spirit seers, new warlord traits table, wraith lords can be your warlord and... that's about it? Doesn't add units, doesn't add new equipment options for units that exist, doesn't even shift force org slots around, even for your wraithlord warlord.


Seriously, we aren't talking about 3.0 style subcodeces here, it's mostly just a fluff release to encourage people to buy more of the new plastic wraithguard and wraithknights and maybe a few old plastic wraithlords as well. That's all. Unless we wee multiple new model releases themed around a single alignment/legion, we're not going to see one of these. We certainly won't be seeing nine of them, and even if we did they wouldn't be changing enough to satisfy old legion players anyway.


Is it even available yet? i-Tunes store is showing it as still in the pre-order stage. And at it's price you'd want to hope it was a full-blown 3.0 style sub-codex. I'll admit that us Aussies get stiffed on price, but that little supplement is coming in at AU$50, and for something that almost 2/3 the cost of a codex, I expect it to be almost 2/3 of the content, at least 60 pages. That's plenty of room for what I suggested above.


EDIT: i-Tunes has it's 'print length' at 121 pages. That's rather long for what you've listed there. You sure you're not getting mixed up with that little Alter of War supplement?



According to GW's website, only the pre-order for the iPad edition is currently released. The books aren't even on pre-order yet, unless it's in some corner of the website I can't find.


Another thing to keep important is that there is no guarantee that any supplements released after Iyanden will be in the same style as Iyanden. I think the same thing was sad about the Sixth Edition Codices. Look where we are now.


Although to be fair on the word count, there is supposed to be fluff and painting but since it's only one Craftworld and considering how much(or lack thereof) fluff was in our 104-page Codex(only one I can draw a comparison to since I don't have have access to any of the other new Codices), I doubt it's going to take up that much. Say, one page for wargear, one page for psychic lore, one page for the new warlord table, say two pages for additional rules, that still leaves 116 pages to be filled. Granted, considering how much space they managed to take up in Crusades of Fire, it's plausible for them.

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It's really not wishlisting if they're releasing supplements Nehekhare. It's a possibility.


no, supplements are a possibility and we can talk about how GW will probably realize/screw it up. What you guys do here is wishlisting about how you personally want those supplements to be and that is boring because I can do it better for myself and in the end it will not matter.

That first statement doesn't even make any sense. Some people are wishlisting, others are simply stating what legions should have what. If you don't want to read just another wishlisting thread then don't read it.

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supplements. possible. for chaos.


what you think something should have/be = wishlisting (as in: I want ... for xmas)


getting the sense now?


regardless of me wanting to read it or not, what you're doing serves no purpose - exept when you are writing your own fanmade supplement (in this case: good luck, don't care).


now, extrapolating from historical evidence how GW will possibly do a chaos suplement - serves the purpose of an educated guess about future rules. 


first educated guess: it won't look like what you wish for.

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EDIT: Well since everyone is basically wishlisting in some form or another of the IA articles and by extension, 3.5, historically there is a chance. The IA articles were supplements and they didn't turn out too bad. I think. I've yet to really hear anything bad about them.
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Supplements, possible for chaos.....maybe you should say it a bit slower, might make more sense.


I've never said in this thread what should be, just given examples to prove which legions are different enough to warrant a supplement.


Some people are wishlisting or giving educated guesses as to what a possible chaos supplement would look like. It obviously serves a purpose if people continue to discuss it, perhaps not to you but just don't bother other people if you don't like it.


Edit: spelling.

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I don't bother, discuss what you want to.


just be sure what that is.


because if you leave the grounds of evidence, you're no longer talking about the supplements, but about personal wishlists.


that is all i'm saying.


have fun

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Which legions are different enough from our current book? IMO, all of them. Every one. Even black legion. Even random mercenary group. The current book just doesn't do a very good job of representing team chaos in general, imo. But that's a problem with the codex. A codex that isn't varried and internally balanced enough to provide a range of functional builds and cover all the various subthemes of its faction is a bad codex.


Which Legions are different enough from each other, conceptually, to warrant a supplement? IMO, None of them. Not one. While a codex that can't adequately cover the subthemes of its faction is a poor codex, a subtheme that is so radically divorced from its faction that it isn't possible to cover it even in a good, well designed primary codex is a poorly concieved subtheme. Again, imo. Though I must admit that personally I just find the 'subcodeces/supplements' way of doing things extremely inelegant to begin with, and I want to see GW focus on designing good, varried codeces to begin with, not propping up bad ones or interrupting new releases, with these sorts of crutches.


Maybe I'm just overly biased, though, because while I don't want to see GW doing this kind of thing, I don't mind it as much from Forgeworld. Things like the seige of vraks list in some campaign book based around a chaos legion participating in that particular campaign wouldn't necessarily rub me the wrong way. But even then, rather that whole variant lists, I'd rather see supplemental units for the main lists that come with strings attached. like, a 'World Eaters' chaos legion list built around the Armageddon war, with khorne stuff from the daemon and CSM books and supplemental stuff like bloodcrushers could be cool. But I'd prefer just a 'bloodcrushers' unit for CSMs, perhaps with strings attached restricting their use to single alignment lists or something.



Mostly, I just want revised rules and options for some of the units in the book we already have. Actually fix the pot hole, don't just throw a board over it, which to me is what the supplement books people are asking for feel like.


And if we're being honest, both of those have about the same chance of happening. Because we're not going to see new supplements without new models to peddle, and because of the Chapterhouse debackle we're not going to see supplements introducing new units that don't have models. And if we do get new models for some of the lacking options in our book, they'll need to revise the rules if they want to sell them anyway, which is something they've actually been doing on and off in white dwarf over the last year or two. I'd much rather see something like that.

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If it offends you so much Nehekhare, one wonders why you bother reading and replying? Seems to just troll. If a thread like this is so offense to you, move on, don't read it and don't reply.

actually, of all things in this thread, only this reply of yours offends me - because it blatantly disregards what I have stated very unambigiouslyand yet very friendly just one reply above it.


k then. have a nice day.

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Nehekhare: :lol:


On-topic: I definitely think that the Chaos Codex needs a few supplements, but I doubt it will happen, sadly. I like Prot's idea, with more Chaos-y stuff for the Chaos Legions and more conventional items and less mutations/Chaos gifts for newer warbands. A renegade supplement would be nice too, but I'm not too sure what it could offer over a C:SM list.

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I personally believe the "Thousand Sons" will be the first legion (If any) to get a supplement book. The Iyanden book shows that GW aren't releasing these books (And yes I understand the importance of not making outright assumptions based on one book but 6th Ed books seem to have a similar release style.) based on a faction's popularity, rather they are releasing it to tie in with the newest releases. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a new plastic box for 1k sons to replace the current hybrid upgrade pack.


Another thing that I noticed is that the choice of Iyanden highlights bringing further light to an already well known faction, 1ksons would fit in well here too and their fluff almost runs parallel to Iyanden with most of their legion being "dead" in a abstract sense. Both factions also both have a sense of tragedy around them which helps to reinforce the grimdark idea of the setting, with the Thousand Sons being massacred after trying to do what's right and Iyanden fighting to survive after being brought close to destruction. These kind of factions are extremely identifiable to new players as who doesn't like an underdog?


Finally, the 1ksons would easy to fit extra new rules in for. Something as simple as a Warlord Table, Sorcerer's being to take Divination powers, some Legion relics would be fairly easy to do for a legion who's bulk unit is already covered in the main codex. I'm not saying it would be a perfect representation, but it would be better than nothing at the very least.

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And if we're being honest, both of those have about the same chance of happening. Because we're not going to see new supplements without new models to peddle, and because of the Chapterhouse debackle we're not going to see supplements introducing new units that don't have models. And if we do get new models for some of the lacking options in our book, they'll need to revise the rules if they want to sell them anyway, which is something they've actually been doing on and off in white dwarf over the last year or two. I'd much rather see something like that.


But Mali, they haven't really sold a whole lot of their new miniatures have they? Apart from the heldrake and maybe warp talons (for bits), the new chaos stuff hasn't really sold that well. This would be a new way to get people to buy those items.


Out of all the legions, Thousand Sons and Noise Marines are the ones I think that deserve a supplement. The current C:CSM is not a good book at all for a pure Tzeentchian player. Noise Marines have it a bit better, but they really should have the option to use sonic weaponry on things other than normal Noise Marines.

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But Mali, they haven't really sold a whole lot of their new miniatures have they? Apart from the heldrake and maybe warp talons (for bits), the new chaos stuff hasn't really sold that well. This would be a new way to get people to buy those items.


Do you have a citation for this? Where can we see how specific model kits are selling worldwide?

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No citation, just going by what I see on the shelves at local stores and the painting forums.


I suspect you're right about the Warp Talons, but I see Forgefiends everywhere.


Putting cult supplements out with a new box of plastic cult models and maybe a new plastic cult HQ would be all they really needed to do. I still believe that World Eaters would go first, because I think they have a broader accessibility in that I believe it's probably easier to sell "blood thirsty tough guys" to GW's younger demographic.


I would like to see upgrade sprues for cults like the Black Templar upgrade sprue. One or two sprues in a box to spread around an army made of regular kits would be better than having a separate set of, say, Rubric Terminators at $60 for five. Probably easier to do, too.

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Last I checked, GW was also in the business of selling books, not just toy soldiers.  If requiring someone to have a book to play by a faction's rules isn't incentive to get the book, I'm not sure what is.  This is one reason a Legions supplement could sell well.


If SMs get whole new codices for Blood Angels and Space Wolves, I don't see why CSMs can't get ones of their own.  Here's how I would divide the books, based on the "Depths of Darkness" a CSM warband or Legion has sunk to.


-Recently-turned (Fallen from Grace):  This is a subsection of the "Undivided Legions" book and represents a CSM force only a few decades or up to a century in their turning.  Daemon Engines can't be used and Daemon allies possibly can't be used either, but vehicles like Whirlwinds, Razorbacks, and Landspeeders can be used (though at a higher cost), as well as stuff like man-portable Plasma Cannons.


-Undivided Traitor Legions (In Damnation's Grip): This covers Legions like the Alpha Legion, the Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, etc.  The Mark of Chaos Undivided is restored and given some teeth (and Daemon Princes can now also have this mark).  Supplements like new Warlord traits are found here, as are Legion-specific variants to specific units (such as Raptors for Night Lords and Daemons for Word Bearers).  New Daemon Weapons are introduced.


-Mono-God Legions (Soulsworn to the Dark Gods): This covers the 4 mono-god legions (as well as DIY warbands that are devoted to a specific Chaos God), including cult-specific units, warlord traits, or daemon weapons, even cult-specific vehicle variants (such as Dreadnoughts and Predator tanks).  I'd like to see ones like Khorne made less monotonous--one fan conversion here, for instance, suggested replacing Havocs with "Eradicators of Khorne" who could use specific Heavy Weapons as Twin-Linked or with an Extra Shot once every two turns.  I'd certainly like to see Tzeentch-based Legions/warbands that have more than just Rubric Marines for troop choices as well (maybe generic Chaos Space Marines that have a chance to mutate during the game or have access to an Aspiring Champion with low-level Psyker powers).


One serious problem that may arise again is how to deal with "cheese" tactics that older Legions had (such as abuse of the old Iron Warriors rules or "daemonbombing" if Daemon Summoning makes a return).  There has to be a point where Legion rules make the old Legions more distinct without allowing "cheese" tactics to resurge.

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