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Which chaos legions should get a supplement


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Last I checked, GW was also in the business of selling books, not just toy soldiers.  If requiring someone to have a book to play by a faction's rules isn't incentive to get the book, I'm not sure what is.  This is one reason a Legions supplement could sell well.


Eh, by all accounts, the only reason GW sells books is so they can sell their plastic dude-mans.  This is completely the opposite of what my take on what their business should be, but it is what it is.

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Eh, by all accounts, the only reason GW sells books is so they can sell their plastic dude-mans.  This is completely the opposite of what my take on what their business should be, but it is what it is.

Companies like White Wolf, the old TSR, and the old FASA proved that tabletop gaming doesn't have to be miniatures-dependent to make good money.  And how much do GW novels sell again? 

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Yeah, I know.  GW though really seems to think that they're a miniatures company, and that pretty much everything else is just there to support the model sales.  Which is why the rules and whatnot are so derpy sometimes, GW just cares that there is enough of a game there so that people will have something to do once they buy and paint all the little toys.  They're less interested in the actual quality of the game (balance, scalability, clarity, whatnot).


It does explain some of the things that have happened over the years though.  If all you care about is model sales, then you're more likely to consider any cash money coming in from other sources to just be a bonus and not worry as much about the quality of say something like an animated movie set in the Warhammer universe.


It's just goofy though, it'd be like Disney deciding that they're a theme park company, and all the other Disney stuff (movies, TV shows, whatnot) are just an added bonus and are just there to increase demand for the parks.

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After reading about the Iyanden supplement and what is actually in it, I think it's probably better to think of the supplements as less than a "mini-dex that will allow me to finally play the Legion how I've always wanted" and more as an "index astartes article, with a couple of faction specific rules just for fun."


It might be a lot less disappointing to think of them that way.

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+++To the OP+++

So in the main dex we have:

  • Black Legion (Abbadon)

  • Red Corsairs (Huron)

  • World Eaters (Khârn)

  • Thousand Sons (Ahriman)

  • Death Guard (Typhus)

  • Emperor's Children (Lucius & Fabius Bile)

  • Word Bearers (Daemon Prince, Dark Apostle)

  • Iron Warriors (Warpsmith)

So, what's left? whistling.gif

Alpha Legion & Night Lords yes.gif

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I have to amend what I had posted earlier about this. I think each Legion should have one of their own, especially with how it is already being talked about how the more popular SM chapters would each get a supplement (not being a whole lot of rules anyhow, mostly fluff and I think 2 pages of rules for the current Eldar one that is coming out). Add in the pace at which GW is releasing codexes and figure a new edition is due in another five years, there are currently 15 different army codexes and they have released five and we are not even a year into 6th ed and the pace does not seem to be slowing down, what will GW do with all of that extra time between editions? 


Answer is probably fill it with things like Apoc books, mission books and supplements. So we probably will be seeing a ton of supplements.

With that in mind, I think there should either be one supplement for all of CSM that is a bit larger than the current Eldar one coming out, or one for each Legion. 


Just my two cents and what I think will end up happening.

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Yeah but they really need to work on their prices, because 39euro for a 60pages book..., its sad, but even if they do a World Eaters supplement, i'll wait *removed by Mod*


Thats the way GW should have gone...you own the dex?, get a -50% on the price of your supplement...



Let's not actively discuss illegal activities please.

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I wonder if the price is so high just so they can make up for the losses with everyone just taking free PDF copies.............

There is a balance to be appreciated here, though. Some people will always pirate it, and some will always buy it. The trick is to know the point where people who would generally be willing to buy a book draw the proverbial line. I paid over 100 dollars in books already this edition and I play only one army. Honestly, I would have bought the Daemons codex long ago were it not 50 Americal dollars plus tax.

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I wonder if the price is so high just so they can make up for the losses with everyone just taking free PDF copies.............

There is a balance to be appreciated here, though. Some people will always pirate it, and some will always buy it. The trick is to know the point where people who would generally be willing to buy a book draw the proverbial line. I paid over 100 dollars in books already this edition and I play only one army. Honestly, I would have bought the Daemons codex long ago were it not 50 Americal dollars plus tax.


Yet books for most other medium and use haven't suffered such a catastrophic increase in prices.  Good volumes for a price comparable to what they were twenty years ago aren't rare finds.

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I wonder if the price is so high just so they can make up for the losses with everyone just taking free PDF copies.............

There is a balance to be appreciated here, though. Some people will always pirate it, and some will always buy it. The trick is to know the point where people who would generally be willing to buy a book draw the proverbial line. I paid over 100 dollars in books already this edition and I play only one army. Honestly, I would have bought the Daemons codex long ago were it not 50 Americal dollars plus tax.


I agree, I think GW has actually hit that point for most Codexes. People will buy the armies they play, but not any others because of how much they cost.


I used to buy all the codexes and now I will only buy two (CSM and Daemons), the rest I will just DL and peruse in my spare time :P

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So, what's left? whistling.gif

Alpha Legion & Night Lords yes.gif

Alpha Legion (cultists - remember cultists were the only thing AL got that other subfactions didn't get in 3.5, so apparently they're the cultist legion in Kelly's head)

Night Lords (warp talons - remember about the only thing Night Lords actually got was unlimited raptor units, so in Kelly's head they'r the raptor legion and get super elite raptors, never mind that they're no good)

Kelly tried to give every legion something. He just didn't try particularly hard, compared to other books he's done.

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They got night vision (not exactly faction defining) and the option to take stealth as a vet skill - and all the vet skills are gone now. I agree that Night Lords as the 'raptor legion' or alpha legion as the 'cultist legion' or Iron Warriors as the 'basilisk legion' are all kind of dumb, oversimplified, and minimalistic, but that's what happens when your entire legion is defined for you by sublist rules instead of by fluff, and why I'm not excited at the prospect of the return of sublists in general.
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Aye. That wasn't directed at you Mali just at the idea. I agree though, the easiest way to represent everything wouldn't be to give us various sublists again (although I'd take that over what we currently have) but to give us the option to purchase vet skills. Veteran skills would give us the customization to create whatever we like, be it Hit and Run havocs, Tank Hunter possessed or something that actually makes sense like stubborn/fearless troops.

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A handfull of vet skills to choose from, perhaps some of them alignment restricted, would have been nice, yeah. Instead we get icons and 'VotLW', which don't really cut it, and on top of that are overpriced on pretty much every unit that can take them. Hatred of loyalists should have been a default special rule for all chaos marine units to begin with (the marines specifically, not cultists or other stuff).
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Yeah, I get the whole wanting to separate Legionnaires from Renegades, hence the "Veterans of the Long War" thing, but shouldn't the Renegades hate Loyalists just as much as the original Traitors? That part I never got.
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Not exactly. Their Cultists had to be Scouts(Infiltrate and Move Through Cover), Assassins(Infiltrate and Furious Charge), and Saboteurs(Infiltrate and Siege Specialists). Their Marines had the option of getting Infiltrate for 5 points per IC and 1 point per every other model. Provided the models were on foot. The "bonus" was that it didn't count towards the total number of skills they could get.
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i forgot to type "marine" units in there


Also I'm looking at it right now it says specifically on all undivided army that all units must have the mark of undivided. This means Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, and Word Bearers. Black Legion could take any of the other units and counts as troops.

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A handfull of vet skills to choose from, perhaps some of them alignment restricted, would have been nice, yeah. Instead we get icons and 'VotLW', which don't really cut it, and on top of that are overpriced on pretty much every unit that can take them. Hatred of loyalists should have been a default special rule for all chaos marine units to begin with (the marines specifically, not cultists or other stuff).


Yeah, there is an irony in paying for something they've spent 10,000 years propagating...hey ho. Worth it.

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