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Good Knight!

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Hello to you allMy name is Alexander [REDACTED], though on this forum you can call me Castellan Hawke. I chose this particular username because that will be the name of my Warlord in Warhammer. But some background would probably help here!

I am not new to this hobby, and I am quite familiar with a lot of the factions, but I have only played a handful of games with many a different army. I began this hobby when I was eight, when I got my grubby little mitts on the book Storm of Iron by Graham McNeil. Since then I have read a lot of warhammer novels, from the Ultramarine books to the old Farseer book.

Since readin Storm of Iron, I have collexted a bunch of random units, due to me thinking the armies worked like those of the Forgotten Realms, but in Space.Since then, I have played 1 game with Space Marines, 4with Orks, and 2 with aa small Imperial Guard force. None of them felt very satisfying, and I stopped playing for a good 5 years.

Well, I am out ofHighschool, and have some time to waste before I go to College, and a recent move to Lake Havasu, Arizona (I always thought the London Bridge woukd be biggerthan it is...), I dug uo some of my old Miniatures. With a nostalgia-filled heart, I dug up some books and decided to give it another go. I was not satisfied with my other arnies, so I looked at what I'm like in real life, and what I see myself to be in most any roleplaying game:

A Paladin. I always play the paladin. I always follow the rules, as well. So I flicked through the GW website, and found the Grey Knights. Perfect!


My only problem is that I have heard they are really, really cheesey, something I try to avoid in any army I design. So I will more than likely be posting in their forum about said cheese, and hope to get a fun list working.


Other than Warhammer, I am into Art (Drawing and painting specifically), Techno music, reading, and writing fluff. I am actually very good at writing ffluff.

I hope to contribute to these fine forums, and thanks in advance for any assisstance

-Castellan Hawke

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Welcome to the B+C.


The GKs arent as 'cheesey' as they used to be. And honestly, there is very little cheese in this game- just armies people havent taken the time to beat properly. So sayeth Depthcharge, and that man knew what he was talking about.


If you like Knights in general, and paladins in particular, you might also consider the Crusading Black Templars as a way to get your fix. The codex is old, but likely to be updated soon, and still quite competitive if you like.

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