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new nurgling


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Hi all. iv recently taken the plunge into gaming, been collecting and modeling for 14 years. myself and a freind are both going to be starting chaos armys and have our first 1000 point match on monday. now i dont know at all what to run (i only have dark vengance and a couple of other bits) SO deciding to run nurgle as i do love the look of typhus i was wondering if you could help with what to add. I was looking at



6 x 10 zombies


6 chosen

and maybe 5 raptors.[..very little anti tank is my only concern...i know ill be facing a forge fiend


any help on where to go? what to add?

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Is this everything you have at your disposal?

I´ll assume it is for now.

First of all I would rearrange the zombies into bigger squads maybe play 2*20 and 2*10. Put Typhus in a 20 man squad.

Next idea would be to covert the chosen into plague marines  --> 5 plague marines with 2*plasma. 

For anti-tank your best bet would be Obliterators, but the raptors will do ok-ish I guess for now.

For your next buy a Heldrake or Obliterators would be a good choice. They should have no problem in taking down the forge fiend.

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