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Hope it comes soon

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So i really hope our new Dex comes soon.. With THE new eldar coming out a lot of armys have lots And lots of nastys to throw at us.. ie tau, dark eldar, new eldar, spacepuppies, chaos etc .. So someone got an astropath message on when it arrivés ??


and how to go against these nastys like GK, TAU and new ELDAR ?

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So i really hope our new Dex comes soon...


I'm not sure I agree. Every Codex that comes out in 6th we get better even though we are still overcosted. Kinda scared to see what happens to us in 6th. I worry about the nerf bat.



getting better? i think not... GK have the ability to put a dent in your drop pods and locator beacons, our assault marines are tough as grass instead of nails , must i go on?

and yes we are OVERpriced so i'd like to see that changed... and i like to have a dreadnought libby and sang priest as HQ choice and the ability to buy artificer armor for our HQ and some elite troops like let's say sternguard ?

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getting better? i think not... GK have the ability to put a dent in your drop pods and locator beacons, our assault marines are tough as grass instead of nails , must i go on?

and yes we are OVERpriced so i'd like to see that changed... and i like to have a dreadnought libby and sang priest as HQ choice and the ability to buy artificer armor for our HQ and some elite troops like let's say sternguard ?


Let me clarify, I meant against the 6th Edition releases. Chaos Daemons and flamers don't instantly table us anymore, Tau no longer have so much S10 AP1 on the board and laugh at our mech, Eldar got a huge drop with Runes of Warding making Mephiston useful against them, etc... In that respect we are in a much better place than at the start of 6th Edition and if this trend continues we will keep getting better. Look at the Dark Angels Codex. Huge disappointment. I don't want that for our beloved Chapter.


Plenty I would like to see too, but if I was going to armchair quarterback the new codex, this is what I would expect will go poorly for us:


• Nerf to Death Company. Wouldn't be surprised if we got dropped to 1 attack.

• Nerf to Blood Talons. Re-rolls forever will be gone.

• Loss of Psychic Powers. No way we get our own Psychic Powers. It's back to the rulebook.

• No fix to Assault Marines. We'll be 17 points each like in the Dark Angels Codex. The only way these get fixed is if we get a better way to get them into Assault (i.e. assault after Deep Strike, assault ramps on Rhinos/Razorbacks, etc.) and I doubt any of that will happen.


Careful what you wish for...

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17pts/marine would be a significant change, especially if we no longer are forced to buy the veteran upgrade for the sarge. Right off the bat we save 20pts for every ten man squad. Plus, tacs get the same discount, as well and the huge price drop we should expect for hq choices and for priests. Even if nothing else changes, I won't complain.
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getting better? i think not... GK have the ability to put a dent in your drop pods and locator beacons, our assault marines are tough as grass instead of nails , must i go on?

and yes we are OVERpriced so i'd like to see that changed... and i like to have a dreadnought libby and sang priest as HQ choice and the ability to buy artificer armor for our HQ and some elite troops like let's say sternguard ?


Plenty I would like to see too, but if I was going to armchair quarterback the new codex, this is what I would expect will go poorly for us:


• Nerf to Death Company. Wouldn't be surprised if we got dropped to 1 attack.

• Nerf to Blood Talons. Re-rolls forever will be gone.

• Loss of Psychic Powers. No way we get our own Psychic Powers. It's back to the rulebook.

• No fix to Assault Marines. We'll be 17 points each like in the Dark Angels Codex. The only way these get fixed is if we get a better way to get them into Assault (i.e. assault after Deep Strike, assault ramps on Rhinos/Razorbacks, etc.) and I doubt any of that will happen.


Careful what you wish for...


-They can't nerf DC to 1 attack base. They might increase the cost however.

-Blood talons make the dreadnought incredibly specialized. Yes that specialization is good, but melee oriented walkers are always hard to pull off. Snippy dreads need to make it to combat, which often means they have to survive 1-2 turns of shooting.

-We will have our own psychic powers or at the very least for Mephiston to work he needs wings.

- Assault marines at 17 points are fine. All I want is the transport credit to increase when choosing a 10 man squad. What I really want is dark angel tactical squad pricing.

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-They can't nerf DC to 1 attack base. They might increase the cost however.

-We will have our own psychic powers or at the very least for Mephiston to work he needs wings.

- Assault marines at 17 points are fine. All I want is the transport credit to increase when choosing a 10 man squad. What I really want is dark angel tactical squad pricing.


Of course they can nerf the Death Company to 1 attack. They did it to the Khorne Berzerkers.


If you think we are getting our own powers, you're pipe dreaming. Mephiston may get one, but if Dark Angels don't get their own we won't either. I do hope we keep wings. I still want flying Dreadnoughts and Mephiston.


Transport credit isn't going to increase or they would have done that with the Dark Angels. 17 points is better, but not that great. 20 points isn't a big enough discount in my opinion. We need more. I'm hoping Red Thirst changes to Rage. That would rock!

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-They can't nerf DC to 1 attack base. They might increase the cost however.

-We will have our own psychic powers or at the very least for Mephiston to work he needs wings.

- Assault marines at 17 points are fine. All I want is the transport credit to increase when choosing a 10 man squad. What I really want is dark angel tactical squad pricing.


Of course they can nerf the Death Company to 1 attack. They did it to the Khorne Berzerkers.


If you think we are getting our own powers, you're pipe dreaming. Mephiston may get one, but if Dark Angels don't get their own we won't either. I do hope we keep wings. I still want flying Dreadnoughts and Mephiston.


Transport credit isn't going to increase or they would have done that with the Dark Angels. 17 points is better, but not that great. 20 points isn't a big enough discount in my opinion. We need more. I'm hoping Red Thirst changes to Rage. That would rock!


17 points is fine for assault marines. They score and have great mobility and 2 special weapons. 


Dark Angels never had any signature good spells except for mindworm, which they got on their special character. Wings is a staple for libby dreads and mephiston. Psychic powers are much more important to blood angels than it ever will be for Dark Angels. Chaos got their mark specific lores, and Eldar got 2 lores. I think we'll get our own.


Khorne bezerkers are a spammable troop that can score. They did that to put chosen at the front as the elite melee unit. Death Company is our elite unit - There needs to be a worthy trade off for the no-scoring feature and is 0-1.


I think your tone clearly indicates that you are being overly negative.

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if we are lucky Meph will get wings of sang. We will not have our own powers. At least...the chances are quite small. I bet the 5 maximum squad size for Sang Guard will be gone as its keeping them from making money and Sang guard would be sweet in 7 or 8s.

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Well, worst case scenario we just play using the C:SM or DA rules.  Marines are marines, WYSIWYG shouldn't be hard to satisfy.


Honestly, the only thing I really want is 65 point librarians and 15 point character jump packs.  I can live with everything else.

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The whole thing with a captian not able to get Artificer Armour seems really crazy to me.  Besides our characters were by far and away the worst nerffed with all the i1 power axe crap.  They really can't make then relic wepons or just two handed?  Poor astorath and dante will have to sit sixth ed out.  Also the Blood Angels masters of the air have a school bus to get them around up there why not let them have that mosquito looking thing the regular SM people got.

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Just out of curiosity, if our next book gears us up more towards the assault side of things generally, how would people feel about a Thirst mechanic similar to the DE Pain Tokens? Given that the background for us has consistently revolved around the individual challenge of every Battle Brother having to constantly keep the Thirst in check, and with the cauldron of combat heightening the onset of the Thirst and therefore increasing the personal challenge, could something like "Thirst Tokens" accurately illustrate it in game terms?

Say as a general example, at the start of the game, after Deployment as normal, you roll for the effects of Thirst, but this time for every 6 the unit gets Furious Charge only. Then, during the game, for every unit that squad destroys they get a USR bump. This would also apply to units which didn't start the game with a Thirst Token, and would represent some units feeling the effects before battle is joined, whilst others that start to succumb as the conflict ensues.

An example table could be something like:

1 - Furious Charge
2 - Hatred
3 - Fearless

...or, after Furious Charge you roll on a table of relevants USRs, up to a maximum of 3 buffs (based on 3+ enemy units killed during the course of the game). Picking what would be balanced and fair, not only with actual buffs but with how many, is the tricky bit - hence I'm not a game designer wink.png . A quick run through of the BRB USRs brings up this list of abilities that could somehow represent the effects of the Thirst as the Blood Angels succumb.

1 - Relentless
2 - Rage
3 - Fearless
4 - Counter Attack
5 - Fleet
6 - Hammer of Wrath (always on, even if using packs in the movement phase, and even for non-JP units, representing the force of the assault when driven by the Thirst)
7 - Preferred Enemy
8 - Shred
9 - Hatred

This isn't a wish list by the way, and I'm not advocating all of this or even any of it, I'm just trying to think of both a fluffy and mechanically workable system for it that will, for example, offset the loss of the Initiative bump from FC in this edition (because our new book almost certainly won't have it again); and also do better than the currently random (and statistically low probability) of getting any benefit for the game at all - which is decided before turn 1, and if you don't roll any 6s then tough.

Discuss... smile.png

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Overpriced and under-effective, same as now. Everything that's good in the new book when it eventually appears will be the new stuff to encourage us to buy new models. Those of us wishing to play standard/themed lists will be left in the cold. 


@Angelus Mortifer, what you've posted is practically identical to Dark Eldar with their pain token shenanigans, gaining one for every (non vehicle) unit they destroy. For that reason alone it won't be used in a new Blood Angels codex, as it's already in play with a very different race. FWIW; the DE version goes FNP>Furious Charge>Fearless in that order, which is the things BA get access to anyway with our special rules, so we're pretty similar already.

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@Angelus Mortifer, what you've posted is practically identical to Dark Eldar with their pain token shenanigans, gaining one for every (non vehicle) unit they destroy. For that reason alone it won't be used in a new Blood Angels codex, as it's already in play with a very different race. FWIW; the DE version goes FNP>Furious Charge>Fearless in that order, which is the things BA get access to anyway with our special rules, so we're pretty similar already.

Oh, I know, they're the other army I'm slowly collecting. I'm just asking whether the same mechanic could maybe work for us, but with slight differences to the application, and maybe a variance of the USRs used. In all likelihood we won't get anything similar and it will be a straight up replacement again to Chapter Tictacs (assuming the new C:SM will have that again), and maybe something through BA specific Warlord Traits (which would have a limited effect most likely).


No harm hoping for better though :)

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