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I am certainly not interested in a melee centric army. It never works - or rather, GW won't allow it. It creates a one dimensional game.


Gunlines aren't one-dimensional?  Melee has to be a legitimate threat or the game also becomes one dimensional.  At least melee requires maneuvering, 2 gunlines firing at each other is perhaps the most boring thing i can imagine.

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I am certainly not interested in a melee centric army. It never works - or rather, GW won't allow it. It creates a one dimensional game.


Gunlines aren't one-dimensional?  Melee has to be a legitimate threat or the game also becomes one dimensional.  At least melee requires maneuvering, 2 gunlines firing at each other is perhaps the most boring thing i can imagine.


It's about ability to retaliate. Gunlines can retaliate on one another. A melee centric army either makes it into melee (and wins) or gets crippled too much on the way in and loses. It doesn't have the ability to do anything else. In a game of multiple objectives, it has no choice but to get into melee to be effective. That's just bad game design because it creates a climate of escalation in the means of delivering your combat units to combat and mobility- Which GW is clearly against, having nerfed transports for assault purposes over the last two editions.


I like the current vibe we have, which is a good combination of both worlds.

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Gunlines aren't one-dimensional?  Melee has to be a legitimate threat or the game also becomes one dimensional.  At least melee requires maneuvering, 2 gunlines firing at each other is perhaps the most boring thing i can imagine.


I agree 110%. There is nothing worse than watching two armies sit there an entire game and just watch people rolling dice. Worst thing for the game ever IMO! f you want to out roll your opponent, have at it. I want to out maneuver and outthink my opponent.




It's about ability to retaliate. Gunlines can retaliate on one another. A melee centric army either makes it into melee (and wins) or gets crippled too much on the way in and loses. It doesn't have the ability to do anything else. In a game of multiple objectives, it has no choice but to get into melee to be effective. That's just bad game design because it creates a climate of escalation in the means of delivering your combat units to combat and mobility- Which GW is clearly against, having nerfed transports for assault purposes over the last two editions.

I don't really understand how you can possibly argue that gunline armies aren't static and one dimensional. Retaliate? You mean they roll dice. They sit there and shoot! If they get caught in assault they're dead and they normally can't even move up the board to capture objectives if they want to shoot effectively. I can't count the amount of games I played in where my opponent just had a shooting phase. I'm sorry, but that is boring as hell and much more one dimensional than an assault army. With assault armies (or armies with an element of assault), you can jockey for cover to mitigate damage, move in close and pick your targets, and do damage up close (just cause your assault oriented doesn't mean you can't shoot at close range).
Let's be honest here, GW changed up the game because everyone already had a ton of mech in 5th edition. When 6th came out, people bought more infantry and fortifications. Now when the new Space Marines Codex comes out, they can sell us the new tank that has assault ramps on it. All they did was shift the game around so you had to buy different stuff. If anyone thinks differently, you are just kidding yourself. Don't believe me? Go and listen to the interviews with Rick Priestly where he pretty much says the sale of models greatly determines how an army plays and it's the reason why units change their effectiveness book after book.
My hope for us in the new Codex is for Special Rules we get Rage across the board. Mechanics wise, I'm hoping for a throwback to older editions. If an enemy unit is within 12" at the start of the movement phase that unit rolls a D6 and on 1 gains Rage. If a Raging unit chooses to shoot in the shooting phase they can only snap fire. I also think it would be cool if Chaplains provided a 6" bubble and any unit that failed a Rage roll could reroll if they wished. That we be flavorful, be more useful than Red Thirst, and provide a bit of a draw back and show our how Blood Angels have an inherent blood lust. 
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Of course they roll dice, what do you expect? So do you when you crash your death company in a blob of guardsmen. That's the crow calling the raven black. Both the gunlines and the melee hordes use the movement phase this edition.


Say whatever you like about gunlines, they do not make the game a single track. A melee centric army MUST get stuck in to win. It doesn't have great shooting capabilities to fallback on if all else fails. It polarizes the game design too much. You either have a great way to deliver your models to melee or you don't. It takes away the fun of the game for your opponent, because you remove his ability to do anything about it. 


Remember rhino rush. There was no strategy involved whatsoever. Your opponent felt like he had 1 turn to roll the dice and see if he could do anything about it. Most of the they he couldn't. The game was at it's worse state then. It's been reigned in, maybe too much. Marines have not gotten worse in melee or other armies improved. The free delivery made it work because it couldn't be stopped. once you get in combat, all the guns in the world don't matter - and certain armies just cannot fight in close combat.


If the army stays on it's current path (medium to short range aggression, great armour) we will do great. If it goes back to I want all my dudes in melee we will lose out for sure. Leave that to Black Templars.


I am not saying we should not have good melee options. But staying away from being melee centric is the only healthy option for us.

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Wolf_Pack: I'll agree that previous editions did not have the best CC balances, but tbh I've never been so frustrated with a 40k edition. Gunline armies that you can't outshoot and can't get across the board to engage in CC make the game a lot less fun. A competitive Tau list will intercept anything you try to deepstrike, outshoot you if you build a mobile shooty list, and will destroy you before you can get close enough to assault. All they have to do is sit back and pick which targets they want to kill. 


There may have been some flaws with previous editions, but CC has been nerfed so hard that it's really hard to play with most CC oriented armies and win against a shooty army. 


I don't mid the new direction that GW is going in, but it's become imbalanced in the other direction... shooting > melee 


Look at the most underpowered armies in the game right now. Nids and orks come to mind first and both desperately need a new codex. On the opposite spectrum, Tau seems to be the most powerful imo. Asking every army to adapt to a shooty style just doesn't make sense to me.

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Wolf_Pack: I'll agree that previous editions did not have the best CC balances, but tbh I've never been so frustrated with a 40k edition. Gunline armies that you can't outshoot and can't get across the board to engage in CC make the game a lot less fun. A competitive Tau list will intercept anything you try to deepstrike, outshoot you if you build a mobile shooty list, and will destroy you before you can get close enough to assault. All they have to do is sit back and pick which targets they want to kill. 


There may have been some flaws with previous editions, but CC has been nerfed so hard that it's really hard to play with most CC oriented armies and win against a shooty army. 


I don't mid the new direction that GW is going in, but it's become imbalanced in the other direction... shooting > melee 


Look at the most underpowered armies in the game right now. Nids and orks come to mind first and both desperately need a new codex. On the opposite spectrum, Tau seems to be the most powerful imo. Asking every army to adapt to a shooty style just doesn't make sense to me.


Orks are underpowered and Tau overpowered? You have it reverse. Tau might have all the gizmos in the world, they can't hold objectives to save their lives at the end of the day. Orks can slap tons of scoring troops that can throw serious dakka and they have scoring biker Nobz to clean house.

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Of course they roll dice, what do you expect? So do you when you crash your death company in a blob of guardsmen. That's the crow calling the raven black. Both the gunlines and the melee hordes use the movement phase this edition.


Say whatever you like about gunlines, they do not make the game a single track. A melee centric army MUST get stuck in to win. It doesn't have great shooting capabilities to fallback on if all else fails. It polarizes the game design too much. You either have a great way to deliver your models to melee or you don't. It takes away the fun of the game for your opponent, because you remove his ability to do anything about it. 


Remember rhino rush. There was no strategy involved whatsoever. Your opponent felt like he had 1 turn to roll the dice and see if he could do anything about it. Most of the they he couldn't. The game was at it's worse state then. It's been reigned in, maybe too much. Marines have not gotten worse in melee or other armies improved. The free delivery made it work because it couldn't be stopped. once you get in combat, all the guns in the world don't matter - and certain armies just cannot fight in close combat.


If the army stays on it's current path (medium to short range aggression, great armour) we will do great. If it goes back to I want all my dudes in melee we will lose out for sure. Leave that to Black Templars.


I am not saying we should not have good melee options. But staying away from being melee centric is the only healthy option for us.


Rhino rush was fine.  People just whined about having to have a countercharge units, and sacrifice some units to buy time for others to fire.  Shooting armies were still playable even at the height of rhino rush (3rd).  Now, add overwatch to those rules, and you'd probably have a reasonably balanced game.  Add the ability to voluntarily fail a leadership test, and you could really use placement and even carefully chosen assaults of your own as delaying tactics that ended when you needed them to. 


Also, the big problem with rhino rush wasn't actually the rhino rush, it was 3rd's sweeping advance rules which let you make a new assault move if someone was in range.  Eliminating that solved the only real problem.


Highlights for such a ruleset would include the fact that the shooty army would have to make real tactical choices like 'which unit should i sacrifice to keep him from charging unit A so it can get another turn or two of shooting in?'  It would also have to move units on the board for reasons other than 'I ran out of things to shoot at'.

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getting better? i think not... GK have the ability to put a dent in your drop pods and locator beacons, our assault marines are tough as grass instead of nails , must i go on?

and yes we are OVERpriced so i'd like to see that changed... and i like to have a dreadnought libby and sang priest as HQ choice and the ability to buy artificer armor for our HQ and some elite troops like let's say sternguard ?


 Look at the Dark Angels Codex. Huge disappointment. I don't want that for our beloved Chapter.



Wow.  Im totally in disagreement.  I think the DA dex is one of the best, most rounded, balanced and fluffy marines dexs that has been designed since I can remember.  The only let downs are the fliers. Everything else is just really smartly designed and it has a great competitive ability.  

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I think as a wish list id have something to show combat prowess- maybe even +1 attack base.  Since we dont get the init bonus anymore, standard FC is just lame.  

Or, we can get the init bonus back?  Alternatively as someone else suggested, all BAs getting hammer of wrath would be cool.


Failing that, assaulting from disembark from rhinos would be all sorts of rad (even if its only stationary rhinos).  

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Taking the Ork/Tau example, in many instances it will boil down to who gets the first turn. If Orks go first, with a reasonable amount of fast moving Mech, they at least have the chance to be in the Tau faces early on, but will still weather a lot of fire going in, from both the Tau shooting phase and combined Overwatch/Supporting Fire. Throw in maybe a Kroot screen or a couple of cheap throw-away units and the Tau will still get a healthy 2 turns worth of shooting, but odds are the eventual game outcome will still be in the balance somewhat (which is good). They also get there without having to worry about Interceptor for the most part, and don't forget about the Tau JSJ mechanism that a number of their units have (thereby increasing the length of time they could still be shooting, with the right manouvering and so on).

If Tau go first, then most Ork lists will be reduced to footslogging as Marker Lights remove cover saves and most of a competitive list can either degarde their vehicles to wrecks, or outright blow them up from the outset. This makes it pretty one-sided from the get-go on most occasions, and no amount of numbers can realistically be expected to make a significant amount of impact if they do reach the Tau, at least most of the time. That slants heavily towards a lack of fun for one person.

Yes, this edition is heavily weighted towards the shooting phase, for now, but it's "possible" that by the time we get to our Codex release, they may still try to bump the assualt element (which is what we are ultimately famed for, and essentially provides a lot of the character for our Chapter). I think we can be confident that our shooting element will at the very least remain the same, if not be marginally better in line with other 6th Ed books (and C:SM will provide a decent indication of what we could expect), but assault has always been one of our flavours in addition to the broad utility of Marines in general. It's a recurring theme of the fluff, and has been mechanically illustrated in several previous editions of the game.

As much as Jervis Johnson can talk some utter piffle at times, I do remember an article he once ran in WD about game design: how they would come up with so many funky ideas that the end product just became clunky and unmanageable. Hence, they would scale things back and make a number of smaller changes that ultimately benefits the game a lot more. I concur with Mort that any buffs should be minimal but impactful to make a positive difference, but I also agree it should not be to the extent of making it one sided for whatever army you are facing.

Just exploring the example of Hammer of Wrath always being on as an army-wide trait, it mimics the previous Initiative bump from FC in some ways, but it's not overtly impactful as most of the attacks at I10 would be S4, AP-. Unless you have some very fortunate rolling, it could make enough of a difference to be meaningful (and characterful) without automatically deciding the combat beyond that initiative step.

Also, by weighting everything too much towards the shooting phase (with a bit of manouvering in the Movement phase just for the sake of it wink.png ), aren't you then marginalising even more some of the CC elements that are inherent in many books? Why take Sanguinary Guard if the current itieration of the rules makes it even less viable to field them? Why have them in the book as an option at all, no?

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Of course they roll dice, what do you expect? So do you when you crash your death company in a blob of guardsmen. That's the crow calling the raven black. Both the gunlines and the melee hordes use the movement phase this edition.


Say whatever you like about gunlines, they do not make the game a single track. A melee centric army MUST get stuck in to win. It doesn't have great shooting capabilities to fallback on if all else fails. It polarizes the game design too much. You either have a great way to deliver your models to melee or you don't. It takes away the fun of the game for your opponent, because you remove his ability to do anything about it.


I see plenty of gunline lists that don't move all game. My point is that's typically all gunline armies do. Sit there and roll dice. There's no tactical movement, no interplay of units, nothing going on but parking on a spot and rolling buckets of dice. I think they did well with the Eldar and the way they can move and shoot. That's an army that's interesting and has some finesse to it.


I understand what you are saying about a melee centric army and I agree. I take back what I said and you're right. They can fire back and still contribute to the game. Thunder Hammer Terminators stuck at the edge of the table are worthless all game. Not sure how one could fix that... We agree on one thing though, I don't just want the Blood Angels to be a melee centric army and hope we stay like we are medium to short range threats and strong armour.

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 Look at the Dark Angels Codex. Huge disappointment. I don't want that for our beloved Chapter.



Wow.  Im totally in disagreement.  I think the DA dex is one of the best, most rounded, balanced and fluffy marines dexs that has been designed since I can remember.  The only let downs are the fliers. Everything else is just really smartly designed and it has a great competitive ability.  


I think there is a lot of potential there, but the flyers are awful and so are the new Landspeeders. It's such a shame to have such nice models play so terribly on the table top.  My other big gripe is the weapon stats don't match their fluff descriptions. The Sword of Secrets is laughable as one of the greatest power swords ever created. Gave me a glaive encarmine any day.


The Blade of Caliban isn't even as good as a Power Axe, but apparently "only the champions of each company, having performed heroic and faultless duty, earn the right to wield one of these blades." No wonder why the Dark Angels almost turned to Chaos. Not even their greatest warriors get decent wargear!


Same thing with Traitor's Bane. Is a sword forged to "slay those who dared to turn their back against the Emperor" really a master crafted Force Sword? A lot of that stuff just seems off to me. My biggest beef is the Rift Cannon. Let's make a gun that "cracks a hole in reality itself" and make it S5 AP –. Um, what? It should have had the Distort rule like the Eldar have.


Am I too nitpicky? Probably. But the Blood Angels Codex has a lot of specialized gear and I'm really worried they are going to take all these weapons and just make them garbage for the sense of simplicity. Sorry for the threadjack...

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I want the BA to keep a close combat focus.  Not necessarily be an insane combat army, we're not Khorne worshipers (though most of my opponents think my BA have fallen to Khorne).  We need the ability to be shooty but we should have some kind of combat advantage over normal marines.

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It's been a while, but I agree with Mort, the DA codex is very balanced and fluffy. A motion towards it wouldn't be too bad for us, as long as it comes to design. Just keep the Stormraven. Maybe include some better rules for disembarking JP units(assault).


I know this is whishlisting, but as a shuttle bus driver down under I have quite some time to spent, pondering thoughts and matters.


I'd like to lose Astorath and the Sanguinor. They were silly to begin with, even though the models are outstanding. We never needed anything more than Lemartes as the most revered Chaplain, or Dante as the Commander and Lord of our chapter. Why include these for the sake of including new stuff? This might never come true, since the models are there already.


I've seen people writing about how Red Thirst should be Rage instead of FC, and I'd agree. What I'd like to see as Red Thirst, to make it more relevant in our games:


Roll at the beginning of every Movement phase. Include Astorath's 'bonus', so RT kicks in at 1-3. That should settle things a little bit in our favour when it comes to close combat. Also, it reminds me of the old days, where we had to roll for every unit at the beginning of the turn. 


Maybe, just maybe, decreasing the WS5 of the DC to 4, while increasing their initiative on the charge to 5. Make them not better fighters, but faster and more terrible. It's a genetic flaw, and not another 100 hours of combat drill. Call it Black Rage and nobody's going to raise an eyebrow. Also, it distincts DC from our other elite close combat units, such as Sanguinary Guards and Assault Veterans. The former could need WS5, just saying. ;)\

Also, cheaper JPs. Just to make DC more attractive, 5 points would be great, but 10 points is already a bloody lot.


Make Captains more attractive, more options and some special weapons in style of the new 6th edition codizes. Just to keep it balanced, and toss in a special ability to make them worthwhile compared to our other generic characters.



I'd like to pick up the Rhino assault - as a special drill ability for our Rhinos and Razorbacks. That means to overrule the BRB, but would it be overpowered? I don't think so, overwatch gave melee armies a slight disadvantage, and our melee focus could need a buff imho.


Sang Priests could need cheaper equipment, as every other generic character. 10-15 points per JP would do for a start. Option for AA at least on the HQ models.


Make Corbulo HQ, and include Sanguinary High Priests in the same slot. Wouldn't hurt to turn our background more towards known areas instead of Astorath and the Sanguinor(yeah alright I don't like 'em).


Descent of Angels could include Hammer of Wrath with every charge pulled off by a JP unit, although it's either this or Rage as RT, to keep the balance between melee and shooty elements, or let's say that people don't cry out in despair when I put down my Blood Angels. Fear, yes, but not utter despair. ;)


I think vehicles could be a tad cheaper despite of the Lucifer pattern engines. Not much, maybe 5-10 points. Baals could need 10, they are too expensive. Also, 70 points Whirlwinds!


Vanguards a bit cheaper, with overwatch they've lost the justification for the very high price. 





Everything else seems to be fine, really. An update to 6th edition shouldn't mean a complete overhaul. Just get the fluff all right and meddle a bit with the points and special rules, there you go!





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Oh, make our LRs fast vehicles.  We overcharge the engines of everything else - you think our techmarines are sitting there going 'we should tinker with everything else's engine performance, but don't touch the really big really shiny tanks'.  No way, those would be the first ones they messed with.

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You know what they should bring back? Veteran Assault Squads. The Vanguards are too expensive and you're forced to pay for Heroic Intervention. An overall decrease on JPs would be nice too. It would make a JP DC viable. And to be honest, I don't see us getting Assault Ramp Rhinos. 

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You know what they should bring back? Veteran Assault Squads. The Vanguards are too expensive and you're forced to pay for Heroic Intervention. An overall decrease on JPs would be nice too. It would make a JP DC viable. And to be honest, I don't see us getting Assault Ramp Rhinos. 


I so want a return of VAS.  I like Sanguinary Guard, but I want my VAS back.  Dante should make VAS troops, not SG.

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This is not so much wish-listing, but I've been thinking about a few other things that could be/should be changed based on the general discussions in the thread, and the general chat of what may change and what could be workable. Obviously the C:SM dex will at least give some indication of what could be possible as and when we get to our book, and again - I'm not saying my ideas are good wink.png .

Further thoughts and musings:

- Drop Pods: Clearly they won't allow assaulting from Pods within the main game (Lucius Pattern not withstanding for other Chapters), but let's think about what it means to be hit by a Drop Pod assault. Guess-timating it's about 10tons of Adamantium slab, which also contains anything up to 10 smaller slabs of adamantium armed with guns and chainswords, intent on eviscerating the enemy on arrival. I always felt it was not in-keeping with the fluff (I know, I know, fluff doesn't always translate to the game but...) how lowly guardsmen, or whoever, are able to react to a Pod and its contents landing not more than a few feet away from them, with no discernable side effect.

I think it should be something along the lines of a Pod that lands within 6" of an enemy unit forces that unit to take a Ld check (not Morale, so this would also effect Fearless units potentially). Units that fail that don't have Fearless suffer the effects of Blind (call it Shockwave or something), so those units are WS1 and BS1 for their next turn. For units that are Fearless and fail, they are WS and BS -1 for their next turn to take into account that whilst they don't fear the assault, the actual impact leads to a degree of disorientation or similar.

Ld checks and levels mean that "lesser" units are more susceptible to suffering from the assault, but still stand a chance of passing (mimicking the luck or planning of being able to anticipate the landing). Fearless units would still suffer as I think would be natural, but due to their Fearless nature, they are less likely to be as hampered as normal units/creatures etc.

- Dreadnoughts: These guys really suffered in this edition. No real discernable buffs, but certainly a few drawbacks now. I think they missed a trick (reinforced by all the new big kit MCs that are now appearing, as well as the general buffs that MCs got in 6th Ed) by not making Dreadnoughts the potent force they're meant to be, given their size and various armaments. So, what about some form of Hammer of Wrath/Impact damage on the charge (because why wouldn't they get something like that..?!!), or an I10, S6, AP- sweep attack that hits all models in B2B at the beginning of every round of combat (i.e. the I10 fight step each turn)?

Dreads should be able to plow through low T lightly armed infantry (where S6 and the horde seems a fair match up), but obviously take a bit longer to get through more heavily armed opponents (where AP- won't impact adversely against 3+ armour). Maybe also consider the option of 1-3 as a squadron within whatever FOC slot that applies to the Dread type?

Means GW get to sell more kits by making them more viable without breaking them adversely in the rest of the game. Could something like this be workable? Thoughts? (n.b. whilst this is more of a generic musing that has more immediate relevance to the next Marine book, it still has implications for options and design of these units in the BA book too)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question for you brother Angels because yes, I won't let this thread die just yet ;)


How would you feel if they expanded Decent of Angels to include a Drop Pod Assault/DA Deathwing Assault type mechanic: i.e. Jump Pack units in your army held in DS Reserve are divided by two rounding up, and the majority "half" arrive in the first Turn with only D6" scatter? All remaining JP units in Reserve arrive using the normal Reserve rules thereafter. It would be quite fluffy given the existing background, and would differentiate a little more an arguably Codex-divergent Chapter (not saying that to get into "that" conversation here, but to try and illustrate a particular traight you don't see in the vast majority of other Chapters, according to background).


Questions though...

- should this apply to just JP Troops units?

- should this apply to all JP units across the board (assuming units like Tacs, for example, have enough of an improvement/change to ensure that BAs don't become just a JP army only, with no other builds viable or taken)?


Considering the flexibility of special weapons in a basic Asst Squad, you could pick and choose the most appropriate unit to come down to challenge basic Infantry (x2 Flamers), or Elite units/Light Armour (x2 Plasma), or straight up Heavy Armour (x2 Melta)... or combinations thereof. That's before you consider more specialised units, e.g. Plasma Honour Guard, Sang Guard, 1st Turn Vanguard Vets (would/could they still Heroically Intervene if you got 1st Turn?). You also get strength of numbers and a potential focused assault early in the game that fits the dynamic of Astartes being the scalpel (shaped like a 12lb lump hammer :) ).


Again, just spit-balling ideas; not saying what should or shouldn't happen with our book when they update it.

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Can I just say: I really, really hope Matt Ward is still in charge of BA.


People hate on him a lot, but personally, I'd rather have a Matt Ward codex than anything else. His fluff might be a bit off, but the BA codex is one of the best out there, competitive or no. 


The only thing I'm dreading is that they'll screw up the feel of the army by adding OTT, tacky models like they did with Chaos (Fiends, Hellbrutes).

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The biggest reason I DON'T want a new dex is that our psychic powers will inevitably be gone. Can you imagine a Mephy who's no longer mobile? I don't want to.


While I don't have any experience with the last few editions (went on 40k hiatus and am just making my way back into it), I'm actually pretty stoked with the whole allies thing. It provides those of us with outdated dexes the ability to fill holes and weaknesses within our own dex. While there's not much you can do about our unique units, there are things you can do to replace the generic ones. Want HQs to have AA? Take a DA one. Don't see the need for tacs and scouts to have RT? Take a couple from DA. (You can easily pick up cheap tca kits from DV sellers and paint a shoulder pad or two green on your scouts temporarily) Same goes for cheaper LS upgrades, etc. I don't see the need for a Whirly to go fast since its mostly just needs to nuke those dudes who just went to ground.


While I plan on fielding a BA army that thrives on fast attack, we still need more boots on the ground to hold and score at the end of the game. As much as it pains me to field an army not completely made up of BA, I understand that I have to make the best of what I've got to work with. I'd rather do that compared to possibly seeing some of our strengths nerfed to make other generic units more affordable.

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@p34ce, i kinda do hope ward is on the BA's project as well although i hope he writes's a well written book. I also play Daemons of Chaos (Fantasy and 40k), and the daemons of chaos book (Fantasy) wasn't one of his bests. It has allot of nice things but certain units got over nerfed and allot needed an FAQ like the reign of chaos chart and their weapons.


@gory_v, i don't think we will lose our psychic powers although if we do i think characters like Mephiston could become independent characters, which could be nice.


Also with the book being overprice, i honestly can't see it being that bad. The Van/Stern-guard and Jump DC are ridiculously overprice but other then that you get for what you pay for. I have been play mostly mech angels and have still been able to compete with all the other armies, my biggest problem so far would have to be Space wolves.


But back on topic, i think we could possible have assault pods or something of the like and i think i saw someone suggesting assault rhinos/razors that would be amazing! i would love to field a more Mech/Assault type list.


That's just my thoughts.

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@Mustard Mountain

Yeh, although to be honest, I'd be happy if the rules were good and strong. I couldn't care less about most of the fluff, I mean this isn't ever going to be Shakespeare.


Have to wonder why Jump DC is even an option. Like a lot of people, I use the DC box as a BA bits box, with enough extra to put together some nice DC lol. The bottom halves of the DC jump packs are great to make normal packs a little more Blood Angely (MOAR CUPS AND BLOOD).


So long as they don't mess with our ASM/Priests, and fix our poor damned Captains.

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