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I want to run a viable captain so badly but every time i look at him i think i can just run my libby in termy Armour and SS and he would be just as effective.


Hell, it's hard to even justify a Reclusiarch in most lists. I mean, Ward and co. couldn't have missed how much more the current codex favours librarians - then again, without Divination, everyone would just use Mephiston instead of two libbys.


I have a beautifully kitbashed captain that I would love to use, one of these days.

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6E hurts us a quite a bit yea.


Unwieldy power axes

Mephi lost a warpcharge since he could use his sword in addition.

FC is worse

FNP is worse

Disembarking from rhino's is devastatingly worse.



It's the poorly designed aspect that still bugs me the most though.


One man units. Just make them IC's that can't join anyone. (we even lost the free skilled rider etc in 5E)

Mephi's wings are strictly worse then a basic jumppack.

No non-jump option for lemartes.

Glaive encarmines are strictly worse then a normal power sword and a bolt pistol.

No art-armor for anyone.

Hideousy expensive jumppacks. Descent of angels is rarely ever used, but you ALWAYS pay through the nose for it.

Non-sensical errata. Because of stupid templating a libby furioso can't take extra armor.


One thing is absolutely amazing in 6E though. IMPACT HITS.

I bought Dawn of War 2 just to crash into units with a jumppack. It's awsome!

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No non-jump option for lemartes.

Glaive encarmines are strictly worse then a normal power sword and a bolt pistol.

No art-armor for anyone.

Non-sensical errata. Because of stupid templating a libby furioso can't take extra armor.



The Lemartes thing bugs me to no end. There can't be more than two or three people out there using JPDC in any number large enough to justify his being included. Its such a nice model, too. Have any of you used him with foot DC instead of whatever you'd normally use?


The Libby Furioso thing is just another glaring indictment of their lazy copy-checking efforts.


How's about this: what I want out of the new Codex: Blood Angels is for there to be no typographical errors, no rules misprints, no missing wargear, and no ambiguous upgrades. Hell, make the Librarian Furioso a separate unit like the DC one. It's like they made it an upgrade because making it a unit would knock the page layout out of whack. ;)

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In 5th we used Lemartes in a Raven with Foot DC.


In 6th putting anything that doesn't have Eternal Warrior or a 3++ save in a Raven is retarded...




OK, so what are the BA shortcomings, what are their strengths and what will the new C:SM hold? Those are the things that need looking at first.


BA scoring Troops are terrible. Overcosted for their impact on the table. Please try and tell me that Assault Marines are good now that Eldar have 17pt Jet Bikes. Tactical Marines will ALWAYS be bad until they give them all Bolter, Bolt Pistol, CCW and a way to buff their damage output from shooting. We will see how C:SM deals with this. The obvious answer would be allowing 2 Special Weapons like Grey Hunters and BA Assault Marines. Scouts are Scouts.


HQ again is a very lacklustre section. Dante could be AWESOME for 225pts with Hit and Run and an Iniative 6 AP2 weapon. Instead he is a display piece. Same with Astorath. Same with Lemartes. Mephiston is good, but has HARD counters. Captains and Reclusiarchs are redundant next to 100pt Librarians.


C:SM are apparently getting monstrous Terminators and a Super Dreadnought Monstrous Creature.


What GW need to do is look at the Space Wolf book and the Dark Angels book and permit us to build an army in the way the Tau can where everything is vastly customizable yet well costed. Space Wolves have this. Dark Angels have this to an extent. 


Oh and I wouldn't say no to Techmarines with Thunderfire Cannons

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Well that burst my bubble, I did not know that =(


Only models in base contact get the bonus too.



The Lemartes thing bugs me to no end. There can't be more than two or three people out there using JPDC in any number large enough to justify his being included. Its such a nice model, too. Have any of you used him with foot DC instead of whatever you'd normally use?


I used to put him in a Stormraven with foot slogging DC and that worked really well. With the switch to flyers in 6th Edition I'd never do that now. It's just too risky. I wouldn't footslog Death Company either. Makes them to easy to avoid. For me its either DC in a Pod or a LR. Anything else is just a waste IMO.

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When you give ordinary marines CCWs, it seems to make jump units totally redundant. I don't think I've ever seen Skyclaws in the flesh. I like my jumpers personally, I'd be sad to see them totally marginalized. Maybe some sort of enhancement to DoA? I mean, how many boxes of ASM would GW sell without BA? sweat.gif

I'd also like Combat Tactics for ours. I don't see how or why Red Thirst functions as a substitute (like Stubborn) - if anything, it should replace CT when you 'fail' your roll. Fearless isn't exactly a buff, Furious Charge is barely a buff...

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I put guys in my Stormraven all the time. If there's interceptor on the table, I place my Storm raven so that the guys inside Skies of Blood out within 6" of my ground forces with locator beacons. I always take 1-2. Interceptor shots occur after the flyer has finished its movement, correct? Skies of Blood happens during movement, so they arrive safely. That and it's a nice way to overload a weak enemy flank since turn 1 our Rhino's cook 24 inches.

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I put guys in my Stormraven all the time. If there's interceptor on the table, I place my Storm raven so that the guys inside Skies of Blood out within 6" of my ground forces with locator beacons. I always take 1-2. Interceptor shots occur after the flyer has finished its movement, correct? Skies of Blood happens during movement, so they arrive safely. That and it's a nice way to overload a weak enemy flank since turn 1 our Rhino's cook 24 inches.


This is a good way to nullify Interceptor, but you are still bringing in a unit that at best doesn't get to charge until Turn 3 if you are using Skies of Blood. It's definitely clever and worth trying, but my worry is that I'm keeping a unit off of the table that isn't evolved until mid to late game. Do you have the Locator Beacon in the Rhino? What unit can take that?

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You can put a locator beacon on the storm raven itself, but you can't use it the turn the raven shows up since the locator beacon rule specifies that it must be on the table at the start of the turn that you use it. So at best that way you can disembark your troops by turn three without deviating within 6" of the raven but they still stand can't assault or move till the next turn
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