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Chaos Tactica: the new (6th ed) Eldar Threat


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He didn't have 5 prisms in the game. To clarify me earlier statement his exact loadout depends on what size game I play but it's usually 2-3 Wave Serpents and 2 Prisms or 1 Prism and a Nightspinner.


I've heard bikes, but from my experience with Eldar I'm not optimistic. Even with Nurgle bikes boosting to get the 4+ cover saves my opponents usually can force enough S6 and S7 saves to kill them anyway. Warp Spiders and Dark Reapers are especially effective in my experience against Bikes.


While it's not craftworld Eldar, I did use Nurgle bikes against Dark Eldar. They died in the first turn as he took them out from the other side of the board. They died before they could do anything at all, even with T6. And craftworld Eldar IMO have even better shooting.


I mean, I appreciate all of these suggestions, but I've tried alot of what people are suggesting and it's just not working. I don't know if it's just because I'm a bad player or the Eldar players are really good, but nothing seems to work against Eldar save for Blastmasters, and even then the Eldar can still counter.


Let me clarify my position: I play mechanised Eldar also. Pretty exclusively from 2006 to 2011 when the BA dex was released. 2 prisms, 2 waveserpents and a unit of warp spiders are my staple choices from 1000-2000pts.


I'm just telling you the units that I am wary of, and are high on my target priority list when I play as mech eldar, as I know they can damage me.


Have you considered that the units we are telling you to use don't work for you precisely because your opponent realises their threat and target them and kill them quickly?


The new eldar are nasty. I only got in one game with them, but they have the ability to concentrate a lot of firepower in a very small area.


Eldar have a weakness against deepstrikers and 2+ armour. The latter is mitigated somewhat by the bladestorm rule, but if they BS you, then you should be pretty much in assault range, or definitely in rapid fire range, both of which eldar dislike.


Eldar can sacrifice the scatter lasers to take starcannons to deal with AP2, but then they lose the powerful laser lock and volume of fire. They really only have the fire prism to deal AP2 damage at range, and if you spread out, it can only hit one model per turn.


Eldar are also weak against AV13. AV12 and below is easily dealt with by the rest of the army. AV14 has a unit of fire dragons assigned to it. AV 13 is a waste of fire dragons (trading a 130pt unit of dragons for a 130pt predator...), your scatter lasers cannot hurt it, you have to devote a fire prism on lance mode to it, also using the farseer resource to guide it. Put it hull down, and the pred will still most likely survive.


Likewise, daemonic AV12 with it will not die are harder Eldar to glance to death.


Dare I day it, a nurgle mutilator in the eldar deployment done (near their scoring) will also cause problems, and delay the eldar offensive for a turn.




And just to continue the rant:





Dark Reapers

2 Squads of Dire Avengers each in Wave Serpent

2 Fire Prisms

Warp Spiders


At 1500 I usually play:



5 rangers

2 prisms

avengers in serpent

dragons in serpent


3 jetbikes

something else.


Your regular opponent has to disembark to score. Punish him when he does.


Deepstriking termies with a heavy flamer will take out the reapers/rangers in one turn. Put units behind his lines, then his tanks rears will be exposed to someone. Infiltrate 10 slaanesh FNP termies. That would be a nightmare.

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Even lowly guardians have a decent shot at dealing with DSing terminators. They will have one shooting phase and one overwatch to handle them, and even if they get into combat, the guardians will strike first anyway, quite possibly downing another one before the mangled remains of the squad is allowed to attack...


My experience against Eldar has mostly been a losers experience. Rending barrage large blasts, lots of high-S shots, extremely mobile bikers that can retreat out of my effective range...yeah...I don't have much in my arsenal to oppose them...

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Let me clarify my position: I play mechanised Eldar also. Pretty exclusively from 2006 to 2011 when the BA dex was released. 2 prisms, 2 waveserpents and a unit of warp spiders are my staple choices from 1000-2000pts.


I'm just telling you the units that I am wary of, and are high on my target priority list when I play as mech eldar, as I know they can damage me.


Have you considered that the units we are telling you to use don't work for you precisely because your opponent realises their threat and target them and kill them quickly?

Well I'm sure my opponents are good players who can recognize dangerous units when they see it. That being said I like to think of myself as a good player in my own right who usually rolls pretty well. I've used a variety of units against them and I've seen Eldar in other matches.


I do appreciate your comments on Eldar from that perspective, but in my experience as such, the Eldar are just too cheesy and too nasty for me to deal with. While I certainly appreciate your advice and I strive to apply it, I can't really ignore the seeming fact that the Eldar are just plan better overall as Codex compared to the Chaos book. Every battle, no matter what strategem I employ, is an uphill fight.


If it was just one guy then maybe I could dismiss it as an outlier, but it's usually all these other players at my local meta who also factor. Eldar basically dominates my local gaming scene, against everybody except perhaps Tau or DE.

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Just a vague thought, but would this potentially be a thing?  Three baledrakes and three termi units (one with flamer) all in reserve.  Something something for the rest of your units, and just hide them the hell away out of LOS?  Maybe take something to rejigger the reserve rolls.  DS all the termis, flamers on the rangers, and hope for the best?


Right now it sounds like between the serpent's shield, the jinx saves, and their ability to focus fire, you're getting eaten up before you can manage to respond.  Maybe hiding until the big guns show up, combined with dropping big targets all up in their grill, might work?

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Oh yea, I think I've said somewhere else that the Eldar codex, in every way, is a better codex than CSM.


Better fluff, better rules, better new models, the army synergises.


I think Chaos, again, were a bit of a rush, and already half fitted in with the idea that they wanted, so ported the Champions rule and added some new units, which were all essentially the same (daemon engine).

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